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  • (Mar 16th 2012 01:02 )The Seoul Arts Center' 서울예술의 전당 ( recorded by Antoinette_ ), American (California)

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  • 2000 bilingual phrases – 4 ( recorded by Thomas ), American (Texas)

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  • 2000 bilingual phrases – 4 ( recorded by davebirds ), American (Midwest)

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    1. He appeared as Don Juan.
    2. The ghost appeared to him at midnight.
    3. He appeared on a charge of murder.
    4. By appointment to H.R.H.
    5. We've got an appointment.
    6. I don't approve of your decision.
    7. She doesn't approve of me.
    8. I'm apt to be away at the weekends.
    9. Only children are apt to be spoiled.
    10. He is apt to cause trouble.
    11. She came in on her father's arm.
    12. I'd give an arm and a leg to have her job.
    13. He is a Bachelor of Arts (B.A.).
    14. The Smiths asked me to dinner.
    15. It's ours for the asking.
    16. He asked for it.
    17. It was the first time he asked Jane out.
    18. The salary attached to the post is £1,000.
    19. He is attached to the Russian Embassy.
    20. There are no strings attached.
    21. The soldiers came to attention.
    22. All the soldiers stood to attention.
    23. He paid no attention to my warnings.
    24. He averaged 100 kms per hour.
    25. He averages 12 hours of work a day.
    26. He was a man of average height.
    27. Next Sunday we are playing away.
    28. He is away for a week.
    29. Away with you!
    30. Away with taxes!
    31. He is the baby of the family.
    32. She's having the baby in the hospital.
    33. That's not my baby.
    34. The poor woman was left holding the baby.
    35. She turned her back on her family.
    36. I've got my back to the wall.
    37. If you scratch my back, I'll scratch yours.
    38. I was glad to see the back of him.
    39. I know this region like the back of my hand.
    40. The farmhouse was at the back of beyond.

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  • 2000 bilingual phrases – 3 ( recorded by JabberVox ), North American Standard

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  • 2000 bilingual phrases – 3 ( recorded by Greyjoy ), Australian English

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    1. Act your age!
    2. She doesn't look her age.
    3. Age is beginning to tell on him.
    4. She has come of age.
    5. We are in the atomic age.
    6. We've been waiting for you for ages.
    7. We are months ahead of schedule.
    8. Gloria came to the aid of her boyfriend.
    9. They went to the aid of the sinking ship.
    10. His only aim in life is to finish his work.
    11. He aimed his rifle at me.
    12. What are you aiming for in this life?
    13. There is something in the air.
    14. We are on the air from 7 to 8.
    15. We are going to put a new programme on the air.
    16. He likes to air his knowledge.
    17. Suddenly he vanished into thin air.
    18. My girlfriend likes to put on airs.
    19. He has the air of a gentleman.
    20. Our holiday plans are still up in the air (undecided).
    21. All four were there.
    22. They chose him, of all people.
    23. He advanced on all fours.
    24. It cost him all of £100.
    25. It was not at all nice.
    26. It rarely rains here, if at all.
    27. He is about 60 for all I know.
    28. The time went by all too quickly.
    29. The score stands at 3-all.
    30. He was very aloof with me.
    31. He is a very aloof person.
    32. A cup of coffee would not go amiss.
    33. Don't take it amiss.
    34. There's something amiss with the machine.
    35. He's not exactly the answer to a maiden's prayer.
    36. What do you make the answer?
    37. Our prayers have been answered.
    38. That is the answer to my dreams.
    39. I demand an apology.
    40. I owe you an apology. 

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