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  • 2000 bilingual phrases – 09 ( recorded by melveetas ), Canadian

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    1. He is bound by ties of friendship.
    2. John is bound up in his work.
    3. This is beyond the bounds of decency.
    4. You're out of bounds.
    5. He was bound hand and foot.
    6. He blew his brains out.
    7. I was racking my brains to solve it.
    8. He knows which side his bread is buttered on.
    9. Man does not live by bread alone.
    10. Let's wait for a break in the weather.
    11. We had a lucky break.
    12. He broke away from the guards.
    13. He was out of breath.
    14. He took a deep breath.
    15. The poor man was gasping for breath.
    16. Save your breath.
    17. It's like talking to a brick wall.
    18. He came down on us like a ton of bricks.
    19. He was as bright as a button.
    20. Look at the bright side of things.
    21. They robbed the bank in broad daylight.
    22. It is as broad as it is long.
    23. He passed the buck to his friend.
    24. I want to make a fast buck.
    25. The poor old man kicked the bucket.
    26. We can't go out. It's raining buckets.
    27. He's got the painting bug.
    28. There is a bugging device in the room.
    29. What's bugging you?
    30. He bummed £5 off me.
    31. He did a bunk with the money.
    32. He is making my life a burden.
    33. He carries a heavy burden.
    34. I don't want to burden you with my problems.
    35. He buried a dagger in his heart.
    36. He buried his face in his hands.
    37. They buried the hatchet.
    38. He was buried in thought.
    39. He buries his head in the sand.
    40. To write his books, he buries himself in the country.

  • 2000 bilingual phrases – 09 ( recorded by damnthenonsensical ), English

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  • April 7th 2012 :in the late evening/ Nan-ji Han-gang park 난지 한강 공원 ( recorded by bananaman ), British English (London)

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  • 2000 bilingual phrases – 14 ( recorded by buronuin ), Australian

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    1. We sent it under separate cover.
    2. They took cover.
    3. Don't cover up for him.
    4. We left at the crack of dawn.
    5. He is not as good as he is cracked up to be.
    6. He left at a cracking pace.
    7. Get cracking.
    8. My brother is crackers!
    9. Your honesty does you credit.
    10. They don't give credit in that shop.
    11. He gives me the creeps.
    12. She has a good crop of hair.
    13. They cropped up out of the blue.
    14. He is very cross with me.
    15. Suddenly an idea crossed his mind.
    16. I have a crush on her.
    17. People we're crushed against the barrier.
    18. Virtue is a far cry from vice.
    19. It was in full cry after its prey.
    20. At the last moment he cried off.
    21. To cut a long story short, they got married within two months.
    22. He cut a notch in the butt.
    23. And soon he cut his teeth.
    24. We have cut it fine.
    25. That cut his arguments to pieces.
    26. His cut was 20%
    27. Don't cut him in on the deal.
    28. Death cut him off in his prime.
    29. We were cut off by the flood.
    30. We made a dash for the exit.
    31. The waves dashed against the cliff.
    32. The young rascal dashed past.
    33. His hopes were dashed.
    34. I'm up to date on the news.
    35. Who is your date tonight?
    36. The hotel had seen better days.
    37. I saw her again the next day but one.
    38. I'll be back this day week.
    39. Let's call it a day.
    40. You must save for a rainy day.

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