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English Recordings

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  • Castle Roche ( recorded by vankrot ), British

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    A few miles from Dundalk, there are the ruins of Castle Roche. It was built by a woman called Rohesia. She wanted a castle built on a high hill overlooking all that she owned. She said that any man who could build the castle to her exact specifications would gain her hand in marriage and with it, half her lands. Now it wasn’t long before men were lining up to build the castle. Rohesia looked at them, and she made her choice. She selected a young man, and he built her the castle. True to her word, Rohesia married. And she took the hand of her new husband and led him up the stairs to the bridal chamber. She directed him to the great window to look out over all the lands that he now owned: the fields, the sheep, the cattle; and marveling on his good luck, he felt her hand on his shoulder. And as he turned to kiss her, she pushed him from the tower window. He plummeted to his death. Now if you go to Castle Roche, and look up at that fateful window, the wind might start to sound like a shriek, you might think you feel a presence coming closer to you, perhaps the doomed bridegroom, or maybe, it’s Rohesia, the murderous widow, determined to keep her secrets at any cost.

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  • Castle Roche ( recorded by jokeeffe ), American (Northeast)

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    A few miles from Dundalk, there are the ruins of Castle Roche. It was built by a woman called Rohesia. She wanted a castle built on a high hill overlooking all that she owned. She said that any man who could build the castle to her exact specifications would gain her hand in marriage and with it, half her lands. Now it wasn’t long before men were lining up to build the castle. Rohesia looked among them, and she made her choice. She selected a young man, and he built her the castle. True to her word, Rohesia married. And she took the hand of her new husband and led him up the stairs to the bridal chamber. She directed him to the great window to look out over all the lands that he now owned: of the fields, the sheep, the cattle; and marvelling on his good luck, he felt her hand on his shoulder. And as he turned to kiss her, she pushed him from the tower window. He fell plummeting to his death. Now if you go to Castle Roche, and look up at that fateful window, the wind might start to sound like a shriek, you might think you feel a presence coming closer to you, perhaps the doomed bridegroom, or maybe, it’s Rohesia, the murderous widow, determined to keep her secrets at any cost.

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  • Kamala Harris & Joe Biden ( recorded by alexmacomposer ), American, Mainland/Beijing Standard

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    insPIRE – PREsident – possiBIlities – BIden – beCOme – KAmala – INdia – REsearcher – CaliFOrnia – JaMAIca – HArris – SEnate – aTTORney

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  • Instructions ( recorded by deleted ), unspecified accent

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  • Instructions ( recorded by Owain78 ), London, Neapolitan

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    Listen and write the sentence:
    "My birthday is on the 30th of October."
    "My birthday is on October 30th
    Circle the word "birthday".
    Underline the month.
    Highlight the number.
    Answer the question: "When is your birthday?"

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233 Words / 5 Comments
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  • Alice Freeman on her diet ( recorded by deleted ), unspecified accent

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  • Alice Freeman on her diet ( recorded by cbilyeu ), American - Midwest/Neutral

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