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English Recordings

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  • Injustice disabled person ( recorded by Toramona ), Southern California

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    Is it true that all of us are equal?
    I have a question for you. Do you think I'm serious? If I was a disabled person, do you think you would take me as seriously as you do now ?
    Let's talk about these people. About their rights, about how the world perceive them.
    Let's talk about how much they struggle because of us. They can't reach us because we don't allow them to do so. Look at our buildings, schools, and our means of transportation. We all know that despite the progress, they still lack of accessibility.
    Moreover, let's talk about the judgment they receive. Mockery, prying eyes.... And when we don't judge them, we idealize them. We see them as "inspiration" just because of their disability. In fact, we are just denying their individuality and their own challenges.
    But keep in mind that we are all the same.
    Are we more qualified or productive than them?
    Why do we infantalize them and judge them less autonomous ?
    Do you think all these prejudices and stereotypes about them are normal?
    We must accept the differences of each other.
    It's not up to them to adapt to us, but it's up to us to adapt to them.

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  • Verbs of ship’s movement ( recorded by poetrybug ), British

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    to proceed to…
    to approach some place
    to manoeuvre (in restricted waters)
    to put to sea
    to enter the port of (name)
    to leave the port for (open sea)
    to leave the port
    to move ahead
    to move astern
    to pass through (dangerous area)
    to arrive at port (ETA)
    to call at port for
    to shift from berth to berth
    to cross the traffic lane
    to be underway
    to make a way
    to make a way through the water
    to make no way through the water
    to get underway
    to keep underway
    to keep present course
    to steer (dangerous course)
    to make landfall \ approach anchorage place \ dangerous area
    to steer the course
    to pass ahead of
    to pass on portside
    to pass on starboard side
    to pass each other port-to-port/red –to- red
    to run into danger
    to overtake a vessel
    to steer a steady course
    to alter course \ direct course \ change course
    to follow (in the wake of) a pilot launch/a tug/an ice-breaker
    to reduce speed/slow down
    to cross the bow
    to con a vessel \ conduct a vessel
    to increase speed
    to leave the port
    to con a vessel (Master is on/in con)
    to proceed at … speed At what speed…
    to reach (some place)
    to swing at anchor
    to keep in line
    to navigate in traffic line
    to move in one direction
    to keep to starboard/port side of fairway
    to cross the leading line

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  • A murder case ( recorded by jokeeffe ), American (Northeast)

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    A murder case

    On the night of the 25th of March, Mr Green was found dead in his study. His body was discovered at 11 pm by Miss Scarlet. The police were called to the crime scene. According to Inspector Lestrade, Mr Green was shot. Indeed, the gun was spotted in a bush under the window. Unfortunately, no fingerprints were detected on it. The window was smashed and glass shards were scattered all over the carpet. Three suspects were questioned by Sherlock Holmes. They were seen in the house the night of the murder. They all had a motive.

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  • Saludos ( recorded by vankrot ), British

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    Good evening, my name is Edward Quiñones, I am an engineer in system information.


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