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English Recordings

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  • phrase89 ( recorded by bananaman ), British English (London)

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  • phrase89 ( recorded by SublimeBliss ), Southern American, Middle/plain American

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    1456 I will get you.  I will certainly get in touch with you.
    1457 I'll get him to call back.
    1458 I will get you a cocktail.
    1459 Please get me the key.
    1460 Who will get me a doctor?
    1461 I got him to settle down.
    1462 I will get him to attend the party. 
    1463 I will get her to come to my house.
    1464 I have to get her to wait till get back.
    1465 I wrapped it.
    1466 l got it wrapped.
    1467 I'd like to have it rapped.
    1468 I got three seats reserved. = I had three seats reserved.
    1469 I got it repaired. = I had it repaired.
    1470 I have got your seat reserved already.

157 Words / 0 Comments
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  • phrase88 ( recorded by cmellor ), Neutral

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  • phrase88 ( recorded by mylesfranklin ), Neutral / Standard American English

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    1441 My parents will get satisfaction to get news of our wedding.  
    1442 You easily get tired, so you should take this medicine. 
    1443 Please get in.
    1444 He took a taxi. / He got into a taxi.
    1445 Which track are you going to get on the train from?
    1447 They got out of the door without saying anything at all. 
    1448 What time will you get back? = What time will you come back?
    1449 I will get off the train at the next station.  
    1450 I can't get away from the meeting till five o'clock.
    1451 When you face difficulty, you often try to get away from it. 
    1452 l have to get to work, so I will give you a call later.
    1453 Please get me the document.
    1454 Please get me a taxi.
    1455 Please get me a call. If you get into any trouble at all, certainly give me a call.

171 Words / 0 Comments
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  • phase85 ( recorded by mike ), english

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  • phase85 ( recorded by sleekkat ), American

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    1372 You should go your own way.
    1374 We can't go without listening to music every day.
    1375 I will go with her this Friday.
    1376 He went into great debt. 
    1377 The egg went bad.
    1383 I couldn't understand why she went blind.
    1384 The telephone went dead because of the flood.  
    1385 When she heard of her son's death, she went mad.
    1388 He went through the boarding procedure.
    1389 The bill went through last month.
    1390 He went through difficulty, but he could make a success of his business.
    1391 My plan went wrong. / My plan didn't go well.
    1395 Things won't go as well as we think. 
    1397 Excuse me, but may l go?
    1399 You have to do it till seven o'clock.

131 Words / 0 Comments
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  • In Italy at farm ( recorded by Michaelt ), American English

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  • In Italy at farm ( recorded by Michaelt ), American English

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  • In Italy at farm ( recorded by Owain78 ), London, Neapolitan

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    Can I rent your tractor to help my brother's grandmother move some rocks in her olive tree farm

  • In Italy at farm ( recorded by EvanM ), Midwest / No accent

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  • In Italy at farm ( recorded by philwhite ), unspecified accent

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    Can I rent your tractor to help my brother's grandmother move some rocks in her olive tree farm?

  • In Italy at farm ( recorded by mike2 ), General American

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    Corrected Text

    Can I rent your tractor to help my brother's grandmother move some rocks on her olive tree farm

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  • phrase82 ( recorded by bananaman ), British English (London)

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  • phrase82 ( recorded by davebirds ), American (Midwest)

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    1318 If we want to succeed,we must take action immediately.
    1319 We've walked for about an hour. Let's take a rest over there.
    1320 I was so tired that I couldn't take any more steps. 
    1321 When will you take me for a drive?
    1322 I will take you for a drive.
    1323 Route 1 is very crowded with cars, so you sould take a detour.
    1324 He took the lead in organizing the baseball club in the company.
    1325 I will take an oath to tell you the truth. 
    1326 I usually sleep after lunch.
    1327 I usually exercise for about an hour.
    1328 Who will take me to
    1329 I will take you to Tokyo.
    1330 l took part in a 100-meter race.
    1331 Who will take first place in the 200-meter race?
    1332 He takes the place of the President.


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