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English Audio Request

115 Words / 1 Recordings / 0 Comments

1731. I can't see a thing in this fog.
It's foggy and I can't see anything.
1732. It's misty all around here.
1733. My fever started last night all of sudden.
1734. You'll get dehydrated.
1735. I had a heatstroke when l was out in the sum.
Because I was out in the sun for so long, I suffered from a heatstroke.
Because l was out in the glaring sunlight, I suffered from a sunstroke.
1807. The ocean is huge.
The ocean is enormous.
1810. Let's go swimming.
Let's go to the pool.
Let's swim.
1817. He's just a beach bum.
1838. A mosquito bit me.
I was bitten by a mosquito!
1839. Damn mosquitoes!




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