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English Audio Request

138 Words / 1 Recordings / 0 Comments
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Reported instructions 6

Mrs Shine told the children not to touch anything. She told them that she was going shopping, and that she'd be out for half an hour. She insisted that they shouldn't open the door to anybody while she was out. She told them to watch the cartoons on the telly, or play in the sitting-room. She asked Mary, the elder one, to look after Jimmy and Carol. She said that she would buy something for them if they were good. She told them not to make any noise, otherwise the neighbours would complain. She said that the neighbours had been complaining lately because they made too much noise playing in the house. She told Mary not to let the little ones play in the kitchen. She said that kitchens are sometimes dangerous for little children.


  • Reported instructions 6 ( recorded by slyfin ), General American [Standard American English]

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    Reported instructions 6

    Mrs. Shine told the children not to touch anything. She told them that she was going shopping, and that she'd be out for half an hour. She insisted that they shouldn't open the door to anybody while she was out. She told them to watch the cartoons on the telly, or play in the sitting-room. She asked Mary, the elder one, to look after Jimmy and Carol. She said that she would buy something for them if they were good. She told them not to make any noise, otherwise the neighbors would complain. She said that the neighbors had been complaining lately because they made too much noise playing in the house. She told Mary not to let the little ones play in the kitchen. She said that kitchens are sometimes dangerous for little children.



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