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Japanese Audio Request

447 Characters / 1 Recordings / 0 Comments
Note to recorder:

Natural speed please. Pause long enough for me to repeat the Japanese. Please say the English as best as you can, but it isn't my focus. This is a Vocabulary list. I need a model (your recording) with correct intonation. よろしくお願いします。

迷信(めいしん)  superstition
起こる(おこる)   to occur; to happen
多くの~(おおくの~)   many...
信じる(しんじる)    to believe
ただの~ nothing more than ...
入院する(にゅうしいんする) to be hospitalized
占い(うらない)  fortunetelling
気にする(きにする)  to worry
長い間(ながいあいだ)  long time
一生懸命(いっしょうけんめい) very hard
ぜいたくをする  to indulge in luxury
めったに~ない seldom
食事(しょくじ) meal
ところが    however; on the contrary
楽しみ(たのしみ) pleasure
通う(かよう)to commute to (~に)
不便な(ふべんな) inconvenient
心配な(しんばいな) worried about
お守り(おまもり) charm (against evils);

