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Chinese - Mandarin Audio Request

502 Characters / 1 Recordings / 3 Comments

(2011.10。29)大家好!今天是周末,今天的天气有点冷。路上到处都是深秋的景色和气氛。 秋天呐,它也好像准备快要离开的样子。今天我在回家的路上看着车窗外的深秋的景色,感到有点冷清清//lěng qīng qīng/(的气氛?/感觉?/ )。这就像催我赶快回家轻松的休息。我最近又忙又累,没有认真地写日记。于是,我一直凑合着看看去年这个时候写的日记,一边复习一遍再回头看看去年发生的事情。 我觉得做这样也还可以。今天呢,我看了去年的日记之中的一篇日记“韩国的绕口令“。请大家一起一边听着我的录音一边读一读韩文的绕口令吧!对!如果你有有意思的中文的绕口令[rào kǒu lìng] 的话能不能告诉我一个,可以吗?今天我拍的几张照片:
(2010.11.2.)刚才我偶然看到了下边的绕口令[rào kǒu lìng]。这不是中文的绕口令[rào kǒu lìng],而是韩文的。当然韩国人念起来也不容易,说快了舌头就会打结,因此说起来令人哈哈可笑。因此念起来令人觉得很好笑。如果你是学韩语的朋友,就试着读一读or念一念吧。怎么样?还可以吗?


  • (2011.10。29)“韩国的绕口令“。한국식 잰말놀이 ( recorded by 1580170 ), standard chinese

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Oct. 29, 2011

(2010.11.2.)방금 전 우연히 아래의 한국식 잰말놀이를 보았어요.
이건 중국의 코우링이 아니고 한국식 잰말놀이입니다.당연히 한국 사람도 빨리 발음 하기에 그리 쉽지 않지요.
그래서 빨리 말하려다가 혀가 꼬여서 대부분 사람들이 웃고 만답니다.
만약에 여러분도 한국어를 배우신다면 한번 해 보셔요.어떠세요? 괜찮으세요?/할 만 하세요?
Korean Audio>>

Feb. 1, 2012

♪~谢谢 ” 1580170"!~

Feb. 1, 2012

(Sep 2nd. 2010)
A little while ago, I read these ‘잰말 놀이’ by accident.
These are not Chinese Raokouring, it is Korean style wordplay .
Of course , even for a Korean it’s not easy to read / speak / talk well fastly.
So most of them burst out laughing when their tongue used to go wrong.
(=So most of them are used to laughing when their tongue used to go wrong. )
If you are learning Korean now, then you can also try to once speak once/talk/ read/ .
How is it? Is it OK? How are you holding up?*Today`s pictures:
The first picture: fall trees in a parking place, 
The second picture:soem fallen leaves on a car
The third picture:soem fallen leaves under my feet
If you are learning Korean now, then you can also try to speak once / talk / read.


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