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Chinese - Mandarin Audio Request

12092 Characters / 1 Recordings / 0 Comments
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碍 (ai4) to hinder; to obstruct; to block
爱 (ai4) to love; affection; to be fond of; to like
爱抚 (ai4 fu3) to show tender care for; to care for (affectionately)
爱好 (ai4 hao4) to like; to be fond of; to be keen on
安排 (an1 pai2) to arrange; to plan; to set up; to set up
暗 (an4) to shut the door; unilluminated
熬 (ao1) to boil; stew; to simmer
懊 (ao4) to regret
拔掉 (ba2 diao4) to pluck
罢 (ba4) to stop; cease; dismiss; suspend; to quit; to finish
掰 (bai1) to break with both hands
呗 (bai4) to chant
拜 (bai4) to pay respect; worship; visit; salute
扳 (ban1) to pull or draw (up or out)
扮 (ban4) to disguise oneself; to dress up; adorn
办 (ban4) to do; to manage; to handle; to go about; to run; to set up; to deal with
拌 (ban4) to mix; mix in; to toss (a salad)
绊 (ban4) to trip; stumble; hinder
办案 (ban4 an4) to handle a case
办报 (ban4 bao4) to run a newspaper
办到 (ban4 dao4) to accomplish; to get sth done
办理 (ban4 li3) to handle; to transact; to conduct
办事 (ban4 shi4) to handle (affairs); to work
伴随 (ban4 sui2) to follow; to accompany
办学 (ban4 xue2) to run a school
伴奏 (ban4 zou4) to accompany (musically)
办罪 (ban4 zui4) to punish
帮 (bang1) to assist; to support; to help; group; gang; party
绑 (bang3) to tie; bind or fasten together
膀 (bang4) to flirt
谤 (bang4) to slander; defame; speak ill of
饱 (bao3) to eat till full; satisfied
保持 (bao3 chi2) to keep; to maintain; to hold; to preserve
保存 (bao3 cun2) to conserve; to preserve; to keep
保护 (bao3 hu4) to defend; to protect; to safeguard
保障 (bao3 zhang4) to ensure; to guarantee; to safeguard
保证 (bao3 zheng4) to guarantee; to ensure; to safeguard; to pledge
爆 (bao4) to crack; to explode or burst
报仇 (bao4 chou2) to revenge (oneself); to avenge
爆发 (bao4 fa1) to break out; to erupt; to explode; to burst out
报告 (bao4 gao4) to inform; report; make known; speech; talk; lecture
露韩 (bao4 lu4) to expose; to reveal
背 (bei1) to be burdened; to carry on the back or shoulder
焙 (bei4) to dry over a fire; to bake
备 (bei4) to prepare; get ready; to provide or equip
备至 (bei4 zhi4) to the utmost; in every possible way
奔 (ben1) to hurry or rush; to run quickly; to elope
本土化 (ben3 tu3 hua4) to localize; localization
绷 (beng1) to stretch; taut; to tie; to bind
绷 (beng3) to have a taut face
迸 (beng4) to burst forth; to spurt; to crack; split
蹦 (beng4) to jump; bounce or hop
俾 (bi3) to cause; to enable
比方说 (bi3 fang5 shuo1) to make an analogy...
裨 (bi4) to benefit; to aid; advantageous; profitable
跸 (bi4) to clear streets when emperor tours
闭 (bi4) to close; stop up; shut; obstruct
蔽 (bi4) to cover; to shield; to screen; to conceal
庇 (bi4) to protect; cover; shelter; hide or harbor
避免 (bi4 mian3) to avert; to prevent; to avoid; to refrain from
必须 (bi4 xu1) to have to; must
编程 (bian1 cheng2) to program
编排 (bian1 pai2) to arrange; to lay out
贬值 (bian3 zhi2) to become devaluated; to devaluate; to depreciate
变成 (bian4 cheng2) to change into; to turn into; to become
遍及 (bian4 ji2) to extend (everywhere)
表达 (biao3 da2) to voice (an opinion); to express; to convey
表示 (biao3 shi4) to express; to show; to express; to say; to state; to indicate
表扬 (biao3 yang2) to praise; to commend
并把 (bing4 ba3) to include
泊 (bo2) to anchor; touch at; to moor
搏斗 (bo2 dou4) to wrestle; to fight; to struggle
簸 (bo3) to winnow
捕 (bu3) to catch; to seize; to capture; to catch
卜 (bu3) to divine; foretell
捕获 (bu3 huo4) to catch; to capture; to seize
不等 (bu4 deng3) to vary; to differ; depending
步调一致 (bu4 diao4 yi2 zhi4) to be united in action
步行 (bu4 xing2) to go on foot; to walk
步月 (bu4 yue4) to stroll beneath the moon
步韵 (bu4 yun4) to write a poem using another poem's rhymes
擦写 (ca1 xie3) to erase
猜 (cai1) to guess
裁减 (cai2 jian3) to reduce; to lessen; to cut down
裁员 (cai2 yang2) to cut staff; to lay off employees
采 (cai3) to pick; to pluck; to collect; to select; to choose; to gather
采取措施 (cai3 qu3 cuo4 shi1) to adopt a measure
采用 (cai3 yong4) to adopt; to employ; to use
参观 (can1 guan1) to look around; to inspect; visit and observe
参加 (can1 jia1) to participate; to take part; to join
参与 (can1 yu4) to participate (in sth)
藏 (cang2) to hide away; to conceal; to harbor; store; accumulate
操 (cao1) to hold; to drill; to exercise; to act; to do; to take in hand; to keep; to manage
操持 (cao1 chi5) to manage; to handle
操劳 (cao1 lao2) to work hard; to look after
操心 (cao1 xin1) to worry about
操纵 (cao1 zong4) to operate; to control
操作 (cao1 zuo4) to operate
测定 (ce4 ding4) to survey and evaluate
测绘 (ce4 hui4) to survey and draw; to map
测良 (ce4 liang2) to survey and measure
侧躺 (ce4 tang3) to lie down (on one's side)
层出不穷 (ceng2 chu1 bu4 qiong2) to come out one after the other
层见迭出 (ceng2 jian4 die2 chu1) to occur frequently; to occur repeatedly
叉 (cha2) to cross; be stuck
查 (cha2) to research; to check; to investigate; to examine; to refer to; to search
查出 (cha2 chu1) to find out; to discover
察看 (cha2 kan4) to watch; to look carefully at
查询 (cha2 xun2) to inquire; inquiry
叉 (cha3) to diverge; to open (as legs)
拆 (chai1) to tear open; to tear down; to tear apart; to open
拆散 (chai1 san4) to break up (a marriage, family, etc.)
拆卸 (chai1 xie4) to unload; to dismantle
缠 (chan2) to bother; wind around; wrap round; coil; involve; annoy; tangle
阐 (chan3) to express; disclose; enlighten; open
偿 (chang2) to compensate; pay back; to recompense
尝 (chang2) to taste
尝试 (chang2 shi4) to try; to attempt
抄道 (chao1 dao4) to take a shortcut
抄後路 (chao1 hou4 lu4) to outflank and attack from the rear
抄获 (chao1 huo4) to search and seize
抄家 (chao1 jia1) to search a house and confiscate possessions
抄录 (chao1 lu4) to make a copy of
抄身 (chao1 shen1) to search (a person); to frisk
抄送 (chao1 song4) to make a copy (and send it to sb)
抄袭 (chao1 xi2) to plagiarize
抄写 (chao1 xie3) to copy; to transcribe
超越 (chao1 yue4) to surpass; to exceed
吵架 (chao3 jia4) to quarrel; to have a row
坼 (che4) to crack; split; break; to chap
辙 (che4) to remove; to withdraw
嗔 (chen1) to be angry at
沉重打击 (chen2 zhong4 da3 ji1) to hit hard
衬托 (chen4 tuo1) to set off
称赞 (cheng1 zan4) to praise; to acclaim; to commend; to complement
称重 (cheng1 zhong4) to weigh
盛 (cheng2) to hold; contain; to ladle; pick up with a utensil
呈递 (cheng2 di4) to present; to submit
惩戒 (cheng2 jie4) to discipline; reprimand
呈请 (cheng2 qing3) to submit (to superiors)
承受 (cheng2 shou4) to bear; to support; to inherit
成为 (cheng2 wei2) to become; to turn into
呈现 (cheng2 xian4) to appear; to emerge
笞 (chi1) to whip with bamboo strips
吃饭 (chi1 fan4) to eat a meal
吃惊 (chi1 jing1) to be startled; to be shocked; to be amazed
吃完 (chi1 wan2) to finish eating
持 (chi2) to grasp; to hold; support; manage; direct; maintain
迟到 (chi2 dao4) to arrive late
迟误 (chi2 wu4) to delay; to procrastinate
迟延 (chi2 yan2) to delay
迟疑 (chi2 yi2) to hesitate
叱 (chi4) to scold; shout at; to hoot at
舂 (chong1) to pound (grain); beat
冲洗 (chong1 xi3) to rinse; to wash
重蹈 (chong2 dao4) to repeat; to follow the same road as
重复 (chong2 fu4) to repeat; to duplicate
重开 (chong2 kai1) to reopen
重现 (chong2 xian4) to reappear
宠 (chong3) to love; to pamper; to spoil; to favor
抽 (chou1) to draw out; to smoke (cigarettes); to pump
酬报 (chou2 bao4) to repay; to reward
酬答 (chou2 da2) to thank with a gift
酬和 (chou2 he4) to respond to a poem with a poem
酬谢 (chou2 xie4) to thank with a gift
酬酢 (chou2 zuo4) to exchange toasts
瞅 (chou3) to see; look; take a look at
出版 (chu1 ban3) to publish; to come off the press; to put out
出发 (chu1 fa1) to start out; to set off
出风头 (chu1 feng1 tou5) to create a stir; to enjoy the limelight
出口 (chu1 kou3) to speak; to exit; to go out; to export
出来 (chu1 lai5) to come out; to emerge
出卖 (chu1 mai4) to sell (off)
出生 (chu1 sheng1) to be born
出售 (chu1 shou4) to sell
出现 (chu1 xian4) to appear; to arise; to emerge
出院 (chu1 yuan4) to leave hospital
出走 (chu1 zou3) to flee; to run away
出租 (chu1 zu1) to rent
处理 (chu3 li3) to handle; to treat; to deal with; to process
触电 (chu4 dian4) to get an electric shock
嘬 (chuai4) to gnaw; eat ravenously
穿过 (chuan1 guo4) to pass through
传播 (chuan2 bo1) to disseminate; to propagate; to spread
传送 (chuan2 song4) to convey; to deliver
喘 (chuan3) to gasp; to pant; asthma
喘气 (chuan3 qi4) to breathe deeply; to pant
喘吁吁 (chuan3 xu1 xu1) to blow
喘息 (chuan3 zi1) to gasp for breath; to take a breather
闯 (chuang3) to rush; break through
创记录 (chuang4 ji4 lu4) to set a record
创建 (chuang4 jian4) to found; to establish
创立 (chuang4 li4) to found; establish; originate
创造 (chuang4 zao4) to create; to bring about; to produce
吹 (chui1) to blow; blast; puff; boast; brag; end in failure
锤 (chui2) to hammer; weight of steel yard
垂下 (chui2 xia4) to hang down
赐给 (ci4 gei3) to bestow; to give
徂 (cu2) to go; to reach
促 (cu4) to hurry; to rush; to hasten; near; to promote
促进 (cu4 jin4) to promote (an idea or cause); to advance; boost
篡 (cuan4) to seize; to usurp
篡夺 (cuan4 duo2) to usurp; to seize
篡改 (cuan4 gai3) to tamper with; to falsify
篡位 (cuan4 wei2) to seize the throne
摧残 (cui1 can2) to ravage; to ruin
存放 (cun2 fang4) to deposit; to leave in sb's care
存在 (cun2 zai4) to exist; to be
搓 (cuo1) to rub or roll between the hands or fingers; to twist
锉 (cuo4) to file
答 (da1) to answer; agree
答辩 (da2 bian4) to reply (to an accusation, e.g.)
达成 (da2 cheng2) to reach (an agreement); to accomplish
达到 (da2 dao4) to reach; to achieve; to attain
答对 (da2 dui4) to reply; to answer
答话 (da2 hua4) to reply; to answer
答谢 (da2 xie4) to express one's thanks
打败 (da3 bai4) to defeat; to overpower; to beat; to suffer a defeat; to be defeated
打电话 (da3 dian4 hua4) to make a telephone call
打击 (da3 ji1) to hit; to strike; to attack
打进 (da3 jin4) to breach; to invade
打开 (da3 kai1) to break open
打牌 (da3 pai2) to play mahjong or cards
打破 (da3 po4) to break; to smash
打拳 (da3 quan2) to do shadowboxing
打扫 (da3 sao3) to clean; to sweep
打算 (da3 suan4) to plan; to intend; to calculate; plan; intention; calculation
打印 (da3 yin4) to print; to seal; to stamp
打针 (da3 zhen1) to give or have an injection
打字 (da3 zi4) to type
大便 (da4 bian4) to defecate; excrement; feces
大快人心 (da4 kuai4 ren2 xin1) to the satisfaction of everyone
戴 (dai4) to put on; to respect; to bear; to support; wear (glasses; hat; gloves)
带动 (dai4 dong4) to spur; to provide impetus; to drive
担 (dan1) to undertake; to carry; to shoulder; to take responsibility
瘅 (dan4) to hate
诞生 (dan4 sheng1) to be born
当心 (dang1 xin1) to take care; to look out
当做 (dang4 zuo4) to treat as; to regard as; to look upon as
倒 (dao3) to fall; to collapse; to topple; to change; to fail; bankrupt
导 (dao3) to transmit; to lead; to guide; to conduct; to direct
倒闭 (dao3 bi4) to go bankrupt; to close down
导致 (dao3 zhi4) to lead to; to create; to cause; to bring about
导致死亡 (dao3 zhi4 si3 wang2) to lead to death; to result in death
到达 (dao4 da2) to reach; to arrive
道歉 (dao4 qian4) to apologize; to make an apology
道谢 (dao4 xie4) to express thanks
得病 (de2 bing4) to fall ill; to contract a disease
得到 (de2 dao4) to get; to obtain; to receive
得分 (de2 fen1) to score
得 (dei3) to have to; must; ought to; to need to
登记 (deng1 ji4) to register (one's name)
登陆 (deng1 lu4) to land
低 (di1) to lower (one's head); to let droop; to hang down; low; to incline; beneath; low
抵抗 (di3 kang4) to resist; resistance
递 (di4) to hand over; to pass; to give
掉 (diao4) to drop; to fall
钓 (diao4) to fish with a hook and bait
吊 (diao4) to hang a person
调变 (diao4 bian4) to modulate
跌 (die1) to drop; to fall; to tumble
跌到 (die1 dao3) to fall; to tumble
谍 (die2) to spy
顶替 (ding3 ti4) to replace
顶用 (ding3 yong4) to be of use
顶住 (ding3 zhu4) to withstand; to stand up to
订 (ding4) to agree; to conclude; to draw up; to subscribe to (a newspaper, etc.); to order
定 (ding4) to set; to fix; to determine; to decide; to order
定价 (ding4 jia4) to set a price; to fix a price
订票 (ding4 piao4) to issue tickets
定做 (ding4 zuo4) to have something made to order
丢 (diu1) to lose; to put aside; to throw
丢饭碗 (diu1 fan4 wan3) to lose one's job
懂 (dong3) to understand; to know
懂得 (dong3 de5) to understand; to know; to comprehend
懂行 (dong3 hang2) to know the ropes
冻 (dong4) to freeze
动 (dong4) to use; to act; to move; to change
订购 (dong4 gou4) to order; to subscribe; subscriber
动手 (dong4 shou3) to hit with hands or fists; to start work; to touch
斗 (dou4) to fight; to battle; to struggle; to incite
读 (du2) to read; to study
独揽 (du2 lan3) to monopolize
独揽市场 (du2 lan3 shi4 chang2) to monopolize a market
独立 (du2 li4) to be independent; to stand alone
渡 (du4) to cross; to pass through; to ferry
渡过 (du4 guo4) to cross over; pass through
锻炼 (duan4 lian4) to do physical training
兑 (dui4) to cash
兑换 (dui4 huan4) to convert; to exchange
敦促 (dun1 cu4) to press; to urge; to hasten
多工 (duo1 gong1) to multiplex; multiple; multi-
多工化 (duo1 gong1 hua4) to multiplex
哦 (e2) to chant
恶心 (e3 xin1) to hate; to loathe
饿 (e4) to be hungry; hungry
遏 (e4) to stop; check
垩 (e4) to whitewash; to plaster
摁 (en4) to press (with finger)
发 (fa1) to send out; to show (one's feeling); to issue; to develop
发表 (fa1 biao3) to issue (a statement); to publish; to issue; to put out
发布 (fa1 bu4) to release; to issue; to distribute
发布新软件 (fa1 bu4 xin1 ruan3 jian4) to release new software
发出 (fa1 chu1) to send out; to issue
发动 (fa1 dong4) to start; to launch; to mobilize
发汗 (fa1 han4) to sweat
发迹 (fa1 ji1) to rise to power and position
发明 (fa1 ming2) to invent; invention
发射 (fa1 she4) to shoot; to fire; to launch
发生 (fa1 sheng1) to happen; to occur; to take place
发誓 (fa1 shi4) to vow; to pledge; to swear
发送 (fa1 song4) to transmit; to dispatch
发现 (fa1 xian4) to find; to discover
发展核武器 (fa1 zhan3 he2 wu3 qi4) to develop nuclear weapons
罚 (fa2) to punish; to penalize
罚酒 (fa2 jiu3) to drink as the result of having lost a bet
返 (fan3) to return (to)
反对 (fan3 dui4) to fight against; to oppose; to be opposed to; opposition
犯 (fan4) to violate; to offend
犯病 (fan4 bing4) to fall ill
犯愁 (fan4 chou2) to worry; to be anxious
犯错 (fan4 cuo4) to err
犯法 (fan4 fa3) to break the law
贩运 (fan4 yun4) to transport (for sale); to traffic (in sth)
方兴未艾 (fang1 xing1 wei4 ai4) to be unfolding
防 (fang2) to protect; to defend; to guard (against)
防卫 (fang2 wei4) to defend; defensive
防止 (fang2 zhi3) to prevent; to guard against; to take precautions
仿 (fang3) to imitate; to copy
仿效 (fang3 xiao4) to copy; to imitate
仿真 (fang3 zhen1) to emulate; emulation
放 (fang4) to release; to free; to let go; to put; to place; to let out
放出 (fang4 chu1) to let off; to give out
放假 (fang4 jia4) to have a holiday or vacation
放弃 (fang4 qi4) to renounce; to abandon; to give up
放射 (fang4 she4) to radiate; radioactive
放心 (fang4 xin1) to set one's mind at rest; to be at ease; to rest
飞 (fei1) to fly




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