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Chinese - Mandarin Audio Request

13628 Characters / 2 Recordings / 3 Comments
Note to recorder:

These are film and film production terms in putonghua that I would like to turn into a shared deck of flashcards on Anki for people like me who are working in a Chinese/English film production environment. I would just like each word spoken in Chinese separately so I can upload the audio to flash cards — eventually I would like to add the whiteboard function to write them. If necessary I can delete the pinyin and english so there is just the Chinese

(alphabetized by PinYin romanization)


ai qing pian - 爱情片 - romance film


ba xiao shuo pai she cheng dian ying 把小说拍摄成电影 – film a novel

ban li 协理 – assistant manager

bao zhu 爆竹 – squib

bei guang 背光 – backlight(ing)

bei jing yin yue 背景音乐 – background music

bei ju 悲剧 - tragedy

bian cheng 编程 – to program; programming

bian dao 编导 – write and direct (play, film, etc.); playwright-director; choreographer-director; etc.

bian ji 编辑 – editing

bian ju 编剧 – write a play, scenario; playwright; screenwriter; scenarist

bian shi i辩士 – benshi (Japanese silent film narrator; see also dian ying jie shuo yuan)

bian wu 编舞 – choreography; choreographer

bu jing 布景 – settings, sets

bu jing shi 布景师 – key grip


cai dan 彩旦 - similar to the huadan (q.v.) but comical, usually up to mischief, sometimes ill-intentioned

cai se pian 彩色片 – color film

ce hua 策划 – idea

chang ji 场记 – log; logkeeper; continuity clerk

chang mian 场面 – scene; spectacle

chang wu 场务 – (movies) production assistant; (theater) stage manager

chao ji ming xing 超级明星 – superstar

che jian 车间 – workshop

chen she 陈设 – display, layout; furnishings

cheng wei ming xing 成为明星 – rise to stardom, become a star

chong pai jing tou 重拍镜头 – retake


da nao ju 打闹剧 - slapstick

da xing (cai se) ji lu pian 大型(彩色)纪录片 – full length (color) documentary

dan 旦 - general term for female roles in Beijing opera, often applied in film literature to movie roles

dan chu 淡出 – fade out

dan ru 淡如 - fade in

dao ju 道具 – props

dao xu 倒叙 – flashback

dao yan 导演 – direction; director

deng guang 灯光 – (stage) lighting

dian shi dian ying 电视电影 – TV movie

dian shi ji lu pian 电视纪录片 – TV documentary

dian ying 电影 – movie, cinema, motion picture, etc.

dian ying bu jing 电影布景 – film set

dian ying jian shang 电影鉴赏 – film appreciation

dian ying jiang 电影 奖 – film (or movie) award(s)

dian ying jiao ben 电影脚本 – scenario; film script (see also dian yin ju ben)

dian ying jiao ben zuo jia 电影脚本作家 - screenwriter

dian ying jie shuo yuan 电影解说员 film (or movie) explainer – (in the silent era, this was the Chinese counterpart of the Japanese benshi)

dian ying ju ben 电影剧本 – scenario; filmscript

dian ying ju ben zuo jia 电影剧本 – 作家 - screenwriter

dian ying ming xing 电影明星 – movie star, film star (also see: yingxing)

dian ying she ying ji电影摄影机 – motion picture camera

dian ying she zhi 电影摄制 – filmmaking, film production

dian ying tu pian 电影图片—movie stills

dian ying ye 电影业 – motion pictures, cinema (in general); the film industry

dian ying yi zhi pian chang 电影译制片厂– film dubbing studio

dian ying yuan 电影院 – theater (motion picture)

dian ying jiao se 电影角色 – movie role, part

dian ying zhi pian chang 电影制片厂 – film studio

dian ying zi liao guan 电影资料馆 - film archive

dian ying ju ben 电影剧本 – scenario; filmscript

di pian 底片 – (film) negative

ding ge 定格 – freeze-frame; frozen frame

dong hua pian 动画片 – cartoon, animated film

dong zuo pian 动作片 – action film

duan pian 短片 – short

dui hua 对话 – dialogue

dui kou xing lu yin 对口型录音 – lip-synchronization


er tong pian 儿童片 – children’s film


fa xing 发行 – distribution

fan yi pian 故事片 – dubbed film (less common than pei yin pian)

fan zui pian 犯罪片 – crime film

fang tan pian 访谈片 – interview film

fang ying 放映 - projection, showing

fen chang ju ben 分场剧本 – scenario

fen jie zhi du 分级制度 – ratings system

fen jing tou ju ben 分镜头剧本 – shooting script

feng ci 讽刺 – satire, satirical

feng guang 风光 - scenic (view)

feng kuang xi ju 疯狂喜剧 – screwball comedy (see also: shen jing xi ju)

feng yu 讽喻 – allegory

fu you hao zhao li de ming xing 富有号召力的明星 - bankable star

fu zhuang 服装 – costume

fu zhuang kao ju 服装考据 – costume research

fu zhuang she ji shi 服装设计师 – costume designer


gai bian 改编 – adaptation

gai bian qu 改编曲 – arrangement (musical)

gao qing (dian shi) 高清(电视) – high definition (TV)

ge wu pian 歌舞片 – musical film (also see: yin yue pian)

gong zuo yang pian 工作样片 – rushes

gou zi dui 狗仔队 - paparazzi (plural); paparazzo (singular)

gu shi geng gai 故事梗概 – plot outline

gu shi pian 故事片 – feature film, narrative film, story film

guan lian dian ying 关联电影 – film connections

guan zhong 观众 – audience

guang jiao jing 广角镜 – wide-angle lens


he sui pian 贺岁片 - (Lunar) New Year's movie

he zuo huo ban 合作伙伴 – collaborators (on a film, excluding the director)

hei bai (pian) 黑白片 – black-and-white film

hong dong yi shi 轰动一时 - sensation

hong ji yi shi 红极一时- smash hit

hou jing 后景 – background

hua dan 花旦 - a Beijing opera term used in films to mean a flirtaceous and vivacious female character

hua ji (duan pian) 滑稽短片 – comedy, comic (short)

hua ping 花瓶 - literally, "flower vase", an actor or actress who is in a production because of their looks, but whose character really does little to advance the story. American English equivalent: "eye candy."

hua wai yin 画外音 – offscreen voice

hua xu 花絮 - trivia

hua zhuang 化装 – makeup

hua zhuang shi 化装师 – makeup expert

huan jing 幻景 – illusions

hun he jing tou 混合镜头 - vision mix


ji lu pian 纪录片 – documentary

ji lu pian dao yan 纪录片导演 – documentarian

ji shu zhu ren 技术主任 – technical direction, technical director

jian ji 剪辑 – film editing

jian jie 剪接 – film editing; montage

jian zhi 监制 – producer

jiang shu 讲述 – narration

jiang xiang 奖项 – category (or categories) of film award(s)

jiangyou 酱油 - cameo role (literally "soy sauce")

jia ting pian 家庭片 – family movie

jiao zuo 叫座 – box office smash; box office success

jiao zuo yan yuan 叫座演员 – box office favorite (actor)

jie gou 结构 – composition (of a film)

jie mu dan 节目单 – playbill, program节目单 (more modern term than shuo ming shu (q.v.)

jie shu jing tou 结束镜头 - last (final) scene

jie shuo ci 解说词 – commentary

jie shuo 解说 – narration

jie shuo zhe 解说者 – narrator

jin jing 近景 – close shot

jing dian 经典 - classic

jing song pian 惊悚片 – thriller

jing tou 镜头 – shot; scene; camera lens

jing xian dong zuo pian 惊险动作片 – action-adventure film

jing xian pian 惊险片 – adventure film

ju ben 剧本 – script, scenario

ju qing 剧情 - plot

ju qing pian 剧情片 – narrative film (literally: plot film)

ju wu 剧务 – (script) continuity

juan tong 卷筒 – reel

jun shi pian 军事片 – military film


kai pai 开拍 – start shooting (a film) [short form of next entry]

kai shi pai she 开始拍摄 – start filming, shooting

ke bian jiao ju tou jing 可变焦距透镜 – zoom lens

ke jiao pian 科教片 – scientific and educational film

ke chuan yan chu 客串演出 – cameo; guest appearance

ke pu pian 科普片 – popular science film

kong bu pian 恐怖片 – horror film

kuai jing tou 快镜头 – fast motion, quick motion

kuan yin mu 宽银幕 – wide screen

kuan yin mu dian ying 宽银幕电影- CinemaScope

kuan yin mu bian xing jing tou 宽银幕变形镜头 – wide-screen adjustable (or distorting) lens

kuan yin mu li ti dian ying 宽银幕立体电影 – cinerama


lan ben de dian ying 蓝本的影片 – film based on a literary work

lao dan 老旦 - literally "old woman", a stereotyped Beijing opera role of an elderly woman

lian xu ju 连续剧 – (movie) serial; (TV) miniseries

lin shi yan yuan 临时演员 – extra (film or movie performer)

ling jie 灵界 – spirit world (meaning films dealing with the afterlife, etc.)

ling xian zhu yan 领衔主演 – lead(s) [actors]

li shi pian 历史片 – historical film

li ti 立体 – three-dimensional (3-D); stereoscopic

lu yin 录音 – (sound) recording

lu yin shi 录音师 - recording engineer

lǜ ye 绿叶 - literally, "green leaves", bit parts

lun li pian 伦理片 – ethics film


man jing tou 慢镜头 – slow motion

mao xian pian 冒险片 – adventure film

mei gong 美工 – art design, art designer

mei li 魅力 – drawing power (of stars); glamour

meinü dongzuo 美女动作 - literally, "beauty action," refers to a subgenre of action films in which beautiful young women are featured doing much if not most of the fighting. The Hong Kong "girls with guns" subgenre is an example of this, as is the US "Charlie's Angels" TV and movie series

mei shu 美术 – art direction

mei shu zhi dao 美术指导 – art director

meng huan jing tou 梦慢镜头 – dream scene or sequence

meng tai qi 蒙太奇 - montage (movie)

miao shu 描述 – portray, or delineate (a character)

ming xing 明星 – star (general term: film, stage, music, etc.)

ming xing hui cui de yan chu 明星荟萃的演出 – star-studded show

ming xing zhi du 明星制度 – star system

mo pian 默片 - silent film (see also wu sheng dian ying)

mu hou 幕后 - behind the scenes, backstage

mu ou pian 木偶片 – puppet film, marionette film


nan pei jue 男配角 – male supporting role

nan yan yuan 男演员 – actor (specifically male)

nan zhu jue 南主角– hero; male lead

nao ju 闹剧 – farce

nei jing 内景 – indoor set

nei jing she ying 内景摄影 – indoor shooting

nü pei jue 女配角 – female supporting role

nü yan yuan 女演员 – actress

nü zhu jue 女主角– heroine; female lead


pai ban 拍板 – clapper, clapboard

pai dian ying 拍电影 – shoot a film; make a movie

pai lian 排练 – rehearse; rehearsal

pai she jiao du 拍摄角度 – viewing angle

pai wai jing 拍外景 – film on location

pei jue 配角 – supporting role (general term)

pei yan zhi yuan zi mu 演职员字幕 - credits (general term; see also: yan zhi yuan biao)

pei yin 配音 – dubbing

pei yin pian 配音片 – dubbed film

pian ming jue se片名角色 – title role

pian tou zi mu 片头字幕 – credit titles (at start of film)

pian zhong 片种 – (film) genre

piao fang 票房 – box office

piao fang du yao 票房毒药 – box office poison

piao fang shou ru 票房收入 – box office receipt

ping lun 评论 - review, critique

ping lung jia 评论家 - reviewer, critic


qian jing 前景 – foreground

quan jing 全景 – panorama; full view; whole scene

quan jing kuan yin mu 全景宽银幕 – cinepanoramic

quan ming xing zhen rong de 全明星阵容的 – all-star cast

quan ti yan yuan 全体演员 – cast

qun zhong jing tou 群众场面 – crowd scene, group shot, mob scene


ren gong guang 人工光 – artificial light

ren wu zao xing she ji 人物造型设计 – character study


se qing dian ying 色情电影 – pornographic movie; porn flick; porno; blue movie

shan hui jing tou 闪回镜头 – flashback

shan jing 闪景 – flash

shang ye dian ying 商业电影 – commercial (as opposed to artistic) film

shang ying ri qi 上映日期 - date of first showing or premiere

she ying 摄影 – cinematography

she ying ji 摄影机 – camera (general term)

she ying peng 摄影棚 – sound stage; pavilion

she ying shi 摄影师 – cameraman

she ying shi 摄影室 – studio

shen cha 审查 – censorship; to censor

shen jing dian ying 深景电影 – vista-vision

shen jing xi ju 神经喜剧 – screwball comedy (see also: feng kuang xi ju)

shen mi pian 神秘片 – supernatural (film genre)

sheng hua he cheng kao bei 声画合成拷贝 – married print

shi wu 事务 – general business

shi yan 试演 – audition

shi jing tou 试镜头 – screen test

shou chi she ying 手持摄影 – hand-held camera

shou yin 收音 – sound

shuo ming (shu) 说明 (书) – program notes; playbill (lit. explanatory notes)

shu mu 书幕 – title calligraphy

shuang dan huang 双蛋黄 - literally "double yolk egg": the awarding of duplicate awards in a movie award competition category. Can also be "triple yolk egg" 三 蛋黄, etc.


te ji 特技– special effects; stunts

te ji she ying 特技摄影 – trick photography, stunt photography

te ji she ying ji 特技摄影机 – trick camera, stunt camera

te ji yan yuan 特技演员 – stuntman; stuntwoman; also: special effects technician

te xie (jing tou) 特写(镜头) – close-up (shot) [can also mean "close-up lens"]

te yao ming xing 特邀明星 – guest star

ti hua 题花 – title design

ti shen 替身 – stand-in

ti yu pian 体育片 – sports film; athletic film

tian mu 天幕 – stage backdrop [short form of next entry]

tian mu chen pian 天幕衬片 – stage backdrop

tian pian 天片 – stage backdrop [short form of previous entry]

tiao xu 跳叙 – flash forward

tiao yue jian ji 跳越剪辑 – jump cut

tong chou 統籌 – overall plan

tong hua (pian) 童话(片) – fairy tale (film)

tong pian 童片 – children’s film (short for: er tong pian 儿童片)

tou lun 头轮 - first run(in a theater)

tui jin jing tou 推进镜头 – track-in


wai jing 外景 – location

wai jing she ying 外景摄影 – location (exterior, outdoor) shooting

wen yi 文艺 – melodrama (when used for genre)

wu da 武打 – a general term for traditional Chinese fighting techniques, encompassing gongfu, swordsmanship and other martial arts, but in specific movie usage the term is used for "acrobatic fighting" (movements used in Chinese opera and dance to simulate actual combat and practiced in films by actors and actresses who are not martial artists).

wu dan 武旦 - a woman warrior in Beijing opera, sometimes used for swordswomen in wu xia pian (q.v.)

wu dao 舞蹈(家) – dance(r)

wu dao bian dao 舞蹈编导 – choreography; choreographer

wu dao pian 舞蹈片 – dance film, ballet film

wu dao zhi dao 舞蹈指导 – dance direction, director

wu ju pian 舞剧片 – dance film, ballet film

wu sheng (dian ying) 无声 (电影) – silent (film); see also: mo pian

wu sheng yuan yin yue 无声源音乐 – musical background [literally, "unsourced music," and refers to music on the film from an unseen source, usually composed especially for the film]

wu shu 武术 – martial arts

wu tai ji lu pian 舞台纪录片 – opera film, film adapted from an opera

wu tai xi qu pian 舞台戏曲片 – opera film, film adapted from an opera

wu xia 武侠 – martial artist, specifically a heroic or chivalrous character

wu xia pian 武侠片 – martial arts film, usually featuring swordplay

wu ye chang 午夜场 - midnight show


xi bu te xie 细部特写 – detailed close-up

xi ju (pian) 喜剧(片) – comedy (film)

xi pian 洗片 – develop film

xi pian ji 洗片机 – film developing machine

xi yin 洗印 – (film) processing

xi zi 戏子 -- a derogatory old term for an actor

xia ye chang 下午场 - matinee

xiang guan wang zhan 相关网站 - related web sites

xiang guan zicun 相关资讯 - related information

xiao ming xing小明星 – starlet

xiao niu dian ying 小妞电影 - chick flick (i.e. a film genre mainly dealing with love and romance and designed to appeal to a largely female target audience

xiao sheng 小生 -- young male character type in Beijing opera, often applied in movies

xin wen duan pian 新闻短片 – newsreel

xin wen pian 新闻片 – news film

xu ji 续集 - sequel

xu shu 叙述 – narration

xuan chuan (pian) 宣传 (片) - propaganda (film)

xuan yi 悬疑 - suspense; cliffhanger


ya ju 哑剧 – pantomime

yan yuan 演员 – actor or actress; performer (general term)

yan zhi yuan biao 演职员表 - cast list, cast credits (see also: pei yan zhi yuan biao zi mu)

yi ji 埸记 – script continuity (script holder, script girl)

yi xue pian 医学片 – medical film

yin mu银幕 – (movie) screen

yin pian 印片 – printing, film printing

yin pian ji 印片机 – film-printing machine

yin xiang tong bu zhuang zhi 音像同步装置 – movieola

yin xiang xiao guo音响效果 – sound effect(s)

ying ba 影吧 – a bar where one can watch movies or videos

ying di 影帝 – movie king

ying hou 影后 – movie queen

ying ju jie 影剧界 – the entertainment world; movie and drama circles

ying mi 影迷 – movie fan, filmgoer, cinephile, film enthusiast, etc.

ying mi ju le bu 影迷俱乐部 – (movie) fan club

ying ming 影名 – title (of film)

ying pian 影片 – film, movie

ying pian bao cun 影片保存 – film preservation

ying pian fen xi 影片分析 – film analysis

ying pian jian ji 影片剪辑 – film clip

ying pian jie shuo ci 影片解说词 – film commentary

ying pian zhi pian chang 影片制片厂 – film studio, company

ying pian ku 影片库 – film library

ying ping 影评 – film review

ying tan 影坛 – movie circles; moviedom; filmdom

ying xing 影星 – movie star, film star (short form of dianying mingxing)

ying yuan 影院 – movie theater; cinema

ying zhan 影展 – film festival

yin xiang 音响 – sound

yin yue pian 音乐片 – musical film (also see: gewupian)

yi shu ji lu pian 艺术纪录片 – artistic documentary

yi shu pian 艺术片 – art film

ying cheng 影城 – film studio (also see: yingpian zhipianchang)

you sheng dian ying 有声电影 – sound film

yu gao pian 预告片 – trailer

yu yan 寓言 – fable, allegory, parable

yuan jing 远景 – long shot

yue dui zhi hui 乐队指挥 – conductor (musical)


zhan zheng pian 战争片 – war film

zhao ming 照明 – lighting (also used for lighting electrician or technician)

zhao xiang she ying 照相摄影 – (still) photography

zhen tan pian 侦探片 – detective film

zheng pian 正片 – copy (of a film)

zhi jing 置景 – sets; scenery

zhi pian (chang) 制片 (厂) – film making

zhi pian ren 制片人 – line producer

zhi pian zhu ren 制片主任 – production manager

zhi pian zong jian 制片总监 – executive producer

zhi zuo 制作 - production (studio)

zhi zuo yuan ze 制作原则 - production code

zhong jing 中景 – medium shot

zhu jue主角– leading role

zhu li 助理 – assistant

zhu ti 主题 – theme (subject of a film)

zhu ti ge 主题歌 – theme song

zhu yan 主演 – star; lead (role)

zhuan ji pian 传记片 – biographical film

zi mu 字幕 – subtitles (on motion picture film; captions (with still photos)

zong dao yan总导演 – director-in-chief

zuo ci 作词 – lyrics (also used in the general meaning of “songwriter”)

zuo qu (jia) - compose(r) 作曲(家)


  • Chinese Film Production Terms ( recorded by JuliaSheep ), Taiwan

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  • Chinese Film Production Terms ( recorded by zijing ), Mandarin

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    Corrected Text

    (alphabetized by PinYin romanization)


    ai qing pian - 爱情片 - romance film


    ba xiao shuo pai she cheng dian ying 把小说拍摄成电影 – film a novel

    ban li 协理 – assistant manager

    bao zhu 爆竹 – squib

    bei guang 背光 – backlight(ing)

    bei jing yin yue 背景音乐 – background music

    bei ju 悲剧 - tragedy

    bian cheng 编程 – to program; programming

    bian dao 编导 – write and direct (play, film, etc.); playwright-director; choreographer-director; etc.

    bian ji 编辑 – editing

    bian ju 编剧 – write a play, scenario; playwright; screenwriter; scenarist

    bian shi i辩士 – benshi (Japanese silent film narrator; see also dian ying jie shuo yuan)

    bian wu 编舞 – choreography; choreographer

    bu jing 布景 – settings, sets

    bu jing shi 布景师 – key grip


    cai dan 彩旦 - similar to the huadan (q.v.) but comical, usually up to mischief, sometimes ill-intentioned

    cai se pian 彩色片 – color film

    ce hua 策划 – idea

    chang ji 场记 – log; logkeeper; continuity clerk

    chang mian 场面 – scene; spectacle

    chang wu 场务 – (movies) production assistant; (theater) stage manager

    chao ji ming xing 超级明星 – superstar

    che jian 车间 – workshop

    chen she 陈设 – display, layout; furnishings

    cheng wei ming xing 成为明星 – rise to stardom, become a star

    chong pai jing tou 重拍镜头 – retake


    da nao ju 打闹剧 - slapstick

    da xing (cai se) ji lu pian 大型(彩色)纪录片 – full length (color) documentary

    dan 旦 - general term for female roles in Beijing opera, often applied in film literature to movie roles

    dan chu 淡出 – fade out

    dan ru 淡 - fade in

    dao ju 道具 – props

    dao xu 倒叙 – flashback

    dao yan 导演 – direction; director

    deng guang 灯光 – (stage) lighting

    dian shi dian ying 电视电影 – TV movie

    dian shi ji lu pian 电视纪录片 – TV documentary

    dian ying 电影 – movie, cinema, motion picture, etc.

    dian ying bu jing 电影布景 – film set

    dian ying jian shang 电影鉴赏 – film appreciation

    dian ying jiang 电影 奖 – film (or movie) award(s)

    dian ying jiao ben 电影脚本 – scenario; film script (see also dian yin ju ben)

    dian ying jiao ben zuo jia 电影脚本作家 - screenwriter

    dian ying jie shuo yuan 电影解说员 film (or movie) explainer – (in the silent era, this was the Chinese counterpart of the Japanese benshi)

    dian ying ju ben 电影剧本 – scenario; filmscript

    dian ying ju ben zuo jia 电影剧本 – 作家 - screenwriter

    dian ying ming xing 电影明星 – movie star, film star (also see: yingxing)

    dian ying she ying ji电影摄影机 – motion picture camera

    dian ying she zhi 电影摄制 – filmmaking, film production

    dian ying tu pian 电影图片—movie stills

    dian ying ye 电影业 – motion pictures, cinema (in general); the film industry

    dian ying yi zhi pian chang 电影译制片厂– film dubbing studio

    dian ying yuan 电影院 – theater (motion picture)

    dian ying jiao se 电影角色 – movie role, part

    dian ying zhi pian chang 电影制片厂 – film studio

    dian ying zi liao guan 电影资料馆 - film archive

    dian ying ju ben 电影剧本 – scenario; filmscript

    di pian 底片 – (film) negative

    ding ge 定格 – freeze-frame; frozen frame

    dong hua pian 动画片 – cartoon, animated film

    dong zuo pian 动作片 – action film

    duan pian 短片 – short

    dui hua 对话 – dialogue

    dui kou xing lu yin 对口型录音 – lip-synchronization


    er tong pian 儿童片 – children’s film


    fa xing 发行 – distribution

    fan yi pian 故事片 – dubbed film (less common than pei yin pian)

    fan zui pian 犯罪片 – crime film

    fang tan pian 访谈片 – interview film

    fang ying 放映 - projection, showing

    fen chang ju ben 分场剧本 – scenario

    fen jie zhi du 分级制度 – ratings system

    fen jing tou ju ben 分镜头剧本 – shooting script

    feng ci 讽刺 – satire, satirical

    feng guang 风光 - scenic (view)

    feng kuang xi ju 疯狂喜剧 – screwball comedy (see also: shen jing xi ju)

    feng yu 讽喻 – allegory

    fu you hao zhao li de ming xing 富有号召力的明星 - bankable star

    fu zhuang 服装 – costume

    fu zhuang kao ju 服装考据 – costume research

    fu zhuang she ji shi 服装设计师 – costume designer


    gai bian 改编 – adaptation

    gai bian qu 改编曲 – arrangement (musical)

    gao qing (dian shi) 高清(电视) – high definition (TV)

    ge wu pian 歌舞片 – musical film (also see: yin yue pian)

    gong zuo yang pian 工作样片 – rushes

    gou zi dui 狗仔队 - paparazzi (plural); paparazzo (singular)

    gu shi geng gai 故事梗概 – plot outline

    gu shi pian 故事片 – feature film, narrative film, story film

    guan lian dian ying 关联电影 – film connections

    guan zhong 观众 – audience

    guang jiao jing 广角镜 – wide-angle lens


    he sui pian 贺岁片 - (Lunar) New Year's movie

    he zuo huo ban 合作伙伴 – collaborators (on a film, excluding the director)

    hei bai (pian) 黑白片 – black-and-white film

    hong dong yi shi 轰动一时 - sensation

    hong ji yi shi 红极一时- smash hit

    hou jing 后景 – background

    hua dan 花旦 - a Beijing opera term used in films to mean a flirtaceous and vivacious female character

    hua ji (duan pian) 滑稽短片 – comedy, comic (short)

    hua ping 花瓶 - literally, "flower vase", an actor or actress who is in a production because of their looks, but whose character really does little to advance the story. American English equivalent: "eye candy."

    hua wai yin 画外音 – offscreen voice

    hua xu 花絮 - trivia

    hua zhuang 化装 – makeup

    hua zhuang shi 化装师 – makeup expert

    huan jing 幻景 – illusions

    hun he jing tou 混合镜头 - vision mix


    ji lu pian 纪录片 – documentary

    ji lu pian dao yan 纪录片导演 – documentarian

    ji shu zhu ren 技术主任 – technical direction, technical director

    jian ji 剪辑 – film editing

    jian jie 剪接 – film editing; montage

    jian zhi 监制 – producer

    jiang shu 讲述 – narration

    jiang xiang 奖项 – category (or categories) of film award(s)

    jiangyou 酱油 - cameo role (literally "soy sauce")

    jia ting pian 家庭片 – family movie

    jiao zuo 叫座 – box office smash; box office success

    jiao zuo yan yuan 叫座演员 – box office favorite (actor)

    jie gou 结构 – composition (of a film)

    jie mu dan 节目单 – playbill, program节目单 (more modern term than shuo ming shu (q.v.)

    jie shu jing tou 结束镜头 - last (final) scene

    jie shuo ci 解说词 – commentary

    jie shuo 解说 – narration

    jie shuo zhe 解说者 – narrator

    jin jing 近景 – close shot

    jing dian 经典 - classic

    jing song pian 惊悚片 – thriller

    jing tou 镜头 – shot; scene; camera lens

    jing xian dong zuo pian 惊险动作片 – action-adventure film

    jing xian pian 惊险片 – adventure film

    ju ben 剧本 – script, scenario

    ju qing 剧情 - plot

    ju qing pian 剧情片 – narrative film (literally: plot film)

    ju wu 剧务 – (script) continuity

    juan tong 卷筒 – reel

    jun shi pian 军事片 – military film


    kai pai 开拍 – start shooting (a film) [short form of next entry]

    kai shi pai she 开始拍摄 – start filming, shooting

    ke bian jiao ju tou jing 可变焦距透镜 – zoom lens

    ke jiao pian 科教片 – scientific and educational film

    ke chuan yan chu 客串演出 – cameo; guest appearance

    ke pu pian 科普片 – popular science film

    kong bu pian 恐怖片 – horror film

    kuai jing tou 快镜头 – fast motion, quick motion

    kuan yin mu 宽银幕 – wide screen

    kuan yin mu dian ying 宽银幕电影- CinemaScope

    kuan yin mu bian xing jing tou 宽银幕变形镜头 – wide-screen adjustable (or distorting) lens

    kuan yin mu li ti dian ying 宽银幕立体电影 – cinerama


    lan ben de dian ying 蓝本的影片 – film based on a literary work

    lao dan 老旦 - literally "old woman", a stereotyped Beijing opera role of an elderly woman

    lian xu ju 连续剧 – (movie) serial; (TV) miniseries

    lin shi yan yuan 临时演员 – extra (film or movie performer)

    ling jie 灵界 – spirit world (meaning films dealing with the afterlife, etc.)

    ling xian zhu yan 领衔主演 – lead(s) [actors]

    li shi pian 历史片 – historical film

    li ti 立体 – three-dimensional (3-D); stereoscopic

    lu yin 录音 – (sound) recording

    lu yin shi 录音师 - recording engineer

    lǜ ye 绿叶 - literally, "green leaves", bit parts

    lun li pian 伦理片 – ethics film


    man jing tou 慢镜头 – slow motion

    mao xian pian 冒险片 – adventure film

    mei gong 美工 – art design, art designer

    mei li 魅力 – drawing power (of stars); glamour

    meinü dongzuo 美女动作 - literally, "beauty action," refers to a subgenre of action films in which beautiful young women are featured doing much if not most of the fighting. The Hong Kong "girls with guns" subgenre is an example of this, as is the US "Charlie's Angels" TV and movie series

    mei shu 美术 – art direction

    mei shu zhi dao 美术指导 – art director

    meng huan jing tou 梦镜头 – dream scene or sequence

    meng tai qi 蒙太奇 - montage (movie)

    miao shu 描述 – portray, or delineate (a character)

    ming xing 明星 – star (general term: film, stage, music, etc.)

    ming xing hui cui de yan chu 明星荟萃的演出 – star-studded show

    ming xing zhi du 明星制度 – star system

    mo pian 默片 - silent film (see also wu sheng dian ying)

    mu hou 幕后 - behind the scenes, backstage

    mu ou pian 木偶片 – puppet film, marionette film


    nan pei jue 男配角 – male supporting role

    nan yan yuan 男演员 – actor (specifically male)

    nan zhu jue 主角– hero; male lead

    nao ju 闹剧 – farce

    nei jing 内景 – indoor set

    nei jing she ying 内景摄影 – indoor shooting

    nü pei jue 女配角 – female supporting role

    nü yan yuan 女演员 – actress

    nü zhu jue 女主角– heroine; female lead


    pai ban 拍板 – clapper, clapboard

    pai dian ying 拍电影 – shoot a film; make a movie

    pai lian 排练 – rehearse; rehearsal

    pai she jiao du 拍摄角度 – viewing angle

    pai wai jing 拍外景 – film on location

    pei jue 配角 – supporting role (general term)

    pei yan zhi yuan zi mu 演职员字幕 - credits (general term; see also: yan zhi yuan biao)

    pei yin 配音 – dubbing

    pei yin pian 配音片 – dubbed film

    pian ming jue se片名角色 – title role

    pian tou zi mu 片头字幕 – credit titles (at start of film)

    pian zhong 片种 – (film) genre

    piao fang 票房 – box office

    piao fang du yao 票房毒药 – box office poison

    piao fang shou ru 票房收入 – box office receipt

    ping lun 评论 - review, critique

    ping lung jia 评论家 - reviewer, critic


    qian jing 前景 – foreground

    quan jing 全景 – panorama; full view; whole scene

    quan jing kuan yin mu 全景宽银幕 – cinepanoramic

    quan ming xing zhen rong de 全明星阵容的 – all-star cast

    quan ti yan yuan 全体演员 – cast

    qun zhong jing tou 群众场面 – crowd scene, group shot, mob scene


    ren gong guang 人工光 – artificial light

    ren wu zao xing she ji 人物造型设计 – character study


    se qing dian ying 色情电影 – pornographic movie; porn flick; porno; blue movie

    shan hui jing tou 闪回镜头 – flashback

    shan jing 闪景 – flash

    shang ye dian ying 商业电影 – commercial (as opposed to artistic) film

    shang ying ri qi 上映日期 - date of first showing or premiere

    she ying 摄影 – cinematography

    she ying ji 摄影机 – camera (general term)

    she ying peng 摄影棚 – sound stage; pavilion

    she ying shi 摄影师 – cameraman

    she ying shi 摄影室 – studio

    shen cha 审查 – censorship; to censor

    shen jing dian ying 深景电影 – vista-vision

    shen jing xi ju 神经喜剧 – screwball comedy (see also: feng kuang xi ju)

    shen mi pian 神秘片 – supernatural (film genre)

    sheng hua he cheng kao bei 声画合成拷贝 – married print

    shi wu 事务 – general business

    shi yan 试演 – audition

    shi jing tou 试镜头 – screen test

    shou chi she ying 手持摄影 – hand-held camera

    shou yin 收音 – sound

    shuo ming (shu) 说明 (书) – program notes; playbill (lit. explanatory notes)

    shu mu 书幕 – title calligraphy

    shuang dan huang 双蛋黄 - literally "double yolk egg": the awarding of duplicate awards in a movie award competition category. Can also be "triple yolk egg" 三 蛋黄, etc.


    te ji 特技– special effects; stunts

    te ji she ying 特技摄影 – trick photography, stunt photography

    te ji she ying ji 特技摄影机 – trick camera, stunt camera

    te ji yan yuan 特技演员 – stuntman; stuntwoman; also: special effects technician

    te xie (jing tou) 特写(镜头) – close-up (shot) [can also mean "close-up lens"]

    te yao ming xing 特邀明星 – guest star

    ti hua 题花 – title design

    ti shen 替身 – stand-in

    ti yu pian 体育片 – sports film; athletic film

    tian mu 天幕 – stage backdrop [short form of next entry]

    tian mu chen pian 天幕衬片 – stage backdrop

    tian pian 天片 – stage backdrop [short form of previous entry]

    tiao xu 跳叙 – flash forward

    tiao yue jian ji 跳越剪辑 – jump cut

    tong chou 統籌 – overall plan

    tong hua (pian) 童话(片) – fairy tale (film)

    tong pian 童片 – children’s film (short for: er tong pian 儿童片)

    tou lun 头轮 - first run(in a theater)

    tui jin jing tou 推进镜头 – track-in


    wai jing 外景 – location

    wai jing she ying 外景摄影 – location (exterior, outdoor) shooting

    wen yi 文艺 – melodrama (when used for genre)

    wu da 武打 – a general term for traditional Chinese fighting techniques, encompassing gongfu, swordsmanship and other martial arts, but in specific movie usage the term is used for "acrobatic fighting" (movements used in Chinese opera and dance to simulate actual combat and practiced in films by actors and actresses who are not martial artists).

    wu dan 武旦 - a woman warrior in Beijing opera, sometimes used for swordswomen in wu xia pian (q.v.)

    wu dao 舞蹈(家) – dance(r)

    wu dao bian dao 舞蹈编导 – choreography; choreographer

    wu dao pian 舞蹈片 – dance film, ballet film

    wu dao zhi dao 舞蹈指导 – dance direction, director

    wu ju pian 舞剧片 – dance film, ballet film

    wu sheng (dian ying) 无声 (电影) – silent (film); see also: mo pian

    wu sheng yuan yin yue 无声源音乐 – musical background [literally, "unsourced music," and refers to music on the film from an unseen source, usually composed especially for the film]

    wu shu 武术 – martial arts

    wu tai ji lu pian 舞台纪录片 – opera film, film adapted from an opera

    wu tai xi qu pian 舞台戏曲片 – opera film, film adapted from an opera

    wu xia 武侠 – martial artist, specifically a heroic or chivalrous character

    wu xia pian 武侠片 – martial arts film, usually featuring swordplay

    wu ye chang 午夜场 - midnight show


    xi bu te xie 细部特写 – detailed close-up

    xi ju (pian) 喜剧(片) – comedy (film)

    xi pian 洗片 – develop film

    xi pian ji 洗片机 – film developing machine

    xi yin 洗印 – (film) processing

    xi zi 戏子 -- a derogatory old term for an actor

    xia ye chang 下午场 - matinee

    xiang guan wang zhan 相关网站 - related web sites

    xiang guan zicun 相关资讯 - related information

    xiao ming xing小明星 – starlet

    xiao niu dian ying 小妞电影 - chick flick (i.e. a film genre mainly dealing with love and romance and designed to appeal to a largely female target audience

    xiao sheng 小生 -- young male character type in Beijing opera, often applied in movies

    xin wen duan pian 新闻短片 – newsreel

    xin wen pian 新闻片 – news film

    xu ji 续集 - sequel

    xu shu 叙述 – narration

    xuan chuan (pian) 宣传 (片) - propaganda (film)

    xuan yi 悬疑 - suspense; cliffhanger


    ya ju 哑剧 – pantomime

    yan yuan 演员 – actor or actress; performer (general term)

    yan zhi yuan biao 演职员表 - cast list, cast credits (see also: pei yan zhi yuan biao zi mu)

    yi ji 埸记 – script continuity (script holder, script girl)

    yi xue pian 医学片 – medical film

    yin mu银幕 – (movie) screen

    yin pian 印片 – printing, film printing

    yin pian ji 印片机 – film-printing machine

    yin xiang tong bu zhuang zhi 音像同步装置 – movieola

    yin xiang xiao guo音响效果 – sound effect(s)

    ying ba 影吧 – a bar where one can watch movies or videos

    ying di 影帝 – movie king

    ying hou 影后 – movie queen

    ying ju jie 影剧界 – the entertainment world; movie and drama circles

    ying mi 影迷 – movie fan, filmgoer, cinephile, film enthusiast, etc.

    ying mi ju le bu 影迷俱乐部 – (movie) fan club

    ying ming 影名 – title (of film)

    ying pian 影片 – film, movie

    ying pian bao cun 影片保存 – film preservation

    ying pian fen xi 影片分析 – film analysis

    ying pian jian ji 影片剪辑 – film clip

    ying pian jie shuo ci 影片解说词 – film commentary

    ying pian zhi pian chang 影片制片厂 – film studio, company

    ying pian ku 影片库 – film library

    ying ping 影评 – film review

    ying tan 影坛 – movie circles; moviedom; filmdom

    ying xing 影星 – movie star, film star (short form of dianying mingxing)

    ying yuan 影院 – movie theater; cinema

    ying zhan 影展 – film festival

    yin xiang 音响 – sound

    yin yue pian 音乐片 – musical film (also see: gewupian)

    yi shu ji lu pian 艺术纪录片 – artistic documentary

    yi shu pian 艺术片 – art film

    ying cheng 影城 – film studio (also see: yingpian zhipianchang)

    you sheng dian ying 有声电影 – sound film

    yu gao pian 预告片 – trailer

    yu yan 寓言 – fable, allegory, parable

    yuan jing 远景 – long shot

    yue dui zhi hui 乐队指挥 – conductor (musical)


    zhan zheng pian 战争片 – war film

    zhao ming 照明 – lighting (also used for lighting electrician or technician)

    zhao xiang she ying 照相摄影 – (still) photography

    zhen tan pian 侦探片 – detective film

    zheng pian 正片 – copy (of a film)

    zhi jing 置景 – sets; scenery

    zhi pian (chang) 制片 (厂) – film making

    zhi pian ren 制片人 – line producer

    zhi pian zhu ren 制片主任 – production manager

    zhi pian zong jian 制片总监 – executive producer

    zhi zuo 制作 - production (studio)

    zhi zuo yuan ze 制作原则 - production code

    zhong jing 中景 – medium shot

    zhu jue主角– leading role

    zhu li 助理 – assistant

    zhu ti 主题 – theme (subject of a film)

    zhu ti ge 主题歌 – theme song

    zhu yan 主演 – star; lead (role)

    zhuan ji pian 传记片 – biographical film

    zi mu 字幕 – subtitles (on motion picture film; captions (with still photos)

    zong dao yan总导演 – director-in-chief

    zuo ci 作词 – lyrics (also used in the general meaning of “songwriter”)

    zuo qu (jia) - compose(r) 作曲(家)


Sept. 15, 2017

I strongly recommend you to learn Pinyin instead.Because it'll be much easier to learn Pinyin than to finish this project and it also will be much more accurate. I think it might only take a day or two for an adult to learn Pinyin, one week the most. If any 7 years old child could learn it(though it'll take much more time for them),you can learn it. Besides once you learned Pinyin,you won't need to ask somebody else about this kind of thing anymore.

Sept. 16, 2017

I got a even better solution now.
check out this Chinese Dictionary website:
you can just paste any Chinese word (one word a time) into the search bar ,hit Enter then you'll see the entry for that word. click on that small speaker icon next to its Pinyin and it'll read the word for you.

Sept. 16, 2017

I hear ya – I actually know Pinyin but I just wanted a native speaker to say the words so I feel comfortable learning the pronunciations as such.

Thanks for the other link — will dive into that website when I've got some time to tinker with this again.

Really appreciate the help!