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English Script Request

Complete / 1385 Words
by eternica 0:00 - 4:09

Hey there. This is Matt Boggs, coauthor of Project Everlasting and creator of Cracking the Man Code.

Welcome to my Man Lair. This is the bachelor pad where it all goes down. This is my work zone, and I wanted to create a few quick videos for you to help you identify where a man is in a relationship and what he wants in a relationship. It's a process that I call the "Man Scan" cus' oftentimes - I don't know if you've often felt this way where - you know - you don't want to bring up - what the - "what are we" conversation too early because you don't want to scare him off. You don't want to sound desperate. You know - you - it's happened in the past. Maybe you've brought it up, and a guy didn't call you back, and you thought maybe I was too pushy, maybe I was too masculine, and it's a tough place to be. It's a tough place to navigate - how to identify what he wants, and the challenge is actually critical to know whether or not this guy is a good fit for you whether he wants actually what you want - and that might be a long term relationship.

So, I'm going to teach you a strategy called the "Man Scan". And it actually was - believe it or not - taught to me because it was done to me by my - now - wife when we first started dating, and it is brilliant. So, I've created three short videos for you to give you three steps for executing the Man Plan, and so this will help you identify where this man is, and what he wants in a relationship with you, so you can make sure that this guy is the right fit for where you're going.

Here is step number one. Step number one happens before you even meet this guy - okay? Step number one is what I call getting into a state of love abundance because oftentimes - not even oftentimes - all the time, who we are, our primary state of being attracts who we receive into our life.

When you meet a man - he is going to put you into one of two categories, okay? You're either going to be in the casual hookup category or you're going to be in the potential category, and this is potential wife partner; this is potential wife.

Now, who is to decide which category you go in for him? Is it him or is it you? It's absolutely you. You are who decides what category you go in. And you decide - you are actually communicating to him what category you go in by how you show up early in the dating process by what it is you say you want - by whether or not you do the Man Scan, what you put up with the agreements that you set out.

See - we teach people how to treat us by the treatment that we're willing to accept - by how we show up. So, depending on what it is you want, you can actually communicate to help subconsciously - hey, put me in the potential category - if that's what you want. So, step number one, is showing up in the state of love abundance. Okay? Love abundance is not holding the belief that all the good men are taking - it is not holding that vibration of - you know - "there's not any good men out there" or "good men are hard to find" or this place of lack - this place of scarcity.

Love abundance is the opposite. Love abundance says, you know what: "it only takes one and what if it's easy?" Love abundance says, you know what: "I'm a wonderful, beautiful, caring, and compassionate person, and I know that there is someone - a great life partner out there, and I'm going to attract that person." Love abundance states that, you know what: "I'm happy in my life. It's full right now, and I would like to have someone else in my life to what - that I can pour this happiness and joy into - that I don't need anyone to complete me, but I would love to have someone in my life that I can share this - these great experiences with. And - I'm not going to settle for someone who just wants to put me in the casual category. I actually have standards. I have - I want to create something special. That's a really attractive place of being.

by keminune 4:09 - 6:37

For example, have you ever gone to buy car - let's just say, and you go on the car a lot and a salesman approaches you, and instantly you know this salesman hasn't sold anything for a couple months, and sales they call this having commission breath. Right, and he is so excited that you're on the line, and he's trying to show you this car, and trying to show you that car, and you - never-mind you don't want that type of car, he's going to explain all the attributes to that car and trying to get you into that car, and he's not really even present with you, and hearing what it is that you want, right?

What's the equivalent of that, in relationships? Well, we call that desperation breath. And I'm sure you've sensed it on guys, and I'm sure guys have sensed it - you know, I'm not sure maybe on you or not, but guys definitely can sense that when they're meeting a women who's in that place of scarcity.

So, to be in the place of abundance, you're holding the mindset of that you know what? I'm attracting the right man for me, and I'm going to find out early on whether or not this guy is that guy, and if he's not, I actually want to scare him away. It's okay if I lose him, it's okay if he falls away from my life, because that just creates a space - an open opportunity for me to attract the man that I want into my life.

When I went on my first date with my wife, we went in Huntington Beach to a place called Tuna Town...okay. And uhh, hahaha, after Tuna Town we had this great walk and we're sitting in the car, and she started doing steps number 2 and steps number 3 of "The Man Scam". Now in the next two videos, I'm going to share exactly what that is. But her beingness was such that, I could tell she was trying to scare me off. It was almost like a challenge, you know. She was basically saying: I don't know if you're ready to be with me, because I want something serious, I want something meaningful.

And later on, I find out that she actually was trying to scare me off. She though I was a player - that I wasn't actually in it to win it. I wasn't there really for something special, so she wanted to scare me off 'cuz that's what she wanted. And ironically, I found that so attractive. And I remember seeing in the car, going you know, I'm not sure if she's the one or not, but, I might be the guy. Like she's different, I'm definitely - she's definitely not in the casual category, she's in the potential category.

by Myrrhiam 6:37 - 7:09

So step number one, put yourself in this place of love abundance, remind yourself that Yes, your man is out there, and he is looking for you just like you're looking for him, he's open for you just like you're open for him, he's ready for you, and you're going to attract him you're not going to waste your time with guys who are just wanting to play around. That's step number one. In the next video I'm going to give you step number two; which is exactly how to open the conversation, how do you get this conversation going so you can find out exactly what it is that he wants, ok? Check that out, I'll see you soon.


Oct. 13, 2013

What a great job you have done! Thank you so much for the transcript

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