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English Script Request

Complete / 970 Words
by thinkerelle 0:00 - 0:20

Can we just have a moment of silence to farewell Beyonce's weave. The diva who's been known for her long, flowing locks for years and having an assortment of high-powered fans blowing at her so she can throw it around with gay abandon on stage, though sometimes that does go wrong, has made the bold decision to cut it all off and go with a snazzy new modern look.

by drmassien 0:20 - 0:40

Now the fans are torn, some love it and say "you go girl, looks great" and others are saying that she's selling out and trying to be Miley Cyrus (laugh). And I love that argument, because if Beyonce copied Miley by cutting her hair short then that means that Miley must have copied Janet, and Janet copied Britney. But just for shits and giggles let's say nobody copied anybody and Beyonce just got a new haircut,looks good!

by SarahKay 0:40 - 1:55

Starting off on a little bit of a serious note Usher's child is in recovery in hospital after he almost drowned two days ago. He was swimming in the family swimming pool , when he dove to the bottom to try and fetch a toy. His arm got stuck in the pool filter , and he couldn't get up for air!Usher's aunt was there looking after him , so she dove in , and she couldn't free him , so then three other employees had to dive into the pool as well. They finally got him out , they rushed him to hospital ,and he's been there ever since. He is OK ,he's living and breathing and there was no brain damage , or anything like that , he's apparently eating , and having fun and laughing and joking with his family , but they're still keeping him there for another two or three days , you know , just to make sure everything is OK , but things are looking bad for Usher now , I mean other than the fact that hid kid almost died , now his ex wife Tamika Raymond is going after him in court for full custody of the kids. At the he has sole custody , and she has , like, supervised visitation , but if you remember her twelve year old son died last year in 'like' a skiing accident , so you can imagine how 'like' protective of her children she must be feeling now.So she's gone to the courts with 'like' , an emergency hearing request, you know , she wants the situation , the custody, as it is now , flipped around , so that she has sole custody , and he has supervised visitation rights. It's bound to be a mess in court for all concerned , but the main thing is , the little kid is OK . So , " Hang in there buddy!"

by RagingButtocks 1:55 - 0:03:16

Amanda Bynes is hours away from fighting for her freedom in court. As you know, she's been strapped to a hospital bed and held against her will in a psychiatric ward, uh, for two weeks now after she set somebody's driveway on fire. Initially she was held on that 51-50 hold which was only like three days or something and then that was extended for two weeks but that expires tonight. Now, her parents want to keep her in the psych ward and keep evaluating her because, you know, she's showing signs of schizophrenia and all kinds of craziness, like we didn't know that. So they're applying for, like, temporary conservativorship which will take them to September. That will give them control of her, like, affairs and finances and all that stuff and then if she's still bat-shit crazy in September then they wanna extend that for like an entire year. Now, it hasnt' been decided yet; this'll be decided tomorrow, and Amanda is apparently going to be, you know, talking one on one with the judge and trying to say, "I ain't crazy! I'm just drawn that way." Forgetting who she is and the fact that she's like a media train-wreck for a second, if you try and imagine, like, someone taking away your freedom and saying you'll be locked up in a psych ward and you won't have - you won't have any control over your affairs or your career or your money - that - that must be - that must be really hard to deal with. But on the other hand, she has shown that she's basically out of control and a danger to herself and others, so it's probably for the best that, at least until September, so they can get some hardcore meds through her system. That maybe she should just take a step back and let the pros... fix her.

by BmanGman 0:03:16 - 0:04:08

And in news that'll (that will) make you say "Holy Shit-Balls" there is a video doing rounds on the internet today of a truck exploding on a freeway. Now it's not just any old truck exploding on a freeway, it's a truck exploding on a freeway 39 mother fucking times. I don't know what country this was filmed in ,but the camera has balls of steel. It's actually reasonably close to where it's all happening. I'm considering it is a truck and exploding and there is like debris and shit flying everywhere and he has like got a really steady hand and got his iPhone right there and he's getting a great shot thinking "oh I'm going to be so fucking rich when this goes online and goes viral" Well guess what buddy. It's viral! You can buy yourself a new pair of underwear and it's because you probably need them. It's pretty crazy footage I'll put a link below. Go check that out. Thanks for watching! Have an awesome weekend and I'll speak to you soon. OK bye.


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