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English Script Request

Complete / 117 Words
by WGroleau 1:45 - 2:15

The guy is an auctioneer. Most of it is just noise. It's a traditional way to run an auction. The little bit you can actually understand is the dollar amount of the bids.

by kee 2:00 - 2:57

30... and 30... save....8 dollar 8 dollar 38,38 now 9..... 40 dollar 40 dollar 40 high, 40..... 40, and 40, and 40.....and and forty bidder (now high) .... two do I get a bid of two.... 3, and 43.....and high...40 quarter now high (?).....5 and 40......5 sold to ? dollar 44, 75, 51, put 'em on a number. One six, one sixteen 51 and a one sixteen, we cow time, we cow time, Angus 70,71, 71......two ......third...., 76.... sold 76 dollar.


Nov. 22, 2017

Native English speakers don't understand this, I'm not even sure most of it is words!

Dec. 6, 2017

That's the closest you're going to get unless you can find someone who attends auctions. The ....... are filler words, but I couldn't make them out.

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