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English Script Request

Complete / 744 Words
by john_knaphus 0:00 - 4:53

If we can sit for a few minutes together, and even maybe find a place where you'll be comfortable for a few minutes, not sitting so much in the sun, unless you're completely comfortable with that, just. You can also come on the platform if you want.

Observe. There is a stillness inside of you that has been here before the beginning of time itself. It's unalterable. It simply is. It has no name. It has no form. It has no texture. Inside it, this body itself, it's felt. The functioning senses. All sensations flow. Inside this infinite space of being. There's no such thing as person here. Only pure awareness. Ideas such as this or that or getting closer, or moving away from, are only imagined. There's only this. Truly, there's only this. Be aware of this. The awareness of this and this are the same. The feeling of being here now is due to the presence of the Being. This Being is not a person. It has no religion, has no belief. It's earlier than the formation of mind. Earlier than thought. Earlier than any sensation. Know this. Deep within your being. "I" is this.

by bernie321 4:53 - 6:53

The actions, reactions, interactions of the mind and body do not trouble this. The sense of individuality, of otherness arise in this purely imagined, pure dream. It is not wrong, but it is not this.
Watch the breath rising and falling. Feel the subtle hum of existence all appearing in this. It has no name, has no form, has no beginning, has no end. Subtler than even the being itself. It has no name. It does not call itself truth or untruth. It causes the powers of imagination, of thought, intellect, memory, identity, belief, to operate in a domain of consciousness. Do not put any pictures to it.

by nonrhino 6:53 - 15:27

It is it, that is aware of its own self. Not another. It plays I and you and other, but essentially it is indivisible, timeless, flawless, perfect beyond even the concept of perfection. It is yourself. Be one with this.
The comings and the goings of the mind and the body do not affect this. There, today derive their meaning from this.
When it manifests, the creative power emanating from this, we know it's love. We are dis-love. There's nothing to imagine or to create here now. There's nothing incomplete, there's no work to be done on behalf of this. There's no leaving this or reentering this. These are dreamed, there's only this. We are this.
Knowing this, then you may play as that, yet remain this. This cannot be shared, it cannot be lost, it cannot be separated. These are mere ideas arising in this. We are this - I is this, you are this, that is this.
The sense 'I am' arises from this. The subtle intuition, the knowingness I am purceiving arises from this, in this. This is this, this is that, this is that, this is.
Observe the senses, present and functioning according to their own laws, unforced, notice, don't combine. You cannot be pinpointed, there are no coordinates for you. Being everywhere equally, there are no images, no photographs of this. There's no left or right, up or down, in or out for this. This is not delicate, it does not need looking after, it does not depend on a you. Know yourself as identical, one with that.
There's no need to try to be this because your very efforts already appear in this. Be aware of this, stay as awareness, [om???]...
In a few moments you'll hear the sound of a bell, just an indication that you can, you may open your eyes and move about, but it will not make any difference to your inmost state. Be aware of this and confirm now: can this itself fade? Is there any such meaning for this? Can it be lost? And by whom? Powerful effects will come from the region we call mind like a spell that makes you feel separated but know deep within your being: this too is an illusion.
[15:48, Bell ringing] Om, ... [non-English language prayer?].



Dec. 30, 2013

from 15:27 on the language changes from English to some other language. To do a complete transcription the language has to be identified and someone who knows it will have to transcribe it. Alternatively if it is a reading, which it seems to be, the reading could be copied in order to finish the transcription. The English language transcription is complete.

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