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English Script Request

Complete / 301 Words
by quizzik -

[In an English accent]

Alright. Hey guys, this is, uh, Ashley. Yes, my name's Ashley, but I'm proud of it. It's okay. And, um, I was asked to do another American accent video, 'cause I've been practicing a lot lately, and, um, I think it's getting pretty good. But, um, yeah, so. Okay, so I'm gonna give you a few tips on the American accent and how to maintain, uh, your character, um, or your—your "soul" while doing the American accent.

So, first off, I'm just going to, uh, give you a little example.

[In an American accent]

Hello! My name is...

[In his natural accent]

Um, what's an American name...

[In an American accent]

Hello, my name is John. My name is John, uh, John Stamos. My name's John Stamos and, uh, I'm gonna read this book to you right now. Uh, oh look, it's a, uh, a sports magazine.

Uh... "Get it, get it, show it, do it. It's almost quaint that sentences still have spaces between the words seeing as how the world [Losing his accent] operates at this speed now."

[In his natural accent]

Yeah, so, um, so you can just read whatever you want. Just practice, listen to American people, um, really find what makes them, y'know, the tick. The sounds, the voices, uh, what the voice—their voice sounds like, and, like, the, uh, the movement of their lips. Um.

[In an American accent]

So, and you can switch between accents if you like, um. When you get good at it, at least. So, I could—I could pass as an American, right? Right? So, no. Whatever.

[In his natural accent]

So, um, tell me what you think of my American accent in the comments below, please. I would love to hear from you. Alright, thanks guys.



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