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English Script Request

Complete / 688 Words
by wpotash -

Hi everyone, this is Claire Wineland, and this video was a request from a couple people who were wondering about it. It's a really good question because its something that I think is on everyone's mind, and it's how to live with the uncertainty of life. When you think about it, it's really quite ironic because human beings are creatures that know, 'cause we want to know, because we want to be able to plan for whatever comes. We were put in this life where nothing is ever certain. We could all get hit by a meteor in 5 seconds. That would really be crazy, of course, but it's possible, we don't know what's going to happen. It stresses a lot of people out, heck, it stresses me out too. Especially when you're dealing with an illness, you know, a big challenge in your life. It's hard to enjoy it in the moment. You just want to get out of it, you know, you just to be able to get out of it, you know, and plan from there. But I think that is where I think you learn and grow the most, when you are in a situation when nothing is certain. It forces you to think what is now, and to enjoy the present. And I think that people get, I mean I'm saying people like I'm not a person. We get caught up in the little details, the house, the job, the person and what not. But what's behind that? It's the basic human instincts. We want love, we want to trust, we want to not be afraid and feel safe [sic[]. And we see those in our future, and that's kind of what drives us to to do these things, to want things in the future. But when we can find trust and love in the present, it takes away that need to know what's going to happen next.

by nesyavor -

And you know I, I mean my dad and I do this thing before surgery where he has me, you know, we sit down for like five minutes, close our eyes, right, we envision one day after the surgery, a couple of weeks after the surgery, and then a couple of months after the surgery. And you know it's important to, to feel it, to be in the future in your head, you know, but not get attached to that outcome because we, as smart as we want to think we are, we have no clue of the amazing power that is life. You know, we can't ever really know what's going to happen next. We can do our best to dream, we can do our best to thrive in the moment, but we don't know what's going to happen in 5 seconds from now, 5 minutes from now, a year from now. All we can do is enjoy this moment and be in the present and try and find the things in your life that are, that make you happy to be there at the moment, you know? There's, there's this interesting thing that I like to think about sometimes is that if I was to die tomorrow, what would my accomplishments be? You know, like what would I be proud of myself for? And when I really think about it, things that pop into my head are the silliest little things, that you're like "Really, that's what you would be proud of?" I mean, you know, like, you know, greeting someone on the street who looked sad, right? You know, like little things like that and when, when I was there I thought "Oh that'll never mean anything", you know, just say "Hi", right? And then a year later I look back and I, and that's one of the proudest moments. And so think about that when you go through your day to day life. Instead of wanting to be in the future and wanting to do something good in the future, do something now. You know, dream in the moment instead of in the future. I'm Claire Wineland and I'm positively positive.


Feb. 15, 2012

Thank you guys! I really needed this transcription.

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