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English Script Request

Complete / 689 Words
by dlevypearlman 0:00 - 4:34

It's quite odd, because I'm on a beach, and you can hear the waves crashing in, you would assume that a hot weather beach would be paradise but this is far from it. I've never felt so on edge in anywhere that I've been... my entire life.
Across Africa, millions of the world's poorest children don't even have a bed to sleep in. They're hidden away in any crevice they can find.
This is...where everybody sleeps in, you know?
I can't phrase this, this is ...
They're so tiny. They're so tiny, they're like, you do see them in the day and they're kids and they're running around, they're playing football, and dancing and come here on the beach and there's loads of adults, it's like and there's just these two tiny little things sleeping in the boat around all that in the middle of Liberia's worst slum.
This is Jadey. "How long have you been living on the streets?" "6 months. It's hard for me. I don't want to be living here. I don't want to be here." "What happened to your mother and dad?" "...My father ran away from me. I want to go to school." "Would do you want to be when you're older?" "I want to be the president." "You want to be the president? I love that. What would you do if you were the president?" "I would build schools, I would feed them and give them money to buy food for their children."
It's a definite fork in the road. If Jadee goes to school now, he will learn, he will succeed, but like, a couple more years like this and he's, I think that's it, he's already quite shut off from the world. Once we're done here, we're gonna pack up the camera and these guys are gonna be sleeping in a canoe at night with a lot of dangerous people about, wake up in the morning and try to defend themselves. Um, yeah. This is the really harsh reality for street children here and across the world. As you're tucking your children into bed tonight, children like Jadey are huddling together, sleeping outside in danger and very, very vulnerable. They really need your help tonight. Please give what you can. Leaving Jadey and those kids there was one of the hardest things I've ever had to do.
"It does not feel right leaving. Absolutely. Yeah, I mean, the only thing you can do is help them, which we should. My nature instinct is to just put them in a car and just take them, and just put them somewhere in the city and put them in a hotel until we can get them sorted. Can we do that? Can I pay for them to stay in a house until we get them into school? That doesn't matter how much that is, we'll just get them in, even if it's five minutes, we'll get them in a house and just...we need another person to look after. Cause that's the problem, they're so little ... yeah, I don't think we should go until that's sorted either."
"Alright, we'll get you somewhere to stay tonight, yeah?"
"These kids, you give them an education and you give them hope, and I think that's the main thing. I don't even think it's just a financial thing, I think it's just someone saying, "You can be this." And fulfilling a promise. I don't know these Red Nose Days ...we make a case for a child. And that tugs on your heart strings and then you donate because you want to help a child out, I can't, I mean I think everyone here filming agrees we can't leave this place, but without sorting these kids out, so we are gonna sort these kids out. But, these kids are just five in a million, two million, five million, there's so many kids that are in the same situation as these kids, so it's really really important that you donate so that we can get these kids off the street and into a school and give them a future.


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