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English Script Request

Complete / 271 Words
by Rossina 0:00 - 1:50

Apple was founded by two Steves. Jobs was the business brain; he's made Steve Wozniak the geek -- an electronics wiz who designed the fledgling company's first products.

"We were best friends for all the years leading up to Apple, maybe 5 or 7 years after we met. We would just go driving off far away places to explore, you know, music catalogs or Bob Dylan and people that had rare photographs of him and we'd go to concert's together and we'd talk about, you know, where the world is going and philosophies and the counterculture movement and sort of this idea of young people and revolution and we'd just do everything together that friends do."

[Bob Dylan singing]

Jobs was obsessive in everything he did. And his love of Bob Dylan was much more than a passing fad. Walter Isaacson, author of a just published biography of Steve Jobs, interviewed him on 40 occasions.

"Even, you know, in his last days, I asked him what was on the iPad2, and we'd start off with all the...even the old bootleg Dylan's, and especially 'The Times, They Are A-Changin''

[Bob Dylan singing]

"I think Steve always liked to think of himself as a rebel and that's why he loved Dylan. I always think there's two sides to Steve's personality: One is that counterculture, alternative, spiritual seeker who drops out of college and wanders barefoot through India for months looking for spiritual enlightenment and drops acid, and, you know, really loves the artistic side and the romantic sensibilities. The other is the hard-nosed business, engineering type who really believes in science and technology."


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