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English Script Request

Complete / 505 Words
by Drawnen 0:00 - 4:38

Hi i'm Davidpaul Doyle with the voice for love, and thank you for joining together today to bless the water. It's been said that god is love, and many people's experiences of touching the divine with in themselves is one of love, and joy, and bliss, and peace. It's been my personal experience that love it the most powerful source, the most powerful energy in the world. It's an energy that has the power to transform, the power to melt away all that is not love. All that is not joy. All that is not peace. When we extend the love that we are from our hearts, from the core of our being. When we extend the qualities of our true nature, which is love, and joy, peace, compassion, friendship, blessings, and any other quality of love. All that isn't love simply melts away.It is similar to the concept that darkness can not exist in the light. Fear can not exist in the presence of love. I'd like to take this opportunity with you in this moment to extend love, blessings, compassion, truth, light, and any other quality in your being, any other quality that's in you heart. I'd like to take this opportunity with you to close our eyes together, and to spend just a few minutes extending love, and blessings, and any other quality that you choose to the water. To all the people involved in this situation. To all the animals, and sea life, and to anything that has been impacted by this challenging situation. Spend a few moments with me extending love, and blessings to the water. That our love, and our light, and our healing energies from the source of our being can melt away all that is not serving us in this moment. That can melt away the fear, the anger, the resentment, the guilt, and all the physical repercussions that that has caused. I ask you in this moment to close your eyes, and feel the love with in you, feel that core love at the source of your being, and simple spend the next minute or so extending that love. You can visualize the sea life, the oil spill, and all the water world wide. This doesn't just have to be focused on the gulf. It can be focused on all water world wide, and allow the love that is with in you to extend, the blessings with in you to extend, the gratitude to the water. Allow that to extend. You can see it as light. You can feel it emotionally. Just spend a few minutes feeling and imagining your love, your gratitude, your blessings, your compassion, and all the qualities of love that are with in you to extend to the water. Spend a few minutes doing this, and notice what happens in your own experience. Thank you for joining me today in this opportunity to bless the water, and I hope you continue to practice this long after this recording. Many blessings to you.



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