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English Script Request

Complete / 892 Words
by lurker133 0:00 - 6:17

Hi, I'm David Paul Doyle. In looking back on my own spiritual path and in working with countless people over the years I've come to see that there are certain milestones that we all pass through in developing our ability to experience peace, love and union with God at all times in our lives. One of the milestones I'd like to share with you today is the transition from learning and gathering information to developing a tangible spiritual practice. Now, most of us go through a stage in our spiritual development where we're hungry, often-times insatiable for more insight and understanding. We thrive on learning new beliefs, new ideas and spiritual concepts. We want to (wanna) understand the spiritual dynamics of life, of Spirit and how things work in the universe. We want to know the latest and greatest techniques. Healing techniques, meditation techniques, and spiritual practices. We learn one, we practise it for a little while then we move to the next latest and greatest thing that we discover. I'm not saying that there's anything wrong in doing this. It's truly an essential part of our growth and evolution but in working with so many people over the years I've noticed one pattern that I would like to share with you today, and that pattern is this: It's possible to go an entire lifetime learning new concepts and beliefs, new techniques and practices and yet still feel unfulfilled, still have no simple, always available method for healing our mental and emotional pain, releasing ourselves from our addictions and painful habits, or experiencing the fulfillment of our true purpose in life. New ideas and beliefs can sometimes be like a drug, they can make you... (you know) give you a quick high and make you feel good, happy and fulfilled in this moment, but they have no longterm sustaining power. Beliefs do not have the ability to permanently restore you to peace, joy and a direct experience of your oneness with God and All That Is. The only thing that can take you there at all times under any circumstance is a practice. Not a practice that you know and understand, I'm talking about a practice that you actually do. A practice that you actually use and apply in every moment of your life. This is one of the greatest milestones that we can accomplish on our spiritual path. The decision to put into practice what we know to be true. The decision to apply and use techniques in our lives in every situation. This is what I'm deeply passionate about because it's only through having a committed spiritual practice based upon something simple, effective and universally applicable that we can transition from being addicted to learning more and more information to choosing to have a direct experience of what we truly want in every moment. Having a dedicated spiritual practice is what makes this transition possible. Instead of searching for more information, you choose direct experience. Instead of reading the next book you choose direct experience. Instead of taking the next class you choose direct experience. At some point directly experiencing what you truly want in every moment becomes more valuable, more rewarding and more fulfilling to you than talking about it, reading about it, learning more information about it. Again, there's nothing wrong with reading books, taking classes or learning new techniques and theories. It's truly an essential stage we all go through in order to find what truly fills our heart, but what I'm here to offer you and what our work is all about is giving you a simple, effecting and spiritual practice that you can use and apply in every moment, in every situation, to give you a direct experience of peace, joy, wholeness, union and enlightement. Yes, we do teach a little information and yes, we do teach a few techniques to get you there, but the entire goal is to give you a practice that you can count on and use every moment of your day and in every area of your life so you can have a direct experience of what your heart truly seeks in every moment. This is the mark of a great spiritual discipline and it's the gift we hope to inspire in you with this voice for love within you. Please think about what it is you truly want. Do you want to learn a new concept, belief or a new technique to (kinda) add to your bag of tools, or are you ready to give yourself the experience of what it is you truly want in every moment? At some point a direct and personal experience must become more important than theory or belief in order for you to truly have that in your life. I hope you take this insight to heart and allow it to inspire and motivate you to choose this direct experience in your life. It is so much more rewarding, fulfilling and joyful than anything else the mind can imagine. Many blessings to you, amen.

NOTES (Just in case you need them):
I'm = I + am
I'd = I + would
I've = I + have
we're = we + are
it's = it + is
there's = there + is
wanna = want to (spoken only)
Kinda = kind of (spoken only)



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