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English Script Request

Complete / 573 Words
by Thomas 0:00 - 4:08

Hi. I'm David Paul Doyle. Our main goal at the Voice For Love is to inspire, teach and support people in hearing God's voice in their lives. But what's often overlooked, or perhaps misunderstood is the fact that hearing God's voice is not an end goal. It's actually the means. The process. The method or way of developing and deepening your relationship with God.

Yes, your life will dramatically change by learning how to hear an actual voice within you. But more than that, more than just hearing a voice, what you ultimately seek is a deep, fulfilling, rewarding relationship with God and yourself and all that is.

Being able to hear God's voice in actual words is one way to develop a fulfilling relationship with God, but the truth is there are countless ways to develop a rich and rewarding relationship with God. One of the most important things you can do to deepen your communication and relationship with God is simply to start including God in all that you do.

When you first wake up in the morning, before you even open your eyes, while you're lying there in bed, ask God to be with you. Ask God to help you feel his presence within you. Spending time the first few minutes of awareness connecting with God, talking to God about your day, asking God to be with you throughout your day, gently guiding you and leading you in all that you do and all that you say and all that you desire that day.

When you plan your TODO list for the day, ask God to help you prioritize what's most important. When you drive to work, ask God to sit next to you in the passenger's seat, to keep you safe and alert while you drive. And when you get stressed out or nervous at any point in your day, ask God to be with you, to bring you comfort, understanding and peace.

By including God in your day everywhere that you can, you will deepen and strengthen your relationship with God. You will begin to feel his presence within you during the day. You will begin to receive the peace, the comfort and the clarity of mind that God has to share with you. And you'll begin to feel more connected, more unified and more whole and complete in your relationship with yourself and God.

Yes, learning to hear God's voice as a distinct and conversational voice will help you to deepen this type of relationship, but you can also begin to have this relationship right now by simply including God in all that you do.

Yes, by all means, do all that you can to learn how to hear God's voice within you, but don't let that be a replacement for doing all that you can to develop a rich and rewarding relationship with God right now in all the different ways that you can.

Include God in your life right now. Speak to Him. Pray with Him. Join with Him. Feel His presence within you in all that you do, and as your doing all of those things, take time to learn how to hear this voice within you as well. By focusing on your relationship and your communication with God you are guaranteed to find the peace, the union, the fulfillment and the joy that you truly seek with God.

Many blessings to you. Amen.



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