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English Script Request

Complete / 1057 Words
by (deleted) 0:00 - 6:50

How has the Americans got on with your Geordie accents?
Oh, it's getting better, isn't it?
It's alright.
We have to, like, slow down when we speak, say our 'T's, and, you know, make sure we don't sound too Geordie.
How slow do you talk? How slow do you talk?
Oh, just be like, 'Hiiiii'. Oh, I can't do it, someone else...
But this is the thing, she goes, 'Hi, I'm Jade.'

Hi, I'm Jade.

And they go, 'Jeed, Jeed'. They call her 'Jeed'.
'Are you Jeed?' No, I'm Jade.
Jade. I'm Jade. And then they get it. They haven't got a clue what she's saying.

...see the pics, and were they, were they... did you look good in the bikini, or was it...?
I'm going to say no. And I got papped with a colouring-in book, which is even worse.
Caught with a what again?
A colouring-in book.
What is she saying?
A colouring book.
A colouring book? Why don't you...

Jade has got better, because when I first met Jade, I'm not joking, I did think she was foreign. I did. But she's a lot better now.
Some words you say, like, weird.

Kind of weird, as Jade would say. Kind of weird.

And, like, 'film'.

Christmas films, ooh.

They have their own, like...
They call Ian, like someone called Ian, they call 'Ian'.
No, it's two syllables! 'Ian'!
We're saying two syllables! 'Ian!

It's the last day, since we're playing at the new [??] stadium, I'll teach you all a bit of, like, Geordie slang, and that, do you know what I mean?

I do at Christmases, you know when you look at the Argos catalogue and pick out what you want?
Do you still do that?
Well if I had one I would, aye.
For your information, she said if she had a Argos catalogue she would, aye.

I think we've matured.
You wouldn't believe from these last few... But no, we have matured. Our writing's matured. Our lyrics have definitely matured. Um, could I say 'matured' any more? Not sure. Matured.
She says 'matured'.
She has matured.
And I say she has 'matured'.

What were we talking about?

What was the first song that Little Mix performed on The X-Factor.
Super Bass!

Right everyone, if someone looks dead lush and that, and you think they look lovely, you say to them, 'oh yeah, you're looking dead bonny, you, aren't you?' Just like my mama there. Hey, ma? You're looking dead bonny, you, like.
Hey, thanks very much, hinny.
And then [??], if someone's really pissed you off, you say, um...
I'm raging.
I'm fucking raging, me, man. You little radgie, you. Don't start with me! You daft c--
So, like, if you're dead happy about something, you say: 'Oh yeah, I'm over the moon, me.' Or: 'I'm absolutely chuffed. Chuffed to bits, man. I'm over the moon.'

Tell us, tell us.
Well, we've got a song that Meghan Trainor wrote for us.
She's a bit of a babe. And Charlie Puth.
I like how you say that. Charlie Puth.

Dora the Explorer.

Take a sip of my secret potion. I'll make you fall in love. For a spell that cannot be broken. One drop should be enough, hey!

He saves the world quite a lot.
No, he's a different one. Another --
No, the other geezer.
Iron Man.
No, the other geezer.
No, the other geezer. You haven't said him, he wears loads of black.

Since it's Mix's Monday, we're going to answer some questions!

He swims in the ocean, and when he gets really angry he goes, pppfffffff!
A whale. Um. Your ma.
No! He swims in the ocean, and when he gets angry he goes ppfff.
He goes spiky.
Yeah, and it's on Nemo.
I don't know what they're called. Puffer fish.
Close, it's a...?
Oh, it's a... blower fish.

Iron Man. Spider-Man. Superman. Why did I get so Geordie?
Iron Man. Spider-Man. Superman.

My pet hate is people that eat with their mouth open. I don't want to see what's in your mouth when you're eating, alright? And I also hate people that grind their teeth in their sleep. Don't know why you're doing it, but stop.

I'm going to have to go with dare. I don't want anyone knowing, you know, the truth.

-- right now we're just busy rehearsing for the tour, so by the time you see this --

This is so exciting, I think I might discombobulate.

Eighteenth birthday. I can't remember the eighteenth, but I do remember the nineteenth, and it was probably one of the worst days of my life.

[??]. Oh, you flipped it, man. How do I flip it back?
Oh my god, honestly. Between the three of them.

Get that ring off. We don't want any accidents, do we?

Just a little clip. This [??] face is in the corner, man.

I must have bumped my head. Because I didn't dance the same [??].
In English, Jade?
Oh yeah, I did it in Geordie. Oh well. Figure it out for yourself.

If you're running a race, and you pass the person in second, what place are you in?
First. Eh? You pass a person in second... well aye, first.
Second. Because you're passing them in second.

We'd just be sitting in the corner, scoffing our faces and not talking to anyone.

Halfway cross that city with the backpack, fat cat, crushing labels out here, nah they can't tell us nothing. We give that to the people, and we spread it across the country.

We'll put her in, like, I don't know, one of the bins or something, so we can carry her around after the show.

Jade! Aye, pet. Way aye, man.
Teach us some Geordie slang, like.
What's going on here, like? I'm buzzing off my tits for the show tonight.
Me too, I'm fucking buzzing, man.
I'm over the moon. I cannot wait for the special stage, I'm going to absolutely belt them out.
Are you ready to fucking have it, Jade?

There are so many people we need to thank, including our mams and our dads. And especially to Lisa, she has been the best mentor and we would never have won it without her.


April 19, 2021

To whomever is going to try this one. I would only need a transcript for the black and white videos. From 1:37-1:44 and from 2:27-3:09. Thank you very much.

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