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English Script Request

Complete / 849 Words
by Cadence -

Because I grew, so I was still like Meg Ryan but I was like Meg Ryan in the 90's. Not Meg Ryan 80's, Meg Ryan 90's, little bit taller, little bit cooler. I went to a performing arts high school. Do you guys have these? Like performing arts high schools? Yeah.. alright. Not many I can tell by the lack of applause. But that's good, that's fine. You go in there, you study an art form. It's an art school, an art town. It's basically a sanctuary for like, the nerds. If you got beat up a bunch, you went to this school because there were no sports teams, no tough guys. It was like 7 girls to 1 guy. You studied like painting or acting or dance or like trumpet or anything. Anyway I went there and I realize like, this is different and great. For the first time in my life, I will probably be considered good at sports. Because it was 7 girls to 1 guy. A lot of the guys were on the feminine spectrum of things. Great. So in PE I'm thinking I'll be like picked like, not last. Because I was used-, I was normally- I was used to being picked last.

-- Can I get a drink of water? -- choke on something Ah that was great. That was good. Dasani, DAS-ani, how do you say this? Thank you.

Anyway,so I'm thinking this is going to be great. I'll be finally kinda considered good at sports. So the first day, all new kids. None of them knew me. None of them knew how bad at sports I really am. We're standing on line. I'm kinda goofing off talking to somebody. They're picking teams for football. That's very important to the story. Football, not soccer. All of a sudden I realize the guy I'm talking to gets picked. I look over and there's only one other guy left to be picked. This kid Terry. Now Terry is a little bit different than you and I because Terry has no hands. I am not making this up! I kid you not. Terry was born without hands. He had no hands. He had no hand on his right hand and only- he had like a hang loose pinkie and thumb on the other and what he- what he went to school- he was a slide trombone wizard. He played slide trombone. He would wedge it- and he was just- and like one of the prodigies in Nevada of slide trombone. A great guy. A good trombone player. A good friend of mine to this day. A really great guy but fact of the matter is Terry did not have any hands. Can't take that away from him. So I'm sitting here on line being "oh my gosh it's me and Terry. This is so embarrassing when all of the sudden it happened. The team picked Terry. And I'm like "what?" And the other team goes "I guess we got Gubler" I'm like "ya guess you got Goubler? Gubler's got 10 fingers. Gubler can hit a pitch and tie his shoes..Gubler.. what do you mean I guess you got Gubler?" So I'm like freaking out. This is just gunna haunt- this is just gunna wreck me. People are already starting to make fun at the end of the class.(Oh my God) So I'm in the in field, whatever the hell- I don't even know what it's called that tells you how bad I am at sports. I'm moping around like "They picked Terry before me" when all of a sudden, truly, a life changing moment happened for me. The quarterback hikes the ball, or whoever hikes to ball to- whatever happens. The guy's got- he goes he goes. People are scattering, you know the team. Terry, he's bolting. Terry's going deep, deep. No one's covering Terry cause(because), you know, Terry's got no hands. Terry's like way almost to the infield. The guy then whizzes the ball and its going,man, going. I's like a movie slow motion everyone is watching this ball fly and then I kid you not, Terry, like a dolphin, jumps in the air and catches it with his face. He catches the entire ball with his face. And he just went and spiked it, and then came up and bowed. And I truthfully, I've seen so many things in my life, I've never seen anything more moving or as great as this- not to be like sentimental it was this moment that defined me today because I realized I needed to be more like Terry, like this guy had no hands. He's catching balls with his face, playing the slide trombone. He was great at everything. He was here, he'd be doing an arguably better job hosting this. He'd be holding the mic like- You know at that point that was something I never really did and you know you guys are college students. I encourage you, you know, to try hard like Terry. So cut to.. I love terry. Best guy ever.


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