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English Script Request

Complete / 933 Words
by KingAlm 0:09 - 4:55

Hey everyone, welcome to the grand finale of "Ask the Experts". It's the final episode with myself, Jeff Bakalar, and Peter Brown from GameSpot.

"That's who I am"
"That's who you are"

This is upsetting, it's bittersweet. We're in the last category. Don't - no no, it's going to be okay. I have a feeling you and I going to be doing this again. I'm going make you guys come to New York, we're going to do this again. Alright?

Now we're going to talk all about our opinions on what this all means. Are the consoles worth it? Are you getting your money's worth? Should you upgrade? All that kind of stuff.

So the first question we have is from Alexander. He says, "If he has a PS3, is it worth upgrading?" to the next generation, the PS4. Is it worth it? I almost don't want to consider it upgrading. For all intents and purposes, going from a PS3 and then 'upgrading ‘to a PS4, there's really no upgrading. One - there's no backwards compatibility. So there's no real migration, it's a new system and a new generation. So do you think it's worth it for the bump in multi-platform games like, the graphical and performance bump? Do you think that's worth it?

Maybe. I know some people are interested in better graphics primarily. And really that's what this new hardware is about for the most part. Something like Battlefield 4 and Assassin's Creed 4, games that are appearing on PS3 and Xbox 360 as well as the Xbox One and PS4 are going to look better, but again, do more polygons and a higher resolution mean I'm cool spending 4 or 500 dollars just to get that? I mean this has been the longest gap between console generations, right? So obviously people are hungry for new hardware. And there's that anticipation and excitement that comes with getting something that is new and shiny and different. But at the same time, when are you fooling yourself and when are you doing yourself a service?

So, maybe neither one of us actually sees the value in picking up a new console, but Michael wants to know do we think, in our opinions, that these systems are worth their asking price?

That's sort of a tough question I think.

We've already answered it about the games, but how do you feel about the hardware and the added value these things bring to your living room in general?

You know, when you look at the price of each, obviously with the XBOX being $100 more, in my opinion, that $100 does not feel wroth it right at launch, because I lived with XBOX 1 in my living room, I've got the scars to show it , prove it , and my wife did not enjoy using XBOX 1 as a remote control for our cable box. She watches a lot of HGTV (Home and Garden Television), I didn't know that channel exists. It's all about fixing up houses and whatnot. You say "Xbox, go watch HGTV" and it doesn't know what to do. It has never worked. But when you deconstruct the hardware inside each console, let's call a spade a spade, there's more horsepower in a PS4.

There is, yeah. The GPU (graphical processing unit) is more powerful. The RAM is so much faster, for sure. You know each of these consoles, too, as much as they are hardware and games, there's also the service that gives them a lot of of the functionality and entertainment that people really look for. So now you have to balance XBOX Live and Playstation Plus. Both are required for multiplayer on their respective consoles. And I should say both of them give you free games, but Sony is giving you free games every month for PS4, Playstation 3, Vita. Yep. I mean, it just almost doesn’t stop. If you’re a member you just have a list of free games.

But XBOX live gold is a hose job. I mean, let’s be honest. The fact that you need to pay $60 a year to watch Netflix?! Yes. That is not good. That’s mind-blowing that that’s even still a reality.

When you line them up and you look at what each sort of bullet point equates to, XBOX Live Gold really does feel like you’re getting a run around and, even Skype, I think requires Xbox live gold. That’s crazy! I mean how crazy is that? It’s mind-blowing some of the game functionalities tied to that as well. Sony is being a little more flexible a little more generous. They’re not trying to bombard you with things that you’re not even asking for.

“Man, Pete Brown, man. This has just been a goddamn pleasure is what is has. It has, it has.
More of this! More of CNET, more of Gamespy!

Promise me!

I promise you.

Pinky swear?

F yeah! We got a pinky promise. Hey I need that back.

You don’t want to let go, haha! How could you blame him? This has been fantastic, sir. Thank you so much for watching, thank you for the question, hope you guys learned a lot. That will do it for this round of “Ask the Experts”
I’m Jeff Bakalar from CNET
And Peter Brown from GameSpot
Thanks so much for watching guys, see you soon. Take care!

A pinky swear is when two people link pinky fingers to make a promise more secure or important. Feel free to message me if you have any questions. Thanks, I hope this helped!


Jan. 7, 2014

Thank you very much!

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