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English Script Request

Complete / 328 Words
by mr99203 0:00 - 0:02:10

Hey guys, this is a summary of the Nicomachean Ethics by Aristotle. Of course, as the title indicates, Aristotle is concerned with laying out a set of ethics. However, instead of simply giving people a set of rules on how they should behave, he focuses on the type of people they should become. He's actually trying to provide the reader with practical advice here, not just philosophy. He starts by suggesting that the goal here is utimonia, wellbeing, the highest good, which exists when the soul is in a virtuous state. He argues that the soul must be studied so that we will know what it is to actually be morally good. He says that moral virtue requires practice, repetition, receiving both pleasure and pain. Someone who is virtuous will avoid extremes, choosing instead to aim for moderation, the middle ground in their behavior, and to avoid excess and deficiency. In order to be virtuous, one must make a conscious decision to be good and one is morally responsible for one's actions. Aristotle discusses a series of moral virtues and says that justice is that which is fair. For this reason, it can include the distribution of resources and the righting of wrongs. Aristotle discusses the relationship between equity and justice, then continues his discussion of virtues, moving on to intellectual virtues. He discusses the various reasons that people might act immorally even though they know what they should do and he also discusses the various ways in which someone can act immorally. He then continues by discussing the various types of friendship, the basis of friendship, and the problems associated with friendships. Finally he says that utimonia, which again is wellbeing, the highest good, is an action of contemplation because it makes use of one's reasoning abilities. Because most people will not behave morally on their own of course, we need laws and government. So as you see, there is a close relationship between ethics and politics.


Feb. 24, 2013

I'm sorry, I submitted this as complete without checking for the spelling of "Eudaimonia". It's spelled incorrectly twice in the transcription.

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