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English Script Request

Complete / 1098 Words
by tmiyo 0:00 - 2:00

How are you gentlemen? It's you! Let's play Yume Nikki. I'm on man, how are you guys doing tonight? Uh, right now I forgot to pick up something in the puddle world. It is the umbrella. I forgot to get it earlier I should have gotten it when I was first here and in order to get it you just walk diagonally past this. . . there you go. That's how you get it. Just go the opposite way. But today we're going something completely different. Uh, I'm definitely going to have to cut lots of this video because I am really bad at mazes. I mean, really bad at mazes. You don't want to know how bad I am at mazes. . . it's that bad. Today we're going to go to a really bad maze, a really annoying maze, as soon as I can find it. (1:00) Umm, I definitely should have scoped it out before I did this video but I'm going to be cutting a lot of that out anyway. Ahh, I don't know where it is . . . search past these people. . . past these eyes. Yup, today we're going to what my map refers to as Hell. Certainly isn't no hell temple I'll tell you that. Here we go. Go past the footprint area. Past these ah things that cough blood when you hit their little knobby things sticking out of the ground. Ah, I don't think they do anything, they are just there to freak you out. Spit things. And this is the entrance of Hell. They are spread out throughout the entire dream world. And this IS HELL. Uh, I guess in science(y) terms you would say, Oh God that's one of them. (2:00)

by tmiyo 2:00 - 3:02

In science(y) terms you'd probably say this is the canal way of the little girl's mind. I guess that's what you'd say. But we need to get somewhere. See here's another entrance. Goga! (laughing) That was a close one. It almost screwed up the whole video. But we need to get to a door. And you can't really see the door right now but I'm trying to find it. There's another one of those girls. Bird girls. Oh! She's going to try to get me now. You can't see the door right now. But it's around here somewhere and I'm going to cut the video after this. So I'm going to stop talking for a while and then when I redo it I'll be in front of the door. And this is the door. Uh, it didn't take me as long as I thought it would. So, let's just go inside. This here is another forest. I got to that guy before I just forgot how to do it.(3:02)

by browncm 3:02 - 3:26

This is the dense forest. Now you need the lamp here, but the thing is, I don't want to get rid of my running power. Just attach the lamp head and walk through. Uh, but this will take me just a second to go through. It's just another forest. Um, there's just a few eyes looking at you. It's a really short area. And see, I'm already done with it. And here's a train. Hi, train.

by browncm 3:26 - 8:44

I'm in the middle of no... oh. Hi, train person. I'm just gonna sit, you know, over here. Oh, I just lost my power. Just kinda ride on the train for a little bit. It's like, don't touch me. (Ewww) Now I'm gonna make sure you never touch me. Take that. Ha, I gotta get out of here now. It's a little lake with girls by it. It's like, "hi. hi, look at me." How about you look at me now? Oh my god look at their faces. Ha, let's not, let's not provoke them. That's a little bit creepy. And that one seems to be waving or something. Just take a little ride out here and stare at some of the wild life... and some of the plant life. Uh, okay. Whatever you say. This is one hell of a bridge. Why look at this tree here. It's one weird looking tree. What'll it give me? The witch power. And I know how that witch power is. Definitely gonna help one of you out there. Not a name drop or anything, cuz I know one of you has been waiting for that. Alright, seeing as we still have the time probably, let's go do something fun. And we're just gonna go old school bike cuz I don't feel like running up there just to get my speed again. Cuz this won't take very long. Just go through the, um, I don't know what this area's called. I call it funny floor video or funny, funny floor area. Oh, you gotta be kidding me. Oh, well. I guess that only opens up a few times, but let's go look at something else. Alright, we'll go look at something else. Nothing big, just another, uh, another character. This is Weird-Blood-Comes-Out-Of-His-Head Man. He likes to show his uh special talent to everybody who walks into his office. Tell us, blood-coming-out-of-your-head man, what's your special power? Oh... okay. Just gonna sit and watch you do this for a little bit. Alright, that was interesting. I'll see ya later. Alright, so we have witch power now. I'm gonna save real quick, and then... let's just figure out something here. I really wanna show you the uh the key key part. Seems that they don't want me to, though. I guess it's random. I did it earlier. Uh, but I guess they didn't want me to show you. Alright, we're back. Um, this is what I wanted. I wanted to take you to the roof of the mall. Here we are. This is the happiest area in the game. And it's the coolest. Why? Let's put witch power on. And let's go. Yeah! Yeah! This is so awesome. This is the best part of the game. So upbeat and everything. Look, I'm flying. I'm flying over the city. This can't end in any horrible, abrupt way, ever. I mean, I'm just flying over the city. Nothing bad can happen, nothing bad at... oh, shit. Oops. (Aaahhhhhh. Hahaha). Oh, Madotsuki. You're so silly. Alright, that's enough for today, guys. Definitely gonna have to cut a lot out of this video, but that's eighteen uh, eighteen effects. And uh, guess I'll see you tomorrow night. This has been Let's Play Yume Nikki. I'm Jo- er, pshh, Loud Man. Internet name. I'll see you guys tomorrow night.


Dec. 26, 2013

Thank you テレサ for the transcription up to 2:00:)

Dec. 29, 2013

Thank you テレサ for the transcription up to 3:02:)

Jan. 13, 2014

Thank you Chris for the transcription up to 3:26:)

Feb. 1, 2014

Thank you Chris for completing the transcription:)

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