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English Script Request

Complete / 1286 Words
by crushbowl 0:00:00 - 0:04:59

Bruce Dickinson (Iron Maiden) and John Norris (MTV Host/Correspondent)
Hangin’ w/MTV (TV Show) -


John - Alright “Wasting Love” (song title) - Iron Maiden, Bruce Dickinson in the house! How ya doin’ man? Good to see you!

[Audience Applause Break]

John - How ya doin’ man? Have a seat!

Bruce - Thank you!

John - We.. we put the word out you were going to be here, man.

Bruce - Hello...

John - Welcome! How ya doin’?

Bruce - I’m doin’ fine!

John - Good to have ya here!

John - You've actually been in this building uh a lot of the day today ‘cause you were next door doing tomorrow night’s “Headbangers”.

(**Headbanger’s Ball - another MTV heavy metal TV show - )

Bruce - Yeah, three hours sleep! Yeah. Doin’ good on three hours sleep.

John - I’m sure it’s a good–You and Nicko (Iron Maiden drummer) are doin’ headbangers for tomorrow isn't that, right?

Bruce - Uh, yeah tomorrow night

John - Right

Bruce - In fact, we’ll be… we’ll be a Mile High (Stadium) so to speak in Denver. Yeah

**Mile High Stadium - a venue/stadium famous for being a mile high (5, 280 ft)above sea level -

John - Something like that.

Bruce - Yeah

John - So you're out of here and going to Denver continuing the tour


Bruce - We’re-we’re going to Denver tonight, actually. Ehn, I'm gonna be on the radio at midnight, so.

John - Right

So it's going well. And in the–in the video umm..wasting ti- wasting love is uh… The tattooed thing I want to ask you about. This is a guy who apparently has been..uh.. with a lot of women is that the idea of the song sort of the idea of like–

Bruce - Yeah, pretty much. So the-the director’s the same guy who did the-uh-the-uh the Nirvana er-uh video. We decided to give him a shot at doing ours. And he he came up with this great idea now he wanted to


I mean obviously he's trying to take the whole thing a little bit more towards the idea, “of look, this guy's getting wasted in terms of himself” because of all the stuff that he's… all the guilt is laid on himself, you know, eh, going to bed with all these people, that may be he didn’t love.

John - An increasingly dangerous thing to do these days

Bruce - Pretty life-threatening, yeah, I would say

John - Yeah, exactly

Bruce - Yeah

John - Which is another track, um, “Fear is the Key” on the…

Bruce - That’s right.

John - on the record which deals specifically with AIDS (** HIV/AIDS -

Bruce - That’s right.


John - Yeah, now, was that the Freddie Mercury** thing that kind of inspired that or?

(**Freddie Mercury, another famous British artist/singer, had recently died prior to this interview in November 1991 from a complication of AIDS.)

Bruce - No, th–eh…the Freddie Mercury thing happened in the middle of it while I was writing the words. Annnd, umm, the line in the song that was about that is, “Nobody cares ‘til somebody famous dies” which is what, uhh, something that came up with the whole Magic Johnson thing

John - Yeah

Bruce - Uh, which is, I mean it’s tragic when anybody gets it–

John - Unfortunately, it’s true

Bruce - Yeah, but it is! I mean people been dying of it for years and everybody's been like


“No. Well, I don't know anybody's so” uhhh but uhm. Anyway so that's that was that particular song yeah.

John - Now, in fact, um, in the piece we ran before the video we had a little (sound)byte of you talking about how the songs on this album are probably more I don't if you'd say topical maybe you know, uhh, have to do with sort of current things that–

Bruce - Real!

John - people are talking about these days

Bruce - Real. They’re more real. Yeah

John - Real world, type of things

Bruce - I mean the thing is we-we've made a name for ourselves when we first started out


Writing a lot of songs about sort of mythology uhm and-uh and things like that and history, famous battles we've known and stuff like that. Um, which was real different at the time and then lots of other bands started doing it. We didn't really see any need to change ‘cause we've never been a band to change just for change’s sake. Um, but with some time off and uhh, you know living in the real world not living out of a tour bus

John - Right

Bruce - It's like, “Hang on! This is 1992” and and and it's like the world seems to be


slowly falling apart. If it's not like the Acid Rain and the Ozone Layer, it's like your sex life or everything else is. There's no part of being a person now where some bad stuff isn't gonna happen to you at some… at some point, potentially. It's like everything's comin’ on—

John - Lot of scary stuff going on

Bruce - It’s scary stuff going on! And so we thought that what you know the the record [sharp inhale] you know there's not too much there's not too many you know, [sings] “Cheer-ee-uh-ho-ho -

John - Exactly [laughs]

Bruce - “...Everything’s nice and wonderful”

John - Well, there’s not a lot of cheery stuff going on, right, right

Bruce - Gosh, you know, you know.

John - Well, they're giving me the wrap. I know you've got to go. Real


quickly though let me say for everybody who doesn't have the record yet and has been a longtime fan of Derek's album covers got a new artist out this time sort of a new look of Eddie, right?

Bruce - Yeah what we did was we just said, “Look, we want to get a real you know evil looking menacing nasty rip your head off reach for the puke bag Eddie on the front” annd um, yeah it worked! And so uh, we got we-we put three artists out said eight you each have a shot of it and the best one


Is is gonna go on the cover. So Derek still works for us this is the artist he draws all the [Iron] Maiden stuff for years and years and he still works he's still making like really hideous creations, uhhm, so they'll be surfacing on other stuff.

John - And Eddie’s out on the road with you this time?

Bruce - Awwh,

John - Ok, of course!

Bruce - The best monster on the planet!

John - Really? Alright

Bruce - Aww, yeah he's 10 foot 10 foot Oreo cookies.

John - (chuckles) Excellent, man. Well, thanks um thanks so much for stopping by. We'll catch you on Headbangers tomorrow


Night 11 p.m. And um. I know there's a lot of… a lot of days still left on the tour. Still rockin’ after all these years. And a lot, um, a lot of West Coast dates still left, right, on the tour.

Bruce - Oh yeah, yeah, loads of dates

John - Get out there if you're on the west coast. See Iron Maiden.

Bruce - Do I go now?

John - You just hang out for a second. I just want to tell them what's coming up. Pauly Shore last time ever on our show. Grace Jones is gonna be here as well. You might want to stick around for that.

Thanks a lot man, It’s great to meet you


Aug. 8, 2021


[Interviewer]: All right "Wasting Love"! Iron Maiden Bruce Dickinson in the house! How you doing, man?! How you doing? Lets sit. Thank you. (???) So, how you doing?

[Bruce]: I'm doing fine.

[Interviewer]: You've actually been in this building a lot of the day today because you were next tour doing tomorrow a nice (???)

[Bruce]: Yeah, yeah, trying to sleep, oh yeah.

[Interviewer]: (???)

[Bruce]: Doin' good three hours asleep, yeah.

[Interviewer]: Sure, it's good. You and Nicko are doing 'Headbangers' for tomorrow isn't that right?

[Brucce]: Yeah, tomorrow night. But will be it will be a mile high.

[Interviewer]: Something like that?

[Bruce]: Yeah.

[Interviewer]: So you're out of here and going to Denver continuing into tour.

[Bruce]: We gots to Denver tonight actually and I'm gonna be on the radio at midnight so...

Aug. 8, 2021


[Interviewer]: Right so it's going well and in the video Wasting Love is the tattooed thing, I want to ask you about, this is a guy who apparently has been with a lot of women is that the idea of the song so the idea so...

[Bruce]: Pretty much, so the directors the same guy did they play at the Nirvana video, we decided to give him a shot at doing ours and he came up with this great idea. Now he wanted to, I mean obviously he's trying to take the whole thing a little bit more towards the idea look this guy's getting wasted in terms of himself because of all the stuff that he's, all the guilt is layed on himself, you know. Going to bed with all these people that may be...

[Interviewer]: Increasingly dangerous thing to do these days?

[Bruce]: It's pretty life-threatening yeah, all we say yeah, exactly, yeah.

[Interviewer]: Which is another track umm here's the key on their own the record deals specifically...

[Bruce]: B-side.

Aug. 8, 2021


[Interviewer]: And there was at the Freddie Mercury thing kind of inspired that or?

[Bruce]: Know that... the Freddie Mercury thing happened in the middle of it while I was writing the words and... the line in the song that was about that is nobody cares til somebody famous dies which is what something that came up with the whole Magic Johnson thing, which is a mess tragic when it...

[Inteviewer]: ...unfortunately sure...

[Bruce]: Yeah, but it is I mean people been dying on it for years and everybody's been like, "Nope, well... I don't know anybody's", so mm-hmm but... Anyway so that's that was that particular song, yeah?

[Interviewer]: Now, in fact umm in the piece we ran before the video we had a little bite of you talking about how the songs on this album are probably more I don't if you'd say topical maybe, you know, have to do with sort of current things that people are...

[Bruce]: Real.

[Interviewer]: ...talking about these days.

Aug. 8, 2021


[Bruce]: I'm real, yeah.

[Interviewer]: Real world (??)

[Bruce]: I mean the thing is we've made a name for ourselves when we first started out writing a lot of songs about mythology and things like that and history, famous battles we've known and stuff like that, which was real different at the time and then lots of other bands started doin' it. We didn't really see any need to change because we've never been a band to change just for changes sake. But with some time off and you know living in the real world not living out of a tour bus.

[Interviewer]: Right.

[Bruce]: It's like hang on this is 1992 and and and it's like the world seems to be slowly falling apart if it's not like the acid rain and the ozone layer it's like your sex life or everything else is.

Aug. 8, 2021


[Bruce]: There's no part of being a person now we're some bad stuff isn't gonna happen to you at some point potentially, it's like everything's [...] going stuff going on here and so we thought that what you know the record *ksss* you know there's not too much, there's not too many, you know [sing a song]

[Interviewer]: (??) your stuff goin' on.

[Bruce]: Gosh! You know, you know.

[Interviewer]: They're giving me the rap I know you've got to go real quickly though let me say for everybody who doesn't have the record yet and it's been a longtime fan of Derek's album covers got a new artist out this time a new look of Eddie, right?

[Bruce]: Yeah, what we did was we just said we want to get a real you know evil looking menacing nasty rip your head off reach for the puke bag Eddie ugly on the front.

Aug. 8, 2021


[Bruce]: And yeah, it worked and so we got we put three artists out said, "Hey, you each have a shot of it and the best one is gonna go on the cover", so Derek still works for us this is the artist he draws all the Maiden stuff for years and years, and he still works, he's still making like really hideous creations umm so there'll be certain other cities out.

[Interviewer]: And in his hours on the road with you this time...

[Bruce]: Oh! The best monster on the planet! Yeah right. he's 10 for Oreo cookies

[Interviewer]: Actually man! Well, thanks um thanks so much for stopping by! We'll catch you in 'Headbangers' tomorrow night 11 p.m. you know there's a lot of they still left for the tour after all these years and a lot of West Coast dates.

[Bruce]: Oh yeah, a lot os days!

[Interviewer]: Still left right I like it out there if you're on the West Coast CIA made crew like it oh my God, now?

[Bruce]: (???)

Aug. 8, 2021

[Interviewer]: You just hang out for a second I was going to tell them what's coming up Pauly Shore last time ever on our show Grace Jones is gonna be here as well. You might are sticking out for that.

Aug. 8, 2021

[Interviewer]: You just hang out for a second I was going to tell them what's coming up Pauly Shore last time ever on our show Grace Jones is gonna be here as well. You might are sticking out for that.

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