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English Script Request

Complete / 478 Words
by Nofoofro 0:00 - 3:32

[Man] Doctor, what is anemia?

[Doctor] Anemia is a condition in which the body does not have enough healthy red blood cells. Red blood cells provide oxygen to body tissues. Hemoglobin is an iron-rich protein present in red blood cells that gives the red colour to blood.

[Woman] Doctor, what causes anemia?

[Doctor] There are many different types of anemia. Common causes include a lack of iron, folate and vitamin B12, or cobalamin. The loss of blood from bleeding, stomach ulcers, gastritis, colon cancer and heavy periods can also cause iron deficiency anemia. Autoimmune diseases and hereditary diseases, such as sickle cell anemia, can destroy red blood cells. This is called hemolytic anemia. Aplastic anemia is a blood disorder in which the body's bone marrow doesn't make enough new blood cells.

[Man] Doctor, what are the symptoms of anemia?

[Doctor] Common symptoms include tiredness and shortness of breath. How severe the symptoms are depends on how sever the anemia is and if it is of sudden onset. Long-lasting iron deficiency can cause other symptoms such as a sore mouth, swallowing problems, or nails that soften and curl. Sever vitamin B12 deficiency can affect memory and cause problems with balance.

[Woman] Doctor, how is anemia diagnosed?

[Doctor] The doctor makes a diagnosis from a medical history, physical examination and blood tests. A specialist known as a haematologist may be involved if the causes aren't clear. In some cases, a test known as a bone marrow exam may be done to determine the cause of the anemia.

[Man] Doctor, how is anemia treated?

[Doctor] Treatment depends in the cause and severity of disease. Blood transfusions may be needed for severe anemia. For iron deficiency anemia, the doctor may prescribe iron tablets. For pernicious anemia, vitamin B12 injections are given. Usually for life. People with vitamin B12 deficiency caused by poor diet can take vitamin tablets. Treatment of folate deficiency is folate pills. The main treatment of anemia of chronic disease is control of underlying disease. Erythropoietin, given as injections, may be used in severe anemia, in renal failure, and in cancer.

Do's and Don'ts in managing anemia:

Do follow your doctor's recommendations for controlling underlying conditions that may be causing anemia.

Do eat a well-balanced diet rich in iron, vitamin B12 and folate.

Do use vitamin supplements if you eat a special diet.

Do call your doctor if you have symptoms of severe anemia, such as shortness of breath.

Do tell your doctor if your pregnant, planning a pregnancy or breast feeding.

Do tell our doctor about stomach upset or constipation from an iron supplement. These side effects usually get better with a lower dose or change to a different iron pill.

Don't stop taking your medicine just because you feel better unless your doctor tells you to.

Don't drink alcohol in excess.

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