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English Recordings

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  • Michael Scott ( recorded by lgarner ), Southern

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    Hi, my name is Jane Scott, I’m a 25 years old Canadian. I was born on the 7th of December 1989. I grew up in Vancouver but I was actually born in Seattle in the US, right on the other side of the boarder!
    If I had to describe my personality, I would say that I’m quite introvert but definitely loyal to the few friends I have.
    I love to go hiking with them in the mountains nearby. I also enjoy taking long walks alone in the forest. It gives me some time to think about what I want to do in life after I’m done studying mathematics.
    I have indoor activities too as Winter can be quite long and cold here. So, when it’s freezing outside, I spend a lot of time in my room with my friends playing computer games. We formed a team to play Counter Strike.
    When the four of us are tired of playing on the computer we go train our ping pong skills in the garage.
    However, most of my time is taken by my studies at the university. I still don’t know what I will do with my degree but hopefully I will find a job in the tech industry… I find this field very attractive because it allows you to work on your own on fascinating projects. Plus, it’s the kind of industry where you can really make a difference; and this suits my personal quote perfectly: “everyone can make a difference”.

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  • Michael Scott ( recorded by jokeeffe ), American (Northeast)

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    Hi, my name is Michael Scott, I’m a 25 year old Canadian. I was born on the 7th of December 1989. I grew up in Vancouver but I was actually born in Seattle in the US, right on the other side of the border!
    If I had to describe my personality, I would say that I’m quite introverted but definitely loyal to the few friends I have.
    I love to go hiking with them in the mountains nearby. I also enjoy taking long walks alone in the forest. It gives me some time to think about what I want to do in life after I’m done studying mathematics.
    I have indoor activities too as Winter can be quite long and cold here. So, when it’s freezing outside, I spend a lot of time in my room with my friends playing computer games. We formed a team to play Counter Strike.
    When the four of us are tired of playing on the computer we go train our ping pong skills in the garage.
    However, most of my time is taken by my studies at the university. I still don’t know what I will do with my degree but hopefully I will find a job in the tech industry… I find this field very attractive because it allows you to work on your own on fascinating projects. Plus, it’s the kind of industry where you can really make a difference; and this suits my personal quote perfectly: “everyone can make a difference”.

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  • Michale Scott ( recorded by jokeeffe ), American (Northeast)

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    Hi, my name is Michael Scott, I’m a 25 years old Canadian. I was born on the 7th of December 1989. I grew up in Vancouver but I was actually born in Seattle in the US, right on the other side of the border!
    If I had to describe my personality, I would say that I’m quite introverted but definitely loyal to the few friends I have.
    I love to go hiking with them in the mountains nearby. I also enjoy taking long walks alone in the forest. It gives me some time to think about what I want to do in life after I’m done studying mathematics.
    I have indoor activities too as Winter can be quite long and cold here. So, when it’s freezing outside, I spend a lot of time in my room with my friends playing computer games. We formed a team to play Counter Strike.
    When the four of us are tired of playing on the computer we go train our ping pong skills in the garage.
    However, most of my time is taken by my studies at the university. I still don’t know what I will do with my degree but hopefully I will find a job in the tech industry… I find this field very attractive because it allows you to work on your own on fascinating projects. Plus, it’s the kind of industry where you can really make a difference; and this suits my personal quote perfectly: “everyone can make a difference”.

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  • my work placement ( recorded by Owain78 ), London, Neapolitan

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    Let me present the company where I did my work placement. I did my work placement at one of the Bridgestone dealers. I went to the parent company to meet the CEO and have my agreement signed.
    Bridgstone Corporation is the world's largest manufacturer of tyres and other rubber products. The headquarters are based in Tokyo. the company was founded in 1931 and the founder was the Japanese businessman Shojiro Ishibashi.
    In Japanese Ishi means stone and bashi means bridge. So the name Bridgestone comes from a translation of ishibashi, meaning "stone bridge" in Japanese.
    The Bridgestone Corporation and its subsidiaries employ over 140,000 people around the world and 20,000 people in the EMIA. They operate 178 plants in 25 countries and sell tyres in more than 150 countries.
    I mainly worked with my placement supervisor and another trainee and I really enjoyed this internship.

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  • Presentation ( recorded by Owain78 ), London, Neapolitan

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    Hello, my name is Evan.
    I'm 12 years old and I'm English.
    I live in London and I'm in 7th grade.
    I have one brother and two little sisters.
    I also have three dogs, a
    cat and a goldfish.
    My favourite colour is blue but I also love green.
    My favourite school subject is history
    because it
    's very interesting.
    I love skating, s
    wimming and playing video games.
    I also really like reading and watching movies.
    I hate football
    , it's boring!
    So, this is me! What about you?
    What's your name? How old are you?
    What do you li
    ke doing?
    Tell me everything about you

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