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English Recordings

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  • War of the Worlds ( recorded by Owain78 ), London, Neapolitan

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    On the 30th October 1938, Orson Welles (producer and film maker) presented his "War of the Worlds" story in a realistic radio programme. He caused a wave of panic all over the United States because he started with: “Ladies and gentlemen, we interrupt our program of dance music to bring you a special bulletin: Martians have landed in New Jersey!”. Hundreds of people, who did not know that the story was based on a science fiction novel written in 1898 (by H.G. Wells), panicked. They really thought that Martians were attacking the planet!

  • War of the Worlds ( recorded by jokeeffe ), American (Northeast)

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    On 30th October 1938, Orson Welles (producer and film maker) presented his "War of the Worlds" story in a realistic radio programme. He caused a wave of panic all over the United States because he started with: “Ladies and gentlemen, we interrupt our program of dance music to bring you a special bulletin: Martians have landed in New Jersey!”. Hundreds of people, who did not know that the story was based on a science fiction novel written in 1898 (by H.G. Wells), panicked. They really thought that Martians were attacking the planet!

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  • MY CHINESE POTRAIT ( recorded by cbilyeu ), American - Midwest/Neutral

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  • MY CHINESE POTRAIT ( recorded by AnjaliAngel ), American west

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    If I were an animal, I would be.... a cat because ...all a cat does is sleep and I love sleeping. But I hate mice, so I would chase mice and I could jump really high ! That would be super cool !!!

    If I were a day , I would be ... Saturday because... it's the start of the weekend and we don't have class on that day .I would spend all my afternoons outside and I could sleep late in the morning !

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  • MEET A BLOGER CO ( recorded by vankrot ), British

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    Hello, I'm William. I live in Manchester in England. I'm 14 years old and I'm British but my family comes from Greece.
    I'm interested in History and science. I would like to go to Africa and follow in the footsteps of Dr Livingston, one of the most famous explorers of all time.
    My biggest dream ? When I am older, I plan to become a well-known explorer!
    My favourite place in Manchester is the Museum Of Science and Industry. The part I like the most is the one dedicated to the Industrial Revolution.
    I usually play cricket, a typical British sport

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  • MEET A BLOGER CO ( recorded by deleted ), unspecified accent

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