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English Recordings

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  • Nothing to wear ( recorded by cbilyeu ), American - Midwest/Neutral

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    Nothing to wear

    Milana wants to go to the movies, but she has nothing to wear (as usual). She says to her great-grand auntie Lucy, "I have nothing to wear!"

    "Wear my tiger-fur dress”, says her great-grand auntie.

    So Milana wears her auntie’s fur dress to the movies, but it looks funny. All of the people at the movies make fun of Milana.

    The next day Milana wants to go to the swimming pool, but, as usual, she has nothing to wear. She says to her one year old little brother, Danya "I have nothing to wear!"

    "Wear my diaper!", says her little brother.

    So Milana wears his diaper to the swimming pool, but it looks funny. All of the people at the swimming pool make fun of her.

    Next week, Milana’s mother has to go to PTM (parent-teacher meeting) , but she has nothing to wear. She says to Milana, "I have nothing to wear!"

    "Wear my black and white socks, the t-shirt with feathers and sequins, and some jeans" says Milana.

    So her mother wears all of those and goes to school.

    The school principal sees Milana’s mom and says “Wow! You look great!”, and she presents a printer to Milana’s mother, for being the most stylish parent ever!

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  • shpping for a sweater ( recorded by NF ), Australian

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    Shop assistant : Can I help you ?
    Customer : Yes, I am looking for a sweater
    Shop assistant : Ok, what type of sweater ?
    C : An ugly Christmas sweater !
    SA : Great ! What size are you ?
    C : I’m small / medium / large / extra large
    SA : What colour would you like ?
    C : I ‘d like a red one / a green one/ a golden one / …
    SA : How about this one ?
    C : Yes, but I don’t like snowmen, do you have a reindeer instead ?
    SA : A reindeer….mmm…yes, I have got Rudolph, the red nosed reindeer !
    C : Can I try it on ?
    SA : Yes, the changing rooms are over there.
    C : Thank you
    SA : How does it fit ?
    C : It’s too large ! Do you have a smaller one ?
    Sa : Yes, here you are !
    C : Thank you. Perfect ! How much is it ?
    SA : It’s £35.
    C : Do you tale credit cards ?
    SA : Yes, we do.
    C : Here you are. This reindeer sweater is perfect for my ugly sweater party !
    SA : Thank you. have a nice party !
    C : Thank you , bye bye.

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  • school facilities ( recorded by Owain78 ), London, Neapolitan

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    Welcome to South church Secondary School!
    South church is a mixed secondary school. Established in July 2018, it is located in Southend-on-Sea in Essex. There are over 750 students at the school, all of them from different nationalities.
    Students have access to many modern facilities. At the school, there are six science labs, two art rooms, and two gyms. There is also a library, a theatre and a kitchen. In our language classrooms, students can learn French, German and Spanish.
    For lunch students can use the large cafeteria, which is situated on the first floor next to the swimming pool.
    We value our relationships with our students, our parents and the community. Please visit our school website to find out more.

  • school facilities ( recorded by aulucy216 ), American

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  • school facilities ( recorded by jokeeffe ), American (Northeast)

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  • Toonkoo and Ngaardi ( recorded by vankrot ), British

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    When Darama, the Great Spirit, came down to the earth, he made all the animals and the birds. He gave them all their names. He also made Toonkoo and Ngaardi.
    One day, Toonkoo said to Ngaardi that he’d go out hunting. He went out hunting kangaroos and emus, while Ngaardi stayed home and got some bush tucker . She was waiting and waiting, but Toonkoo never came home.
    She started worrying. Then she started crying and as the tears ran down her face, she made the rivers and creeks come down that mountain.
    She waited there all day for him to come back with the food, but he never came back.
    As Toonkoo was out there hunting, he chucked a spear and got a kangaroo. Then he walked a bit further and he looked up and saw Darama, the Great Spirit, up the sky, watching him. He chucked a spear up to the sky, up to hit Darama, but Darama caught it, bent it and chucked it back. As it came back it turned into a boomerang. That’s how we got our boomerang.
    He was out hunting and he was still wild with Darama, so Darama took him away and put him in the moon. As the moon was coming up, Ngaardi was still crying. As she saw the moon coming up over the horizon, over the sea, she looked up into the full moon and there she saw her man, Toonkoo.
    She went to the mountain and she laid down. She said to herself that if ever he should come back, I’ll leave my heart on the mountain for him to find. Today, her heart is the red flower called the Waratah.

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  • Toonkoo and Ngaardi ( recorded by deleted ), unspecified accent

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  • football ( recorded by aulucy216 ), American

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  • football ( recorded by Owain78 ), London, Neapolitan

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    Football is played with two teams of 11 players (10 outfield and one goalkeeper).
    A match lasts 90 minutes, it is split into two halves of 45 minutes with a 15 minute rest in between.
    Any fouls will result in a free kick, or a penalty if they occur in the 18-yard box.

  • football ( recorded by jokeeffe ), American (Northeast)

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