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English Recordings

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  • Test ( recorded by vankrot ), British

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    I hope my assistance has met your expectations. I have tried my best to help you in this case.

    If you feel that your inquiry has been addressed, I would request you to please mark this case as resolved by clicking on the link.

    However, if you face any issue, please feel free to reopen the case and revert to us with a screenshot and I will try my best to assist you

    Wishing you an amazing day ahead! Stay safe and take care!

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  • murder party 3 ( recorded by kee ), Yorkshire, north of England

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  • murder party 3 ( recorded by kee ), Yorkshire, north of England

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    Hello, Mr Evans, please have a seat. We would like to question you about the events that happened very recently at the corner of Houston Street and 2nd Avenue. We looked at your file and gathered some information, so we can get down to business straight away. We have determined that the murder was committed yesterday evening. Could you tell us what you were doing at that time?

    You were alone? If you were, you don’t have an alibi… Can anybody confirm your alibi?

    Just answer my question, Mr Evans.

    Did you know the victim? His name was James Barnes. Here’s a picture of him.

    Mr Evans, we know that you sometimes go to illegal gaming rooms, to play poker. Don’t deny it, we have witnesses. You know that you could be sent to jail for one to five years, and pay a huge fine... But if you cooperate with us, we’re ready to forget about it.

    Do you know Allison Jordy?

    Do you have a weapon?

    Do you have a pet?

    Well, thank you for your time and cooperation. As a suspect, you are not allowed to leave New York City. I must also tell you that you can call a lawyer if you want to. That will be all, Mr. Evans.

  • murder party 3 ( recorded by cyngibson ), American

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    Suspect questioned: Kevin EVANS

    Officer questioning the suspect: Insp. T. Sawyer

    Questioning at the suspect’s apartment

    Officer: Hello, Mr Evans, please have a seat. We would like to question you about the events that happened very recently at the corner of Houston Street and 2nd Avenue. We have looked at your file and gathered some information, so that we’ll get down to business straight away. We have determined that the murder was committed yesterday evening. Could you tell us what you were doing at that time?

    Suspect: Yesterday? Well, Um… I was… at home. Yes, I didn’t leave my apartment yesterday.

    Officer: You were alone? If you were, you don’t have an alibi… Can anybody confirm your alibi?

    Suspect: Oh, you need somebody to confirm it? Well, actually, I wasn’t alone, but… what I tell you is confidential, right? Or could something I tell you become public? End up on YouTube or Facebook, that kind of thing?

    Officer: Just answer my question, Mr Evans.

    Suspect: Well, I was with Miss Caroll Barlet, the mayor’s daughter and… oh, she can confirm she was there with me! I also have the diary on my Iphone. It’s just… her father must never know about us…

    Officer: Did you know the victim? His name was James Barnes. Here’s a picture of him.

    Suspect: Never seen this man in my life.

    Officer: Mr Evans, we know that you sometimes go to illegal gaming rooms, to play poker. Don’t deny it, we have witnesses. You know that you could be sent to jail for one to five years, and pay a huge fine... But if you cooperate with us, we’re ready to forget about it.

    Suspect: Alright. OK. No problem. This man used to play poker with us. In a shitty gaming room. Last time I saw him, this bastard won the jackpot. I lost 3% of the sale of my Nissan stocks. Enough money to buy … gas for your car for a year!

    Officer: Do you know Allison Jordy?

    Suspect: Yes, I see her from time to time, when I don’t bother taking a taxi and come home by subway. I go to Grand Central Station. She works at Mac King. She’s hot! And she’s not shy! I saw her yesterday, by the way. She was starting her shift. It was around 7 p.m.

    Officer: Do you have a weapon?

    Suspect: When I feel like it, I go shopping in the Bronx and well, you never know what can happen there, so I have a Smith and Wesson 9mm. It’s light and easy to use. You can fire 7 bullets in no time.

    Officer: Do you have a pet?

    Suspect: No, I prefer human beings.

    Officer: Well, thank you for your time and cooperation. As a suspect, you are not allowed to leave New York City. I must also tell you that you can call a lawyer if you want to. That will be all, Mr. Evans.

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  • Murder party 2 ( recorded by kee ), Yorkshire, north of England

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    Suspect questioned: Michael OWENS

    Officer questioning the suspect: Insp. T. Sawyer

    Questioning at the suspect’s apartment

    Hello, Mr Owens, please have a seat. We would like to question you about the events that happened very recently at the corner of Houston Street and 2nd Avenue. We’ve looked at your file and gathered some information, so that we’ll get down to business straight away. We have determined that the murder was committed yesterday evening. Could you tell us what you were doing at that time?

    Yesterday? I was at Grand Central. I wanted to be around the No Sheep Shop, a pet shop I often go to. They didn’t have any goldfish in stock! That’s outrageous! I left pretty angry. So I stayed around to check if they received any goldfish later. I didn’t want to miss an opportunity to buy some, you see? There’s a lot of competition in that field…

    Did you know the victim? His name was James Barnes. Here’s a picture of him.

    Yes, I know this man. I met him once. He sold me an apartment a couple of months ago. But I had forgotten his name.

    Why did you move?

    Well, I had a very nice apartment on 23th Street but you see, my neighbour, Rosa Clintough, had a cat. And cats are very bad for my goldfish. They increase their stress and make them secrete hormones that are bad for their health.

    Do you know Kevin Evans?

    Yes, of course. Mr Evans is one of my patients. I see him every other week. Last time was yesterday afternoon. He stayed for an hour. However I can’t tell you anything about what we talked about: doctor/patient confidentiality.

    Do you have a weapon, Mr Owens?

    I wouldn’t call it a weapon. I always have my fishing knife with me. It’s very sharp. I use it to kill and open the fish I catch. Did I tell you I love fishing?

    Do you have a pet?
    439 actually. Goldfish. They aren’t really pets, they’re more like roommates. They live here with me, they’re like friends, very close friends.

    Officer: 439? That’s a lot!

    What?! How dare you judge me! You don’t know anything about me or my life!

    Well, thank you for your time and cooperation. As a suspect, you are not allowed to leave New York City. I must also tell you that you can call a lawyer if you want to. That will be all, Mr Owens. Oops!

    You idiot! Look what you’ve done! You’ve just killed Clive! Murderer! Killer! What people say about the police is true! Leave my apartment right now or I’ll… Hey! Dont touch me!

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  • Murder party ( recorded by kee ), Yorkshire, north of England

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  • Murder party ( recorded by kee ), Yorkshire, north of England

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    Hello, I’m officer Sawyer. There’s not a lot of people here today. That’s great, I have some questions to ask you about a murder.

    Let’s start with your name.

    Your restaurant is quite known at the police station, Sylvio. We know that you have an illegal gaming room at the back.

    Well, if you want that understanding to continue, you’d better answer my questions.

    Last Thursday night, there was a game of poker here. Who was there?

    Did anything unusual happen that night?

    Thank you, that will be all. You can keep running The Old Puppy.

  • Murder party ( recorded by rnp2014 ), American English

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  • short text ( recorded by Owain78 ), London, Neapolitan

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    Hello, Karen!
    Nice to meet you!
    My name is Gilberto, I'm 43 years old, I’m married to Alessandra, and we have two children. Pedro who is 16 years old and Joaquim who is 4 years old.
    We live in Olímpia, São Paulo, Brazil.
    My wife has a degree in pedagogy and works in a kid’s school as a monitor.
    I am a technician and chemical engineer, with broad experience in laboratorial chemical analysis, from simple physicochemical methods to chromatographic analysis.
    I worked for 21 years in a big sugar & energy company in Brazil.
    In that company, I started my career as a laboratory analyst, when I operated several kinds of analytical equipment and instruments for industrial use.
    During this time, I learned a lot about all analytical methods, accompanying and leading the laboratory team on process analysis from raw material to finished product.
    In that same company, I had the opportunity to self-develop and I could work in different sectors, always focused on chemical areas, such as Quality Management, Environment, and Sustainability.
    And now I wish to work with you in your company.
    That is everything about me!
    Sorry about my English!
    I’m still learning.

  • short text ( recorded by jokeeffe ), American (Northeast)

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