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English Recordings

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  • Extract from Dracula ( recorded by lgarner ), Southern

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    8 May. — [...] I only slept a few hours and got up. I had hung my shaving glass by the window, and was just beginning to shave [when] suddenly I felt a hand on my shoulder, and heard the Count's voice saying to me, "Good morning." [...]I had not seen him [evenhough] the reflection of the glass covered the whole room behind me. [...] I had cut myself slightly, but did not notice it at the moment. Having answered the Count's salutation, I turned (back) to the glass to (look again) [...] there could be no error, [because] the man was close to me. I could see him over my shoulder, but there was no reflection of him in the mirror! The whole room behind me was displayed, but there was no sign of a man in it, except myself.

    [...] I saw that my cut had bled a little, and the blood was trickling over my chin. [...]. When the Count saw my face, his eyes blazed with a sort of demoniac fury, and he suddenly made a grab at my throat. I drew away and his hand touched the crucifix. e He withdrew without a word. [...]

    I went into the dining room, breakfast was prepared, but I could not find the Count anywhere. So I ate breakfast alone. It is strange that I have not yet seen the Count eat or drink. He must be a very peculiar man!

  • Extract from Dracula ( recorded by chibitalk ), Australian.

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  • Intro to the gothic genre (for students) ( recorded by jmgn ), american

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    Gothic literature can be described as a mixture of horror literature and romantic literature.

    In Gothic novels, the atmosphere is easily recognizable as it is filled with horror, anxiety, gloom and mystery.

    The characters are also nearly always faced with the supernatural. They can encounter creatures such as vampires, ghosts, skeletons, werewolves, zombies, or undead beings in general.

    As for the settings, the plot usually takes place in haunted houses, or old, often haunted, castles, or in places in a state of decay, like a graveyard.

    It is also usual for nature to play a big role in Gothic literature with elements such as storms, thunder, or fog often being present in Gothic works.

  • Intro to the gothic genre (for students) ( recorded by cogsjogs ), Scottish

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  • Hardly had the sun risen when the first passers-by appeared on the road. ( recorded by cogsjogs ), Scottish

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  • Cities ( recorded by jmgn ), american

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    Topic: Living in large cities today poses many problems for people. What are these problems? Should governments encourage more people to live in smaller towns?

    Model answer:

    More and more people live in cities today than at any point in the past, and this trend will likely continue into the future. This has resulted in many problems, including extreme overcrowding, and governments should take measures to make living outside cities more attractive.

    There are a wide range of drawbacks associated with the rise of modern cities, but one of the most obvious issues is related to population density. The large number of people crammed into a relatively small area has caused expensive housing, increased traffic and severe pollution. For example, apartment prices in mega-cities, such as Tokyo and New York, have soared to the point where only the wealthiest inhabitants can afford decent living standards. Regardless of financial status, all city dwellers have to deal with more and more traffic jams as the population increases while the area of cities remains fixed. Finally, all these people living and travelling in one place puts a tremendous strain on the environment and some cities, like Beijing in China, have become dangerously polluted.

    In my opinion, governments have a duty to encourage citizens to move to more rural areas. If cities continue to expand unabated, then the above problems will only get worse. We might one day find ourselves living in densely packed, heavily polluted cities that resemble scenes from a dystopian science fiction film. In order to prevent this from happening, the government can give tax breaks to companies that choose to locate offices and production facilities outside the city. This will provide more jobs for people who are willing to live in the countryside.

    In conclusion, the concerns related to overcrowding in cities can and should be somewhat countered by governments incentivising living in rural areas. If this is done then we may still face problems related to cities in the future, but at least they will not be as serious.


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