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English Recordings

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  • Women in Victorian England ( recorded by missdrapier ), unspecified accent

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    Girls’ education in Victorian England
    In the 19th century, during the reign of Queen Victoria from 1837 to 1901, girls received less education than boys. They were excluded from universities and could only obtain low-paid jobs. All professions that needed academic qualifications were closed to women. Excluded from all well-paid work women were forced into a very small range of occupations. Half were in domestic service and the rest were unskilled factory workers or agricultural labourers. The vast majority of women were working class. Born without a penny, they began working between the ages of about 8 to 12 and continued until marriage. Girls from the upper class were taught how to sew, cook, sing and play an instrument. In Victorian England, women were educated in “accomplishments” such as artistic talents (singing and dancing) and languages, in other words anything that would allow them to earn a husband and become the “Angels of the House”.

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  • Bullying ( recorded by farisr ), Massachusetts USA

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    Protect yourself from bullying!
    By saying nothing I just hurt myself.
    We shouldn't keep bullying to ourselves.
    My brother chose to separate himself from his friends because they were bullies.
    Victims of bullying must surround themselves with friends.
    You have to trust yourselves : you're strong, you can survive harassment.
    My girlfriend believed in herself; that stopped the bullies.
    People must do something about bullying: it's not going to resolve itself.

  • Bullying ( recorded by northernpanda ), Yorkshire

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    Protect yourself from bullying!
    By saying nothing I just hurt myself.
    We shouldn't keep bullying too ourselves.
    My brother chose to separate himself from his friends because they were bullies.
    Victims of bullying must surround themselves with friends.
    You have to trust yourselves : you're strong, you can survive harassment.
    My girlfriend believed in herself; that stopped the bullies.
    People must do something about bullying: it's not going to resolve itself.

88 Words / 1 Comments
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  • part 1: my work experience ( recorded by northernpanda ), Yorkshire

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    a) I study in a vocational high school
    b) I'm an apprentice
    c) I'm in electrical maintenance

    a) I'd like to talk about my work expérience
    b) I'd like to work after my degree
    c) I'd like to graduate with a higher national diploma

    a) I worked in a small company.
    b) I started at 8am
    c) My internship lasted one month
    d) I had a routine
    e) I had personal protective equipment
    f) my work placement wasn't interesting
    g) I enjoyed my work experience

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  • ELECRIC MAINTENANCE ( recorded by Jbou ), Southern United States (South Carolina)

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  • introductions questions ( recorded by Jbou ), Southern United States (South Carolina)

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