Would you try to make it a conversation between two people? Thank you in advance.
Radio host: This is Talk of the Nation. I'm Mohamed Berrashid welcoming you on the
English service of your favourite radio. We're at 021455461. And in the studio with us now is
Karim Bishi, Head of the Right-to-Know Association.
Radio host: how are you?
Bishi : Fine. Thanks for asking.
Radio host : Can you tell us a bit about the purpose of your association ?
Bishi: Well, our association is basically an anti-corruption body. Its chief purpose is to
make people aware of their right to know how- public funds are spent.
Radio host: And how did the idea of creating such an association crop up ?
Bishi: It all started with last year's Transparency International Report. You know, the report
published annually about the level of corruption in most countries of the world.
Radio host : Oh ! Is there anything special in that report to make you think about creating such an
Bishi: Well, yes. How shall I put it? When friends of mine and I read that report, we realized that
the least corrupted countries are those which have associations like our own. So I said to myself
it's high time we organised ourselves into an association to fight corruption.
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Radio host: So you think there are chances of winning the fight against corruption...?
Bishi : Yes. but only if we act swiftly and collectively. We will eradicate corruption
providing we act now. and I must add that the chances of eradicating this corruption will increase
as long as all countries are committed to fighting it. You see...
Radio host: Sorry to interrupt you, but should citizens be involved in this fight to stop
Bishi : Now, if you ask me, I will say that corruption is not the affair of the Government only.
So I think citizens had better stop shrugging their shoulders at bureaucratic abuse and waste.
They had better not say that the fight against corruption is not their own business because it is....
Radio host: Any other idea to close this interview?
Bishi : Well, I wish that our fellow citizens had heard our call for anti-corruption earlier than
now. I wish the present anti-corruption laws were tougher. And above all I wish our
government would pass a law giving citizens the right to know how public funds are spent and
the sooner the better!