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English Recordings

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  • join vs unite ( recorded by Coffeemachtspass ), American West Coast

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    We agreed that Jane would join us at King's Cross.
    We need an idea that can unite us.
    It took some time for the two halves of the bridge to join.
    You have a lovely voice. Why don't you join our choir?
    What do you think will happen if I join these two wires?
    The victory in the war united the nation and made it more hopeful.
    Mike dreams of joining the navy after he leaves school.
    James was a born leader and soon the party united behind him.
    Who would like to join me for a game of volleyball?
    Children, stand in a circle and join hands.
    England and Scotland united in 1707
    Why don't you join us for dinner tonight?
    I think in the modern world its important to unite and not to divide people.
    Oil and water will not unite.
    Wendy left her office and went to the cinema to join her friends there.
    Do you mind if I join you?
    When did the two parties unite?
    Julia wants to join the army, which I can't understand.
    We would like to welcome everybody who has joined the cruise today.
    Are you sure that these parties have united?
    Where do the two streams join?
    Andrew joined us for a walk.
    I think I will join the club of young ecologists.
    Paul is a member of a football team now, he joined it not long ago.

27 Words / 1 Comments
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  • Three sentences to record. (12/19 translation) ( recorded by farisr ), Massachusetts USA

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  • Three sentences to record. (12/19 translation) ( recorded by farisr ), Massachusetts USA

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  • emma watson ( recorded by rnp2014 ), American English

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    Nowadays, the fight for gender equality continues. In many countries, women don’t have the same rights as men. Among other things, they don’t have equal pay. Many women have decided to carry on the fight. One of them, Emma Watson, delivered a speech at the headquarters of the United Nations in September 2014 to remind us that men and women have to be set on an equal footing.
    This British actress is also the Ambassador of the campaign HeForShe which aims at ending gender inequality. The HeForShe solidarity movement was created by UN Women in June 2014. This campaign mobilizes people of every gender identity in the world as advocates of gender equality

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431 Words / 1 Comments
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  • Museum of Laziness opens in Colombia ( recorded by DBW ), Australian

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  • We agreed that Jane would join us at King's Cross. ( recorded by kirk19 ), american

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    We agreed that Jane would join us at King's Cross.
    We need an idea that can unite us.
    It took some time for the two halves of the bridge to join.
    You have a lovely voice. Why don't you join our choir?
    What do you think will happen if I join these two wires?
    The victory in the war united the nation and made it more hopeful.
    Mike dreams to join the navy after he leaves school.
    James was a born leader and soon the party united behind him.
    Who would like to join me for a game of volleyball?
    Children, stand in a circle and join your hands.
    England and Scotland united in 1707
    Why don't you join us for dinner tonight?
    I think that in the modern world it is important to unite and not to divide people.
    Oil and water will not unite.
    Wendy left her office and went to the cinema to join her friends there.

182 Words / 0 Comments
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713 Words / 2 Comments
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  • short sentences English ( recorded by Coffeemachtspass ), American West Coast

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    He pitched into me as soon as I arrived, asking where the work was.
    Cut flowers will soon wilt without water.
    After only an hour's hike they were beginning to wilt in the heat.
    We were stopped by two hulking security guards.
    How do you expect me to lift that hulking great box?
    The carpenter knocked off early to take his kid to baseball practice.
    A low branch knocked her off her horse.
    One of the side mirrors on the truck got knocked off.
    He was hell-bent on revenge.
    Babies like to gnaw hard objects when they're teething.
    A dog lay under the table, gnawing on a bone.
    I've been gnawed by guilt about not replying to her letter yet.
    The feeling that I've forgotten something has been gnawing at me all day.
    After dinner, I ensconced myself in an armchair with a book.
    She is fully ensconced in the Senate.
    He was ensconced in a large armchair in his warm living room.
    Off-label uses may include giving a drug for a disease other than the disease it is approved for, or for treating a child when the product is approved to treat adults.
    The lives of thousands of birds are in jeopardy as a result of the oil spill.
    The deal could be in jeopardy if it emerges the company is engaged in activities prohibited by the US government.
    He rummaged through the jumble of papers on his desk.
    Her clothes were all jumbled together in the suitcase.
    Enclosed is a brochure that highlights the benefits that you can receive as a corporate donor.
    They produced a brochure on healthy eating that was to be distributed in supermarkets.
    He ran into difficulties with his mortgage, building up more than £18,000 in arrears.
    The government is committed to the full and timely payment of its public debt and arrears.
    We'll have to see how things pan out.
    Their attempt to start a new business didn't pan out.
    They begrudged every day they had to stay with their father.
    He’s worked every weekend for the last three months, so you can’t begrudge him a little time off now.
    I had the car jacked up on blocks.
    Ad rates will be jacked up to $3600 a month.
    We had no idea which hotel would be best, so we just took pot luck with the first one on the list.
    Mary's welcome to stay for dinner if she doesn't mind taking pot luck.
    We invited all the neighbors over for a pot luck supper last night.
    Stop shilly-shallying and make a decision now!
    I didn't really know anyone at the party, so I felt like a misfit.
    I was a bit of a social misfit at college because I didn't like going out at night.
    Did you tattle on us to the teacher?
    My sojourn in the youth hostel was thankfully short.
    After a brief sojourn in Holland to study Sanskrit, he moved to India.
    The dinner party conversation faltered for a moment.
    Her friends never faltered in their belief in her.
    She did a bang-up job.
    The basement work area is filled with creative clutter.
    We want our message to stand out among the clutter of advertising.
    I try not to let my problems at work carry over into my private life.
    The competitive balance of the regular season has been carried over to the playoffs.
    Every chugger I speak to believes in the value of what he or she is doing, and that public hostility is just part of the job.
    She did a stencil of a rainbow on her daughter's bedroom wall.
    You greedy pig! You're not having another chocolate biscuit!
    It would be greedy to have another slice of cake.
    I knew William when he was still in diapers.
    I flunked my Biology exam.
    No one has owned up to stealing the money.
    A young nurse looked at the two men and waited for one of them to own up.
    Good posture makes your muscles more limber.
    His proposal to cut taxes was nothing but a campaign gimmick.
    Some Wall Street bankers say one-stop shopping is more of a marketing gimmick by the banks.
    The fan-voting element is little more than a gimmick that helps the network distinguish its own award show from others.


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