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English Recordings

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  • Working holiday in Canada ( recorded by matty0102 ), English (Canadian - Toronto), French (Canadian - Montréal)

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    I've had so much fun ! My experience with global was so easy ! The team was very organized which made my trip a piece of cake. Moreover, I've had so much fun and met some wonderful people along the way.

    Loved every day. I had such an amazing time here ! I had my very first white Christmas, I also learnt how to snowboard and ice-skate. That's why I would recommend it to anyone wanting a new adventure !

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  • Franck ( recorded by deleted ), unspecified accent

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    He's got a long square face and short black hair.
    He's got a small nose,small ears, and a big smile--but he is ugly.
    He's very tall and very big.
    His feet are very big too.
    He's got a white and blue shirt; a red tie and a blue suit; a blue blazer and blue trousers. Who is Frank ?

  • Franck ( recorded by deleted ), unspecified accent

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  • Franck ( recorded by Owain78 ), London, Neapolitan

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    He's got a long square face and short black hair.He's got a small nose,small ears, and a big smile but he is ugly.
    He's very tall and very big. His feet are very big too. He's got a white and blue shirt; a red tie and a blue suit : a blue blazer and blue trousers. Who is Franck ?

  • Franck ( recorded by skfh82 ), Washington, DC (USA)

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    He's got a long square face and short black hair. He's got a small nose, small ears, and a big smile but he is ugly.
    He's very tall and very big. His feet are very big too. He's got a white and blue shirt; a red tie and a blue suit; a blue blazer and blue trousers. Who is Frank?

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  • a debate ( recorded by rnp2014 ), American English

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    Three business friends conversing over a cup of tea.

    BOB: So what do you think of the social responsibility of businesses, George?
    GEORGE: In my opinion, the social responsibility of a business is to increase its profits. I mean that companies must make as much money as possible because shareholders, i.e companies expect maximum profit from their investments. Naturally, these companies must conform to the basic rules of society.

    BOB: What do you mean by conforming to the basic rules of society?
    GEORGE: Companies, for example, must conform to the law obliging companies to reduce pollution when doing business to a certain amount without spending extra money.

    BOB: Right. I see that for you, George, the only ethical obligation of business is to act within the law and to make profits.
    GEORGE: Yes, I think that all companies should make profits. As the old saying goes, “BUSINESS IS BUSINESS”. So, any other ethical considerations are unbusinesslike.

    BOB: Your reactions to George’s opinion, Mark?
    MARK: I’m sorry, but I hold a completely different view about what the social responsibility of business should be. For me, the business of a company is not only to do business but it has responsibilities to all its stakeholders. I mean its suppliers, its customers, its employees, the local community, and society in general, as well as its shareholders.

    BOB: Can you give us an example?
    MARK: Companies should not be interested in profits only. They ought to be managed for the benefit of all its stakeholders. As a shareholder myself, I prefer to receive lower profits but live in a society with less pollution or less employment and fewer social problems.

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  • ancient phoenicia ( recorded by Coffeemachtspass ), American West Coast

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    Now, I'm going to talk to you about the Phoenicians. Originally, these skillful sailors and traders, who brought us the alphabet, used to live in the desert, in what is known as Jordan today. But, in the course of time, they managed to win a home for themselves along the eastern shore of the Mediterranean. That was just to the north of Palestine, in a land which was known as Phoenicia and which is called Lebanon, nowadays.
    In the desert, the Phoenicians led a nomadic life. When they arrived in
    Phoenicia, they adopted more settled ways and quickly became town-dwellers. But they remained wanderers at heart. Earlier, they had wandered endlessly over the sands on their camels, now they took to ships and began to wander endlessly over the sea.
    At first, it is true, they were much less famous as traders and seamen than Ancient Greeks. For quite a long time, they kept to the coasts and refused to sail out into the open Mediterranean. Down to about 1200 B.C, most of their trade was with Ancient Egypt, which they were able to reach by following their own shoreline southwards. But by 1000 B.C. they had sailed from one end of the Mediterranean to the other, bartering their goods everywhere.
    Commerce became the Phoenicians' life. So they didn't limit their trade to the" Great Green", I mean, the Mediterranean Sea. Soon they had sailed through the Straits of Gibraltar onto the Atlantic Ocean all the way to today's England.
    When Phoenicians traveled over these vast areas, they didn't simply do business. They founded trading posts and cities like Carthage in Tunisia. And lcosium (Algiers) and Hippo (Annaba), in present-day Algeria. They also spread ideas and inventions. One invention which was of particular importance for human civilization, and which was spread by the Phoenicians, was alphabetic writing. The Phoenicians needed a practical system of writing to help their international trade, and an alphabet was the solution. Their alphabet was probably adapted from Egyptian hieroglyphics. The Phoenician alphabet was eventually adopted - and adapted - by the Greeks and later by the Romans. By the way, the Greek word byblos "book", was taken from Byblos, a Phoenician city which exported papyrus. Do you know what this city is called today?

    (Adapted from Victor Skipp, Out of the Ancient World)

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  • ancient phoenicia ( recorded by Coffeemachtspass ), American West Coast

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    now, I'm going to talk about the phoenicians.originally, these skillful sailors and traidors

    Corrected version:
    Now I'm going to talk about the Phoenicians. Originally, these skillful sailors and traders...
    [Spelling and punctuation errors]

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  • Magic flower (with story cubes) ( recorded by ericaanstey15 ), Southern American English

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    Magic flower (with story cubes)

    One beautiful snowy evening shortly before the New Year I went to the shop for Christmas decorations.
    There was one old lady before me in line. She looked about hundred years old. She had 5 big heavy bags full of presents. I offered to help her with the bags and walked her to her house.
    To thank me she gave me a wish- granting flower. It was very beautiful. It had 8 petals, and they all were different colors.

    When I came home I locked myself in my room, plucked the blue petal and made my first wish: “To go to the cinema and watch the cartoon “How to train your dragon 3” right now!”
    That was awesome!

    After that I plucked the red petal and wished for being a princess and living in a big castle.

    My third wish was to have a superpower and hear what other people think, and I plucked the yellow petal.

    For the fourth wish I plucked the orange one and flew to Dubai for to weeks to swim in the sea and have fun.

    In two weeks I got homesick and plucked the green petal to go back home. I met my friends and told them mg incredible story.
    They were very excited and happy for me.
    To celebrate I plucked the purple petal and wished for a huge barbecue for our big company. That was my sixth wish.

    After the dinner we decided to spend the seventh petal to make everyone happy!

    When we were saying goodbye we saw a black cat that crossed our way. I looked at my flower. There was only one petal left, white. I plucked it and made my last wish: “I want my friends and I to always be super lucky! Hurray!”

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