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English Recordings

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  • working as a volunteer part 2 ( recorded by Jbou ), Southern United States (South Carolina)

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    Vocabulary : listen and repeat

    1. To recommend volunteering :
    2. To strongly recommend volunteering :
    3. To join a program with a charity :
    4. To volunteer for a Non Governmental Organization :
    5. To provide education to children :
    6. To get a ta
    ste of a different culture :
    7. To make the world a better place :
    8. to meet people :
    9. To work as a volunteer abroad :

    Adjectives to describe volunteering experience :

    1.Amazing 2.enriching 3. different 4.great

    5.A moving and unique experience

    6. an unforgettable experience

    7.a lifetime experience

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  • working as a volunteer part 1 ( recorded by cpark44321 ), Californian

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    Working as a volunteer: a testimony

    Part 1:

    Aline Sternberg is 24 years old. She (studies )social sciences .She (lives in ) Belgium. She (joined a program with) « Volunteers Without Borders » in India (to provide) education to children from slum areas.

    Part 2:

    Aline strongly (recommends) that people ( volunteer) abroad or internationally because it’s an amazing and (moving ) experience and because you can (meet) great people, you can (get a taste of) a different culture and above all (make )the world (a better place).

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88 Words / 3 Comments
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  • Olympic race ( recorded by Coffeemachtspass ), American West Coast

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    Standing and waiting for the race to begin

    I’m getting quite nervous.

    Am I going to win?

    Crouching down low, I wait for the gun


    There it goes.

    We’re starting to run.

    My heart is pounding; I’m going to burst

    Come on legs keep going,

    I want to come first.

    Just one last effort, I pass the line.

    Am I first, last, where am I?

    What’s my time?

    I stand on the podium,

    proud and bold.

    I’m wearing my medal.

    An Olympic Gold!

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126 Words / 2 Comments
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  • Tongue Twister ( recorded by melveetas ), Canadian

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    Three Swedish switched witches watch three Swiss Swatch watch switches. Which Swedish switched witch watches which Swiss Swatch watch switch?

  • Tongue Twister ( recorded by lgarner ), Southern

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    Three Swedish switched witches watched three Swiss Swatch watch switches. Which Swedish switched witch watch which Swiss Swatch watched switch?

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  • Back from London ( recorded by carthur ), British, Northern Irish

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    Hi John!

    Let me tell you about my trip to London with my parents!

    It was fantastic! I had a wonderful time! We visited a lot of museums: the British Museum was really interesting, I loved the Egyptian gallery! Madame Tussaud’s Wax Museum was great fun with all the statues of famous people, and I learned many things at the Science Museum!

    I didn’t see the Changing of the Guards. Instead, I saw foot guards and I tried to make them laugh but they were so serious, I didn’t succeed. I also saw The Palace of Westminster, where the Houses of Parliament are, and visited Westminster Abbey and, hum… oh, yes ! … then I went shopping on Oxford Street. I bought a lot of new clothes!

    We went for walk in Hyde Park and I gave food to the squirrels, they were very cute!

    We stayed in a very nice hotel near Picadilly Circus and at the end of the trip, I went to a pub with my parents and we ate a delicious meal of fish and chips! My parents drank beer and I drank coke.

    I bought a little souvenir for you, I can’t wait to give it to you!

  • Back from London ( recorded by Gozira ), American

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    Hi John !

    Let me tell you about my trip to London with my parents !

    It was fantastic ! I had a wonderful time ! We visited a lot of museums : the British Museum was really interesting, I loved the Egyptian gallery ! Mme Tussaud’s Wax Museum was great fun with all the statues of famous people and I learned many things in the Science Museum !

    I didn’t see the Changing of the Guards. Instead, I saw foot guards and I tried to make them laugh but they were so serious, I didn’t succeed. I also saw The Palace of Westminster where the Houses of Parliament are and visited Westminster Abbey and, hum… oh, yes ! … then I went shopping on Oxford Street. I bought a lot of new clothes !

    We went for walk in Hyde Park and I gave food to the squirrels, they were very cute !

    We stayed in a very nice hotel near Picadilly Circus and at the end of the trip, I went to a pub with my parents and we ate a delicious meal of fish and chips ! My parents drank beer and I drank coke.

    I bought a little souvenir for you. I can’t wait to give it to you !!

206 Words / 0 Comments
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