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English Recordings

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  • T.Rex stalked Australia, albeit a mini-me version ( recorded by tofugu ), unspecified accent

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  • T.Rex stalked Australia, albeit a mini-me version ( recorded by Thomas ), American (Texas)

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  • Farmer Discovers Fossil of Ant-Eating Dinosaur ( recorded by hhllangues ), American (Californian), Hong Kong

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  • Farmer Discovers Fossil of Ant-Eating Dinosaur ( recorded by Thomas ), American (Texas)

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  • Seattle zoo's oldest animal euthanized ( recorded by Keith ), American

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  • Seattle zoo's oldest animal euthanized ( recorded by melitu ), American English (Northeastern)

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  • Seattle zoo's oldest animal euthanized ( recorded by MBBC ), Received English

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  • Even after dark, sun helps bats get home: study ( recorded by incorporeality ), Pacific-Northwest American

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  • Even after dark, sun helps bats get home: study ( recorded by Thomas ), American (Texas)

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  • Activist floods lawmakers' inboxes; they retaliate ( recorded by 0range ), Northeast US

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  • Activist floods lawmakers' inboxes; they retaliate ( recorded by chiizupan ), American English (Hawaii/West Coast)

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  • Activist floods lawmakers' inboxes; they retaliate ( recorded by Daniel ), Australian English

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  • Canada police apologize for Polish immigrant's death ( recorded by 0range ), Northeast US

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  • Canada police apologize for Polish immigrant's death ( recorded by mysterycheez ), Western Canadian

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  • Canada police apologize for Polish immigrant's death ( recorded by Daniel ), Australian English

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  • Central Africa troops kills 3 rebels: officer ( recorded by sinosplice ), American

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  • Central Africa troops kills 3 rebels: officer ( recorded by Thomas ), American (Texas)

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  • Central Africa troops kills 3 rebels: officer ( recorded by Daniel ), Australian English

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  • Peru landslides kill 28, leave 25 others missing ( recorded by incorporeality ), Pacific-Northwest American

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  • Peru landslides kill 28, leave 25 others missing ( recorded by Thomas ), American (Texas)

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  • Peru landslides kill 28, leave 25 others missing ( recorded by Daniel ), Australian English

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