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English Recordings

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  • questions ( recorded by Scar_Bear ), American

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    What’s your name ?
    How are you ?
    How old are you ?
    Where were you born ?
    Where do you live ?
    How many brothers and sisters do you have ?
    Do you h
    ave any brothers or sisters ?
    Where are you from ?
    What’s your nationality ?
    What are you like ?
    What do you like ?

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529 Words / 0 Comments
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  • the commonwealth countries some countries specificites ( recorded by Chika ), American; Nigerian

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    Number 1:
    Canada is famous for its:
    maple leaf
    its national sport hockey on ice
    and its national animal the beaver

    India in the Ocean Ocean is famous for
    its beautiful landmark the Taj Mahal,
    its national animal the Bengal Tiger and its rickshaw

    New Zealand is popular for
    its kiwi the fruit and because it's the New Zealanders nicknames,
    it's famous for its Maori culture too and its national sport the rugby with the talented All Blacks

    what about South Africa, Jamaica and your island! what are they famous for?

61 Words / 0 Comments
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120 Words / 2 Comments
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  • classroom situations ( recorded by AnjaliAngel ), American west

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    Situation 1:
    Teacher please, I really feel bad, I have a stomachache and feel like throwing up and I can’t wait, it’s an emergency. Can I go to the nurse ?

    Situation 2
    Teacher, the sun is shining and there is a reflection on the board. I can't see anything…can I close the shutters ?

    Situation 3
    Oh My Gosh!! It stinks in there! Can I open the window please? I can't cope with that horrible smell!

    Situation 4
    Tom ! What are you doing standing in front of the board! The pupils can't see the board; can you step aside ?

    Situation 5
    Teacher the text is too small, I can't read the board! Can you zoom in?

160 Words / 0 Comments
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  • Recipe reading ( recorded by FabioF ), brazilian portuguese, american english

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  • Pets ( recorded by Wataru ), アメリカ英語 US Accent

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    I have a big dog named Max, two cats, Luna and Stella, and nine goldfish. I don't really know their names, because they all look the same!

95 Words / 1 Comments
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193 Words / 0 Comments
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