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English Recordings

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  • Ireland ( recorded by TheKingBigfoot ), Irish

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    Ireland is famous for its music. We have traditional Irish music. We have dancing celebrations to this music. This is called a Céilí and is pronounced ‘kaylee’. The women wear clog shoes and dance very quickly. Our most famous traditional Irish dance is River dance. Music and theatre is a very strong part of the Irish culture. In most pubs you will find people playing and singing old Irish songs.
    When the sun shines our country is beautiful
    Lovely talking with you! See you soon!

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  • some counties symbol 1 ( recorded by yapjinai ), New York

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    Number 1: I'm the national symbol of Canada; I'm the maple leaf.
    Number 2: I'm a famous landmark in India: I'm the Taj Mahal.
    Number 3: I'm the national sport of Canada; I'm ice hockey.
    Number 4: I'm the national emblem of Canada; I'm an animal. I'm the beaver.
    Number 5: I'm part of the history of New Zealand; I'm the Maori culture.
    Number 6 : I'm a legend in Jamaica. I'm Bob Marley and my music is reggae.
    Number 7:: I'm a popular means of transportation in India. I'm the rickshaw.
    Number 8: I'm a famous rugby team in New Zealand; I'm the All Blacks

    Number 9: I'm an island where there are sunny beaches and beautiful wildlife; I'm Jamaica.
    Number 10: I'm the kiwi. I'm a fruit and a bird! I'm in New Zealand!
    Number 11: I'm the national emblem of India; I'm an animal. I'm the Bengal tiger.
    Number 12: I'm a famous runner; my nickname is "Lightning Bolt." I'm from Jamaica.

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  • Women are invoking the witch to find their power in a patriarchal society ( recorded by cbilyeu ), American - Midwest/Neutral

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  • 30 days has September ( recorded by cbilyeu ), American - Midwest/Neutral

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  • 30 days has September ( recorded by PabLoLA ), American

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  • 30 days has September ( recorded by PabLoLA ), American

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    30 days has September

    Thirty days has September
    April, June and November
    All the rest have thirty-one
    February is the only one
    With twenty-eight days on most years
    And twenty-nine in each leap year.

    Thirty days hath September
    April, June, and November
    All the rest have thirty-one,
    Except February which has 28.
    But leap year comes once in four,
    February then has one day more.

190 Words / 3 Comments
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  • dialogues for gap-fillers ( recorded by ottersloth ), Midland

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    Helen: Hello! Can I come in?
    Peter: …Uh… , yeah, sure.
    Helen: …Listen…, I’ve got wonderful news. I’ve got two tickets for the football game!
    Peter: ... Oh Really… . …Well… , that’s great, …I mean… fantastic, for you.
    Helen: Fantastic for us! …Wait a minute… , do you mean you can’t come with me?
    Peter: …Well… I’m afraid I can’t. …You see… , I have to help Tom, ... you know..., my neighbour.
    Helen: …Oh… , … I see … That’s really …
    Peter: Yeah… too bad.

    Betty: Kenny! What happened to the car?!
    Kenny: …Well… I had a little problem with it…
    Betty: A little problem! …Look..., the front of the car is completely smashed.
    Kenny: I only to
    ok it to go to the movie theater.
    Betty: …Okay, and then .....
    Kenny: …Well… , then I wanted to brake at the stop sign…
    Betty: ……Uh huh… , …so…
    Kenny: Then… It didn’t stop and I ran into a car.
    Betty: It didn't stop? Come on! You were looking at your phone, weren't you!
    Kenny: No really, it didn't stop! Anyway it’s all your fault! You didn’t repair the

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