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English Audio Request

326 Words / 1 Recordings / 0 Comments
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1. Some Korean artists suggest that the process of making hanji, hand-made Korean paper,reflects. In fact, you might say that people’s day-to-day existence is shown in this paper-making process. The process starts when the branches of a tree are cut off. The branches then go through a complex process to become strong and flexible paper. They are steamed, boiled, and then washed many times to remove any impure materials. They are also beaten for several hours. The more they are beaten, the stronger they actually become. This is similar to people getting wiser and more disciplined by overcoming the difficulties and hardships they encounter day after day.

Different groups develop ideas in different ways. In successful groups, individuals are encouraged to produce imaginative and original ideas and share them with others. In unsuccessful groups, individual members are not encouraged to do so. Instead, they are always asked to do groupthink. In the beginning, there are no differences in the abilities and qualities among the members of these two kinds of groups. However, in the end, the groups which encourage individual members to will prosper, whereas those which do not will fail. Therefore, group leaders must learn this lesson and put it into practice in order to achieve productive and positive results.

Many difficulties and much stress today come from our thinking that there is not enough time. Time itself remains unchanged in the sense that it carries on in the same way as it has for millions of years. We need to see that it is circumstances that are different and that our increased workloads put too much pressure upon us. However, most of us try to adjust our attitudes and behaviors to a rapid pace of living and working. The secret lies not in finding smart ways to do more, but in how we manage the relationship between the things we have to do and the time available to do them in.




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