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English Audio Request

329 Words / 1 Recordings / 1 Comments
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Thank you so much guys.
It really really definetely helps me ^^
You guys are awesome.

I want to listen to and practice lots of prononciation and accents so it would be great more than 1 recordings. Whomever, please record my post anytime, anywhere. The number of recording isn't matter.

When you have a time you would add recordings in my ex-posts I really appreciate you.
Even we met each other in on-line, I feel the karma with you guys.

Please I hope you don't forget even 1 post.
My post consist of 18-50 in a year, and each post consist of 3 numbers like 18,19,20.

I love you guys ^^

Mathematics definitely influenced Renaissance art. Renaissance art was different from the art in the Middle Ages in many ways. Prior to the Renaissance, objects in paintings were flat and symbolic rather than real in appearance. Artists during the Renaissance reformed painting. They wanted objects in paintings to be represented with accuracy. Mathematics was used to portray the essential form of objects in perspective, as they appeared to the human eye. Renaissance artists achieved perspective using geometry, which resulted in a naturalistic, precise, three-dimensional representation of the real world. The application of mathematics to art, particularly in paintings, was one of the primary characteristics of Renaissance art.

The number of foreigners interested in the Korean language has increased dramatically over the past few years because of the success of Korean firms overseas and growing interest in Korean culture. For example, many Chinese students have become interested in Korean as they plan to work for Korean firms, which offer better opportunities and pay. The total number of foreign students attending Korean language programs has increased to more than 30,000 in Seoul alone this year from about 4,700 at the end of last year. People speaking Korean have long been limited mostly to those from the peninsula. It is no wonder few people ever imagined that the country’s language might one day become popular in the international community

A long time ago, a dissatisfied horse asked the gods for longer, thinner legs, a neck like a swan, and a saddle that would grow upon him. Right away, the merciful gods changed him into a creature having all the new features. But although they had looked attractive separately, the entire assembly shocked him, for he found that he had been changed into an ugly camel. “There now,” said the gods, “all your wishes are granted, and you will now live as you’ve wished all your life.” Remember! Not all change is good. You should be satisfied with what you have.



June 28, 2010

Thank you so much!!


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