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English Audio Request

478 Words / 1 Recordings / 2 Comments
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Hello guys, I would like to ask you to record these phrases, they are about common expressions from American TV series. The thing is, I love English, I study flashcards with audio every single day and I want to develop a perfect pronunciation. Thanks in advance! By the way, you can read the more casual way possible, Okay?

The company gave a raise across the board.

The company is proposing to cut spending right across the board.

We used to go out a lot, but recently she’s been blowing me off.

It wasn’t right for you to just blow off an old friend the way you did.

She was really rude to me but let’s chalk it up to her having
gotten up so early in the morning, because she’s really a nice

Let’s chalk this all up to lack of experience.

I want to get a jump on my Christmas shopping because I don’t want to get stuck in stores all day long.

If I leave work early on Fridays I can get a jump on the traffic.

I really want this relationship, Simon, and I’m prepared to work at it but you have to meet me halfway.

My boss wanted me to work late this week and I needed to have a
day off next week, so we met halfway and everything was all right.

Mary has been on pins and needles over her final grades.

We were on pins and needles until we heard that your plane had landed safely.

No one knows you crashed the party so you play it cool and wait for me to get there.

Don’t get so worked up, play it cool and you’ll see how things are
going to calm down.

He was so bent out of shape when he found out his brother had
taken his car without asking him.

He got so bent out of shape I thought he’d never recover.
Ele estava tão drogado que pensei que ele não fosse se recuperar.

He’s bummed out because his best friend is going to move away.

Listen to me carefully: if you feel bummed out, think of how much you’ve done so far.

What’s that dirtbag doing in my birthday party?

Tell that dirtbag never to call me again.

There’s no way I’m going to do this, fat chance!

Fat chance of that ever happening.

I’ve been teaching for 20 years, I might know a thing or two about it.

The police went to talk to Jane, she might know a thing or two about the murder.

Jack, hi, it’s Susan. Sorry but I guess I won’t be able to make it tonight. I’ve got lots of work to catch up on.

He lives so far away and has to take the subway and two trains to get here. Do you think he’ll be able to make it?

Don’t tell anything to Pete. He’ll narc on you any chance he has.

Please, don’t narc on me to Mom. She’s gonna freak out when she finds out I flunked.

He called his younger brother to pick him up because he was on the lam.

They spent six days on the lam before being arrested in Wyoming.


  • 15 common expressions from American TV series ( recorded by hstryk ), Northeastern

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    Corrected Text

    The company gave a raise across the board.

    The company is proposing to cut spending right across the board.

    We used to go out a lot, but recently she’s been blowing me off.

    It wasn’t right for you to just blow off an old friend the way you did.

    She was really rude to me but let’s chalk it up to her having
    gotten up so early in the morning, because she’s really a nice

    Let’s chalk this all up to lack of experience.

    I want to get a jump on my Christmas shopping because I don’t want to get stuck in stores all day long.

    If I leave work early on Fridays I can get a jump on the traffic.

    I really want this relationship, Simon, and I’m prepared to work at it but you have to meet me halfway.

    My boss wanted me to work late this week and I needed to have a
    day off next week, so we met halfway and everything was all right.

    Mary has been on pins and needles over her final grades.

    We were on pins and needles until we heard that your plane had landed safely.

    No one knows you crashed the party so you play it cool and wait for me to get there.

    Don’t get so worked up, play it cool and you’ll see how things are
    going to calm down.

    He was so bent out of shape when he found out his brother had
    taken his car without asking him.

    He got so bent out of shape I thought he’d never recover.

    He’s bummed out because his best friend is going to move away.

    Listen to me carefully: if you feel bummed out, think of how much you’ve done so far.

    What’s that dirtbag doing at my birthday party?

    Tell that dirtbag never to call me again.

    There’s no way I’m going to do this, fat chance!

    Fat chance of that ever happening.

    I’ve been teaching for 20 years, I might know a thing or two about it.

    The police went to talk to Jane, she might know a thing or two about the murder.

    Jack, hi, it’s Susan. Sorry but I guess I won’t be able to make it tonight. I’ve got lots of work to catch up on.

    He lives so far away and has to take the subway and two trains to get here. Do you think he’ll be able to make it?

    Don’t tell anything to Pete. He’ll narc on you any chance he has.

    Please, don’t narc on me to Mom. She’s gonna freak out when she finds out I flunked.

    He called his younger brother to pick him up because he was on the lam.

    They spent six days on the lam before being arrested in Wyoming.


Oct. 7, 2015

Simply amazing! Thanks!

Oct. 7, 2015

These were fun to read!