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Malay Audio Request

82 Words / 1 Recordings / 1 Comments

1.1 Hi. Hai.

1.2 Hello. Hello.

1.3 How are you? Apa khapar?

1.4 Fine. Khabar baik.

1.5 What is your name? Siapa nama awak?

1.6 My name is____. Nama saya ____.

1.7 Nice to meet you. Saya gembira jumpa awak.

1.8 Please. Sila.

1.9 Thank you. Terima kasih.

1.10 How much is this? Berapa harganya ini?

1.11 Where's the toilet? Dimana tandas?

1.12.1 Cheap. Murah.

1.12.2 Expensive. Mahal.

1.13 Please stop here. Sila berhenti di sini.

1.14.1 Left. Kiri.

1.14.2 Right. Kanan.


  • Basic phrases in Malay ( recorded by haf_demon ), Modern Malaysian Malay (KL)

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    Corrected Text

    1.1 Hi. Hai.

    1.2 Hello. Hello.

    1.3 How are you? Apa khabar?

    1.4 Fine. Khabar baik.

    1.5 What is your name? Siapa nama awak?

    1.6 My name is____. Nama saya ____.

    1.7 Nice to meet you. Gembira bertemu kamu (synonym for awak). (We don't normally say nice to meet you equivalent after introducing ourselves)

    1.8 Please. Sila/Silakan.

    1.9 Thank you. Terima kasih.

    1.10 How much is this? Berapa harga barang ini?

    1.11 Where's the toilet? Dimana tandas?

    1.12.1 Cheap. Murah.

    1.12.2 Expensive. Mahal.

    1.13 Please stop here. Sila berhenti di sini.

    1.14.1 Left. Kiri.

    1.14.2 Right. Kanan.


Jan. 20, 2016

Terima kasih!


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