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English Audio Request

162 Words / 0 Recordings / 0 Comments
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Hi! I'm looking for someone to show me how lyrics I've written for a piece would sound in Received Pronunciation/Queen's English.

I'm trying to record them for an introduction piece I'm working on, however I'm not sure on some of the RP I would need to use. Additionally, once released, credit for the advice and training given on RP would be credited in the song credits, should the advisor wish so. Thanks in advance!

Music; the Great Communicator amongst mankind - a language felt and not spoken. Add to this poetry and lyrics and together they create one of the truest and most effective forms of self-expression imaginable.

Let it be known, that there is tranquility, contentment, joy and confidence to be found with music. There has also, however, been noted ire, avarice, lachrymosity and fear; negative counterparts to the aforementioned beautiful traits.

So, what is it that I find most poignant about the Great Communicator? Well, these traits connect us all, as does music; they all connect us in one way or another; uniting us, linking us in our lives.

But what about me?

Well, I could write down my innermost thoughts and feelings onto lined paper, articulately and with clarity, only to scrunch them up and toss them across my room into the waste-paper basket; sadly, this is the only way my pains and ails will ever truly be received in times most critical.


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