Natural speed please.
Scotland is located in the United Kingdom. It is in the North of Great Britain. The Scottish flag is blue and white. The capital of Scotland is called Edinburgh; it’s in the East of the country. Glasgow is also a big Scottish city. The symbol of Scotland is a thistle.
In Scotland we can see a lot of different things; a lot of sheep, some men wearing kilts and playing the bagpipe, and lots of big and wonderful castles. It’s a beautiful and mysterious country! In the Loch Ness, there is a monster called Nessie, but maybe she is just a legend…
The landscape in Scotland is amazing! There are a lot of lakes called “lochs” and some mountains. The highest mountain is called Ben Nevis.
In Scotland, the weather is very cold! It’s often raining and the sky is often grey. Sometimes it can be sunny and warm but only in the summer. In Scotland it’s colder than in France. In the South of Scotland it’s less cold than is the North.
To protect them from the cold, Scottish people wear really warm clothes like coats, or jumpers. They also need an umbrella, a hat, gloves and rain boots.
Sometimes, for special occasions, Scottish people wear a costume. The Scottish traditional costume is a kilt, big white socks, black shoes called ghillies and a special hat.
Scottish people eat haggis which is a typical meat. Some people don’t like eat. They also eat soup because it’s very cold. For breakfast, they have baked beans, eggs, toast and black pudding. It’s very similar to the English breakfast. Scottish food looks delicious!
Go to Scotland, it’s a beautiful country if you like adventure!