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English Audio Request

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Teenage alternate juror wearing 'Who the f--- is Kanye West' shirt gets boot

Hermann for NewsNneka Eneorji was dismissed as a teenage alternate juror after showing up to court wearing the shirt above. Related NewsArticlesIraq war veteran Walter Harvin went downhill after beating, mom testifiesMoments before an NYPD housing cop accused of beating an Iraq War veteran took the witness stand at his trial, an angry Manhattan judge dismissed a teenage alternate juror whose shirt was emblazoned with the f-word.

"Who the f--- is Kanye West," read Nneka Eneorji's black shirt, referring to the rap superstar who made headlines dissing hit singer Taylor Swift at the MTV Video Music Awards.

Supreme Court Justice Thomas Farber demanded to know why she thought it was appropriate to wear that to court - eliciting a shrug from Eneorji.

"That is why I wore a sweater over it," the medical student said outside the courtroom. "I guess [the judge] couldn't take it anymore."

Only a few minutes after she was dismissed, Officer David London took the witness stand - offering testimony peppered with the f-word.

"I'm going to f---ing kill you," London said Walter Harvin, 30, screamed over and over as he tried to stop Harvin from entering his mother's W. 93rd St. building without a key.

London was caught on a surveillance camera striking Harvin dozens of times with a police baton during the July 2008 arrest.



June 26, 2010

It was a little confusing to read with that "Related News" part mixed in with the 2nd paragraph.


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