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English Audio Request

198 Words / 1 Recordings / 2 Comments
Note to recorder:

hello, I need a North American accent, please, not too marked, and rather juvenile if possible. Not too fast, and try to convey how fed up you are with the tourists who never listen ;-)
If you are male, change the name to Brad Shaw please !

My name is Linda Collins, and I’m a junior ranger at Yellowstone National Park. It’s great ! What I prefer is rescuing animals, but I also enjoy helping tourists. The most important job I do is, I think, keeping the park clean. For example, a few days ago, I removed some graffiti from rocks, and I collected rubbish which some visitors had left next to Old Faithful geyser.
Oh, these tourists … they always get into trouble ! They never follow the rules ! For example, we tell them : you mustn’t take anything from the park, and you must always carry bear spray, and you must never hike alone.
Well would you believe it ? Last week, another hiker was attacked by a black bear ; he was alone, and didn’t have his bear spray ….. luckily, a ranger was close so he was saved, but sometimes it doesn’t end as well.
Anyway, I just love being a ranger, and I love my park : it’s the most beautiful park in the world, and it’s the oldest in the world. You should visit it some day, but don’t forget : you must take care of it !


  • junior ranger at yellowstone park ( recorded by Kforster ), American English, midatlantic

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Jan. 27, 2023

Someone from the US would probably say "trash" instead of "rubbish" but I did not change it in case that was a specific word you wanted.

Jan. 30, 2023

thank you very much !